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A May Garden Shed Update
I wrote a short update post on the garden shed. It’s progressing, albeit slowly due to other gardening tasks that need attention. I do need some paint color suggestions so if you have ideas feel free to comment!
The Stowaway Plants
Several months ago now my youngest daughter and I journeyed up to Clay and Limestone to visit Gail. While there Gail gifted us with a bounty of planting presents like a group of junipers, her famously practically perfect pink phlox, several St. John’s Worts, golden ragworts, and a couple other plants that have now found a place in our garden….
A Few Gardening Tips
Many people find The Home Garden in search of gardening tips so I thought today I would oblige all the seekers of garden tips with a post all about and only about garden tips! Garden Tip #1: Daffodil Tips! Garden Tip #2Compost is good – Use it! Make it!Keep a compost pile in the backyard to get rid of your…
Natural Rocks for Stone Garden Borders
I like the look of rocks for bordering my garden beds. Rocks define the border between the garden area and the walkways, help keep mulch in place, and give the garden bed a structural element. I’ve gathered rocks from several places over the years and brought them to my garden. It’s not easy work but I like the end result….
5 More Easy Plants to Propagate!
Last year I wrote a post called 10 Easy Plants to Propagate for Your Home Garden. Picking only 10 is a challenge when there are so many out there that the average home gardener can have fun with so here are six more that I’ve found to be easy to propagate in my garden. Caryopteris – I have several of…
The Surprise Vegetable Garden
You’ve seen it before I’m sure. A surprise plant or two coming up where you would least expect it. A bird may have moved the seed around, or maybe it was caught can carried along on the wind. But have you ever had a whole garden just appear ready to go? I have! Now it’s not the perfect fall garden. …
Using Black Plastic Tarps to Clear a Garden Bed
This week I began testing a new (to me at least) gardening technique! Using black plastic tarps in the garden to kill off the weed growth underneath. The concept is a simple way to prepare a garden bed for planting. The use of garden tarps is something that I discovered when I read The Market Gardener by Jean Martin Fortier…
Tomato Sequential Deep Planting
If you’re like me and planted your tomatoes from seed a few weeks ago you may start to notice the roots beginning to move beyond your original potting medium. I used the peat pellet system for starting our peppers and tomatoes and noticed recently that the roots are extending beyond the pellets. What does this mean? Time to get a…
Greenhouse Project: In The Front
Here’s a quick look at the front of the greenhouse. My idea is to have the front side or the view from the house appear to be a small cottage in the backyard. The windows on the front were originally from one sliding window that I separated into 2 approximately 20 inch wide windows. I say approximately because one is…
New Uses with Old Lumber
I did some collecting yesterday in the cold drizzling rain. Some friends of my parents wanted to get rid of a pile of wood that used to be their deck. They remodeled their house a while back and hard-scaped around the pool so they didn’t need the deck. The lumber was sitting near their garden just waiting to be used…
Growing Dogwoods (Cornus kousa) from Seed in the Fall
A week ago we found ourselves at the doctors office for one of my children. Nothing major (this time), just a regular check up and physical so she could run cross country (Very cool that a 7 year old wants to run cross country!). After her appointment we left the doctor’s office and found a dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, that…
Why You Shouldn’t Plant Sweet Autumn Clematis
It’s that time of year when the fall blooming plants begin to start their show including Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora). This non-native clematis grows prolifically through the summer and gladly will climb and overtake any structure it meets then will bloom in the fall. I picked up two of these on the discount racks and even though I know…
2008 Tennessee Gardening Events
Here are just a few of the gardening events happening in Tennessee. If you have one that you know of and would like to submit for me to add to this list please send me an email.Bloom N’ Garden ExpoThe Williamson County Ag Expo CenterApril 11-12, 2008: 10 AM to 8 PMApril 13, 2008: 12 AM to 5 PMTickets: Adults…
St. Patrick’s Day: Anything Green
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day here is my Anything Green Post! You are welcome to join in and post anything that is green and growing in your gardens in the month of March!Here’s the tour of what’s green in my gardens.The daffodils in my yard are still green while most of the other daffodils I have seen in our area…
Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis)
There are few trees that I know of that can rival the beauty of the Yoshino Cherry tree. I have a fondness for most plants in the prunus genus but the Yoshino is a special favorite of mine. It’s white blooms seem to glow in the sunlight and after they have fallen coat the ground like a luminescent snowfall. They…
What did I do this summer?
I propagated plants! Propagating is a great way to increase your landscape plants cheaply. What could be better than cheap plants? This was the first summer I seriously experimented with rooting cuttings. Some plants can be propagated by division, some by stem and tip cuttings and others by root cuttings. What I did was mostly the stem and tip cutting…
Fall Color Project: Never Enough Fall Color
In my opinion you can never have enough fall color! Jan just posted more for us to look at and I highly recommend that you do. Photos of fall reflecting across water with hues of red, orange, and yellow blending in a perfect autumn tapestry is what you will find. Fall is here at Thanks For 2 Day! See the…
In Case You Missed It!
My wife told me today that when I post to one of the other offshoots of this blog I need to let people know with a post here! I should listen to my wife more, but don’t tell her that! So what has been updated? For one the Fall Color Project now has several posts on it that will direct…