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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
My Garden’s Assassins (Assassin Bugs: A Beneficial Garden Insect)
Mother nature sends us all kinds of good things to help us with the bad, we just have to know where to look! Everyone knows about lady bugs and how beneficial they are too the garden but there are other little insects that can do a good job too. Take my recent discovery of assassin bugs for example. One day…
Win DuPont Biodegradable Weed Fabric and $100 Lowe’s Gift Card!
A couple weeks ago a representative for DuPont contacted me and asked me to review one of their products. It was a weed control fabric (DuPont Garden O.N.E® Biodegradable Weed Control Fabric). I was skeptical about it at first (since weed control fabrics and myself don’t usually get along) but I said go ahead and send it and I’d take…
Coral Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Coral Red honeysuckle or Lonicera sempervirens is the honeysuckle you want – I mean really want- not the other kind. You probably have honeysuckle somewhere near you right now. It’s white, smells pretty good, and it may even be right behind you as you read this, don’t look! Lonicera japonica knows you are there, it’s waiting to spread and take…
A Blog Redesign for Growing The Home Garden
In 2007 I started this blog on gardening. I didn’t know where I was going with it, or what I was really doing to begin with, but I knew I wanted to talk more about gardening with other gardeners. I was constantly talking about gardening and garden ideas with my family, and I’m sure they got tired of my incessant…
My Plant Yard Sale Experience
As you probably know (or have guessed by now) my dream job/career would be to own my own nursery. I’ve thought about different ways to do this and researched quite a few options. Ideally I would work from home and be able to produce plants for retail nurseries or landscapers. That dream is still a long way off at this…
Layering Might Be the Easiest Way to Propagate Plants
Layering an arrowwood viburnum I really enjoy making new plants – you guessed that by now didn’t you? Most of the time I prefer to make stem cuttings of various types of plants whether shrub, tree, perennial, or annual but that isn’t always the easiest way. In many ways layering a plant is the simplest way to ensure a successful…
What’s Blooming in The Home Garden in February?
It’s been a while since I joined in with Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day so I thought I’d share you a little of what is blooming in the gardens around our home. For our garden this year it’s the usual suspects who are in flowering. Daffodils, crocuses, and winter jasmine are coming along strong while other early spring/late winter flowers are…
My Spring Challenge (Clearing the Weeds and Planting a Slope)
Here is a picture of our new territory that I didn’t quite know I had until a couple weeks ago. It is covered in a variety of weeds including notable family favorites like ragweed, goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace. Now if it were just the latter two weeds I would be OK with the area as a natural wild field…
From my window…
From my window I can observe the court of the reigning king of the hill. This prince of the porch reigns supreme as no one is willing to stand up (or fly) to challenge him. His desire: to save all the suet for himself. This king is no magnanimous monarch, there is no generosity associated with his rule. This iron-fisted…
St. Patrick’s Day: Anything Green
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day here is my Anything Green Post! You are welcome to join in and post anything that is green and growing in your gardens in the month of March!Here’s the tour of what’s green in my gardens.The daffodils in my yard are still green while most of the other daffodils I have seen in our area…
Blooming Daylilies
Daylilies are one of those plants every garden should have. Unfortunately I’ve been lax in adding daylilies to the garden over the years. I’m not sure why really. It might be the fact that daylilies in the garden centers aren’t all that thrilling and that is where I do most of my shopping. I’ve perused catalogs for various online nurseries…
Focusing on the Front Sidewalk Garden
I suppose this summer I’ve concentrated my efforts in a couple areas, my vegetable garden and the front sidewalk garden. While we want bunches of fresh vegetables this year we also want our home to look nice for anyone who happens to come by. I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made on the front sidewalk garden. I’ve strayed somewhat from…
Another Episode of Dealing with Deer
For while I thought the deer were gone. Then this spring we saw the telltale signs of the whitetail deer. The hoof prints, the nibbles and the um…other signs. Then came the sightings. A single doe came strolling through the backyard taking nibbles of various plants. Fortunately most of the plants in our garden are deer resistant so the deer…
In and Around the Garden
The end of August is nearly here and the garden is shaping up for its conclusion. Hopefully it will be a spectacular finish where the flowers bloom out and blend with the foliage as it turns into flaming reds, oranges, and yellows. That may be the proverbial pipe dream as the weather has been strange this year and we don’t…
Surprise, Surprise, Hyacinths on the Rise!
The other day I was out and about (as happens often) when I was surprised by the sight of a couple hyacinths coming up. It’s not that I’m surprised that the hyacinths are emerging but rather that I didn’t realize they where there to begin with! This would be one of those time where plant labels would have come in…
Beginning the Garden Fence (Friday Free For All)
I’ve been busy this week. I say that as if it’s something new but it seems like life is just a matter of varying degrees of busy. Sometimes you’re really busy and other times less so but always busy! This week I dove headlong into my latest project. I’ve been talking about this one for years and I’m just now…
Do You Have The Right Stuff to Propagate Plants?
Plant propagation sounds like something very complicated. A lot of gardeners are intimidated by the idea of getting something to root. It looks challenging but in reality there are a great number of plants that are very easy to propagate. That’s not to say that a cutting will grow roots each and every time. In fact I’ve lost many cuttings…
Japanese Maples from Seed Update!
Have you been wondering for months what ever became of Dave’s Japanese maple seedlings? I bet you have…er well maybe not but I’ll show you even if you weren’t wondering all winter about my Japanese maple seedlings! In case you are wondering how to grow Japanese maples from seed the big secret is stratification. Stratification is where you expose a…