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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Into the Lettuce
Lately around our house we’ve really been getting into the lettuce from the vegetable garden – in fact quite literally! This red Romaine lettuce called Rouge d’Hiver is a very tasty selection we made from Baker’s Creek. The red coloring is fading as the temperatures are beginning to warm. It won’t be long before this heirloom vegetable begins to bolt…
Dave’s Top Ten Chores for the Fall Garden
Not to be confused with any other Dave’s top ten list. This is a list of the top ten chores that I need to to in my yard and garden from now until the middle of fall. They aren’t in any particular order and I will accomplish them in a similar fashion!1. Clean up the garden beds. Each bed has…
Signs of Spring Coming
This time of year more than any other when the cold weather is still stuck upon us we look for any signs of spring. We scour the garden for any hints of warmer weather that will hopefully be on its way soon. We have it lucky right now here in Tennessee. While the snows are burying parts of our country…
Garden Questions of the Month: August 2008
Last month I put together a post based on search engine hits in the form of a question to The Home Garden and I thought I’d do the same for August. I picked out several questions that I thought were either interesting or important and hopefully both! August Garden Questions Q. How do you get rid of aphids on a…
Why You Should Plant Moss Phlox in Your Garden (Phlox subulata)
Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) is an amazing plant with unique characteristics that make it an awesome choice for gardeners. This phlox is an evergreen or semi-evergreen plant that has a creeping habit with needle-like foliage, adding texture and interest to any garden landscape. One of the most noticeable features of Moss Phlox is its mass of star-shaped flowers, which come…
What I’m Growing on the Porch
For several years before we bought our house we lived in an apartment. I still had the gardening bug and couldn’t resist planting a vegetable garden in pots on the porch. While today I have ground to plant in I still utilize the porch and deck on our house to grow a few plants. Here’s a look at a few…
How to Grow Southern Magnolias from Seed
The other day while on a shopping trip I sat in the car with my daughters while my wife ran into the store for a few things. In front of our parking space was a magnolia. I doubt it was the full sized magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), as the placement of such a large tree in a limited growth area like…
Rain Garden Update
The other day the rain garden completed a mini-test. It really was more of a pop quiz. It wasn’t multiple choice or fill in the blank. It was true or false, did it work or not? There was only about 0.34 inches of rain but it easily handled that amount. Here’s what the drainage looked like before the rain garden…
Finicky Frosty Weather (Protect Your Plants!)
The weather in Tennessee is extremely volatile this time of year. One day it could be in the 70’s (as it was today) and then the next day it could be a 40 degree high (as it is predicted for tomorrow!) This makes it a challenge to garden in the spring time. There are a few things you can do…
It Won’t Be Long…
…before the daffodils bloom! We are definitely behind last year’s blooms. The only daffodils I saw outside today were 1-2 inch leaves protruding from the ground. Anyone have a guess as to when the first daffodil in my garden will be blooming? Latest Greenhouse Post: How I’ll Use My Greenhouse.
Doublefile Viburnum ‘Shasta’ Spring 2012
There are few shrubs I like better than viburnums and truly the ‘Shasta’ Viburnum (Viburnum plicatum f. tormentosum) is one of the more beautiful selections of viburnums. The viburnum pictured below is in its fourth year of growing in my garden and has never looked better! Loads of white lacecap flowers cover the branches in a two row fashion which…
Mistakes, Blunders, Goofs and Gardening Gaffs
It’s a simple fact of life that you will eventually make a mistake. You don’t know when or how, but sooner or later everyone will make a gardening goof or gaff! Mistakes range from the minor ones like forgetting to water your peace lily during the week (why do I keep repeating this one?) To cutting power lines or waterlines…
Bees in the ‘Yoshino’ Cherry Trees
What is my favorite tree? That’s a hard question to answer, since there are so many trees that I enjoy. Some trees provide fruit, other trees, shade, and others flowers which makes them hard to pick a single favorite. I have to categorize. In the spring for the flowering trees I would have to say my favorites are the cherry…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: Your Edible Growing System
An important thing to consider on your way to developing an edible landscape is how you want to grow your plants. What growing system do you want to use? As part of your plan you will need to figure out how you want to structure your garden and the growing system you choose can provide that structure. There are several…
Easy Gardener Gifts
We all know that Christmas is on it’s way and the gift buying season has commenced! Fortunately gardeners are easy to please with presents! Just find them something they can use in the garden and they will be thrilled! Below are some easy gift ideas for gardeners that you can use to give those with green thumbs something for Christmas!…
A Small Garden Shed Update
Here’s a just a short update with what’s going on with my garden shed.Bought three colors of paint (two gallons of the main paint and one each for trim and doors). I’ll let you know what the color scheme will be later but it will blend with our house. Bought glazing to fix and repair the old single pain windows.Cleaned…
2010 Seed Selections
Last week I received the seeds I orders from two different companies. I was very impressed with the delivery time from both Wildseed Farms and Baker’s Creek Heirloom Seeds. I made my order from Baker’s Creek last Monday and received all the seeds I ordered plus a bonus packet by Wednesday! That was very fast service. The crazy thing to…
Dave’s Chores for the Garden Addendum
I realized today that I left off a very important chore that I’ll need to do very soon, grass overseeding!Fall Grass Overseeding. I need to spread grass seed over our existing lawn. Last year I used Kentucky 31 fescue and our lawn looked great in the spring. It browned up over the summer since fescue is a cool season grass…