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December and Still Digging
Yesterday I fought the wind and dug a few more holes in our front garage/sidewalk garden. Its not much to look at now all bedraggled from the frost. Our perennials have said “good night” and only a few small shrubs look of any account, but in this bed I planted 60 tulips. I didn’t use a special power drill with…
Building a Vertical Garden Arbor with Gutters! (Part 1)
Recently the folks at Lowe’s Creative Ideas asked me if I could put together a once a month project using products I found at Lowe’s that fit a specific theme. Of course since I enjoy doing these types of projects around the garden I jumped at the chance! This month they wanted a project centered around the theme:”Pots and Plants”. …
One Tennessee Country Road
Within a mile of our home lies a beautiful pastureland divided by an old country road. The pastures are separated in a way that doesn’t diminish their beauty but rather enhances the quaint rural scene. This is my preferred route to take to and from our neighborhood when I can. In every season it has something breathtaking to observe. Whether…
Dappled Willows and Winter Interest
One of my favorite shrubs is the Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). In the springtime its new foliage emerges with variegated green and cream leaves that persist through the fall. The leaves darken some as they grow older (or for those who prefer different terminology “grow more mature”) until they bare themselves when the light levels drop and cooler temperatures…
My Project List: The Done or Begun List
My rain garden is well underway and now is the time to plan my next project. I still need to plant the rain garden so it will remain on the list but there are a host of other projects to talk about. This will be the first of two posts. One post is just to list what has been started…
Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) on Coneflower (Echinacea)
The other day I wrote about the value of using echinacea in the garden. As it turns out that it’s not only valuable to us as an ornamental or as a pollen plant for beneficial insects but it also can be a host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot butterfly (Chlosyne nycteis)! This weekend I discovered this mass of tiny black…
Garden Tour End June 2020 from Growing the Home Garden
Welcome to the end of June 2020 Garden tour! Our garden is in Middle TN south of Nashville in Zone 7. Check out what is growing today!How to Use Grass Clippings to Start a New Garden
Recently we moved into a new home. With a new home comes many challenges. With respect to the garden we are dealing with a blank slate to cultivate. Starting new gardens is a fun and challenging prospect but while doing so it is important to create these gardens in a way that will nurture them and help them grow in…
The Scene Around the Arbor
A couple years ago I was fortunate to participate in the Better Homes and Gardens 48 Hour Blog Challenge. Three other blogs and myself competed with projects subject to online voting to see who would win. The winner took home $5000, unfortunately it wasn’t me but the whole project was fun anyway – and it paid for the arbor! My…
Oops, I Missed One!
In my last post about the irises of May in my garden I showed you several of my irises. Today a new one opened up that we just planted this spring. It’s also a hand me down and has no real identity but it’s nifty to look at! I planted it with several others in front of the garden shed….
Bulbs, Corms, and Rhizomes to Plant in Fall
It’s almost that time of year again: Fall Planting Season! When the weather cools off, the days become shorter, Pumpkin Spice is everywhere (OK that may not be the greatest thing), and it will be time to get your fall bulbs and rhizomes planted in the ground. Planting these plants in the fall allows their root systems to acclimate over…
Gift Options for the Plant Propagator!
As you know I’m a huge fan of plant propagation. I would bet that many of you reading this are too, or if you not a huge fan you are at least interested! It’s a fascinating area and can be an amazing benefit for growing your garden. Just think of all the free plants you can make from cuttings, or…
5 Methods to Propagate Plants!
Here’s a topic I’m a huge fan of: PLANT PROPAGATION! I’ve talked about it repeatedly and those of you who have followed Growing The Home Garden over the years have seen some of my plant propagation experiments. I thought for today’s Friday Five post I would highlight the various common forms of plant propagation. I highly encourage those of you…
Growing Yuccas From Seed
This winter I gathered some seed from a yucca (Yucca filamentosa) and saved it. I’m not sure exactly why other than I thought it might be interesting to see how they grow. I do that sometimes, where I just attempt something for the sake of attempting it (I once planted lemon seeds from a store bought lemon to see if…
Return of the Gardener
The gardener returned to the garden today from his voyage across Tennessee. From his home, to the lands of the cedar glades, and to the western lowlands he crossed the miles in only trio of days. Friends from long ago were coming to visit from the northern winterlands and he had to return in time to see to their hospitality. …
Fall Color is Coming!
The colors are on their way! This is just a quick post to remind everyone about the Fall Color Project. Everyone who blogs is welcome to join in and if you don’t then maybe its time you did! Get out there and take those fall color photos when they are in their peak and show them off.The leaves have started…
A Window Garden with Shelves
We’ve all been stuck indoors too long. It’s February and here in TN we should be getting 50 degree temperatures for highs but instead are stuck in the lower 30’s or below. In order to help alleviate the cabin fever and feed the gardening fix I put together a little project for one of our upstairs windows. I built a…
An Almost Spring Garden Status Report
Spring will be here very soon. The calendar gives us a date but that seems arbitrary. Spring is more of a feeling. The weather is warmer and plants are actively growing again. This coming weekend will be much warmer than it has been and should trigger a lot of action in the garden. Today I went out and checked around…