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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
What Would You Plant Here?
Hello home gardeners, I need your suggestions! You see a couple years ago my dad helped me build the Blue Garden Shed. One of the things I was eager to install was a green roof but I determined that I didn’t have the knowledge or the money at the time to do it correctly. As s substitute one of the…
Blossom End Rot and What To Do
When the fruit first begins to form in your vegetable garden you may notice a condition where the blossom ends of the fruit turns brown to black then begins to rot away. This can happen to a number of different vegetable garden producers like tomatoes, squash, peppers, and more. Aptly named “Blossom End Rot”, this condition is nothing to be…
April is for Awesome Blooms!
Spring is hitting us full force right now in mid April. Flowers are blooming everywhere! The mailbox garden is covered in spring time flowers and in just about every other garden is a spot of color to talk about. This post is plant and garden photo heavy so be prepared! April Blooms in the Mailbox Garden We’ll start the garden…
We’re Not at Peak Yet, But We’re Close
I always wonder exactly when the colors are going to peak. It always seems though that you never quite have it figured out until you’re actually past peak. With that in mind are our fall color peaking? Are the color changing maples, oaks, and sassafras at the height of their autumn radiance? Hopefully not but we’ll see. Looking out over…
A New Branch
Since changing my URL to www.growingthehomegarden.com from thehomegarden.blogspot.com over the summer I’ve realized that I have been under-utilizing my fancy new domain name. There’s this whole concept of subdomains that can fit right in with your main domain that can really enable blogs to branch out in different directions, which is what I’m in the process of working on right…
A New Camera is on Its Way!
Today I did something I’ve been thinking about for a while, I ordered a new camera! My old camera has been great, it’s an Olympus D-560, but I’ve been thinking that it was about time for an upgrade. I began taking quite a few garden pictures when I started up this blog back in October 2007 and would like to…
Aphid Alert
While aphids are easy to deal with they are definitely a nuisance! I discovered these on our hostas the other day feasting on the flower stalks. Aphids are easy to find, just look for the ants. Ants are opportunistic little insects that love a sweet and easy meal that the aphids provide. When the aphids begin to feed on the…
What’s Growing in My Garden?
I’m glad you asked! I’ve been updating you on the status of the raised bed garden over the last several days but I have mostly written about the structure of the garden like the mulched paths. I haven’t really written about what is growing in there. It’s time to remedy the situation! The first picture is a little radish sprout….
My Vegetable Garden is Started!
Lately I’ve been working on getting everything up and running with my vegetable garden. I followed the raised bed layout I made and filled the beds several weeks ago. I’ve already planted lettuce, tomatoes, marigolds, peppers, beans, cucumbers, watermelon, catmint, and squash. In the picture to the right you can see the little cucumber sprouts popping up through the soil….
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From Tennessee to the Blue Ridge Mountains
Today is a great day for fall color here in Tennessee. I went outside a few minutes ago and took some pictures for my Garden Blogger Fall Color Project Post which will come later this week. We also have a hat trick of fall color from several Tennessee bloggers!Peaceful and tranquil beauty grace the grounds of Gail’s Garden, the blogger…
Thinking About The Future Vegetable Garden
Recently I went over to our property and filmed a short video showing where our vegetable garden could eventually be. It’s fun to imagine the good that the future holds but at the same time it’s frustrating that we aren’t already digging in that dirt! I have all kinds of ideas in mind for the gardens. Edible vegetable areas, fruit…
Beginning a Nursery Business: Selecting a Niche
When I made the decision to begin my micro-nursery (Blue Shed Gardens/HomeGardenBox) I had to figure out first what kind of plants I wanted to produce. This was a very difficult decision since I like pretty much anything there is to do with the garden. Selecting one type of plants or one area seemed just wrong because I was leaving out all…
Why Pinterest is a Cool Tool for Gardeners
I’m sure you’ve heard about Pinterest by now. If you’re like me you may have thought “that’s just another online time waster.” Or if you’re a guy maybe you thought “that’s just for women!” Well I’ll admit it, those were my first thoughts. Then I began to see people using it and sharing things from it on Facebook or Twitter….
It’s All White With Me, Snow in Tennessee
I know those of you in Canada and the Northern U.S. see snow fairly regularly, but in Tennessee it doesn’t happen often. When it does it’s usually fairly substantial. In our area of Tennessee, which would be the Southern Middle region, we picked up 3-4 inches of the fluffy white stuff. For me it brings back memories of growing up…
Garden Project: Making an Indoor Planter with Growlight
Winter is one of those times when many gardeners wish they could be growing fresh herbs or produce but the weather just doesn’t cooperate. What is a determined gardener to do then? Build something! I decided to put together an indoor grow box/planter with a grow light to grow some plants while the weather outside is unsuitable. I used cedar…
Beginning a Nursery Business (Intro)
Last year I embarked on a quest to start my own nursery business. One of my dreams for a long time has been to own my own nursery and I began putting plans together around a couple business ideas that I could do from home. I researched all over the internet to find resources and advice on how to start…
Just Dreaming of Summer Tomatoes
By far my favorite plant from the vegetable garden is the tomato. I don’t buy them from the stores if I can help it as there is very little flavor to be found in store bought tomatoes. Fresh from the garden is how a tomato should be. Today on a gray overcast winter day I’m looking back at the tomatoes…
Gardening Before Breakfast
In the south it’s a necessity to get up early to get outside for gardening. Any delay into the mid-morning will result in unnecessary suffering due to the heat and humidity! This morning was already very humid before 8 AM. In the summer it is much worse and this morning’s humidity is just a sign of rain on it’s way….