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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Leaf Casting for a Birdbath: My First Attempt
A few weeks ago I attempted my first ever leaf casting. We were putting some hand prints of the my children and nieces in concrete for my parents to add to their garden and had some leftover Portland cement to use. Conveniently my parents had a pile of sand in their backyard behind their shed (leftover from the patio/pavilion) that…
Fall Color from Washington
It’s time to take a trip up to Washington and visit Tatyana. She went on a visit to one of her favorite nurseries that has a heavy emphasis on Japanese maples! Japanese maples can be one of the spectacular trees for fall color. While throughout the year Japanese maple colors can range from variegated white and green to deep reds the fall…
Freeze Warning for Tennessee
Hopefully this will be the last time this year but there is a chance of a slight freeze tonight and tomorrow night (April 28 & 28)! The weather forecasters are predicting temperatures in the mid to upper 30’s for both nights. After that we should be in the clear.Protect those plants!If you are like me and have already planted some…
Why Plant a Tree?
Why should you consider planting a tree? Aside from the more pleasurable aspects of trees like flowers, leaf color, and shade there are some significant scientific reasons.I found a very interesting site called the Colorado Tree Coalition that has listed some very important information about trees and what they really do. The Colorado Tree Coalition talks about carbon sequestration. Which…
3 Garden Chores to Do in Fall for Spring!
It’s that time of year again, time to think about spring! Yes, I said that right. Spring! Fall is almost here but if you want to maximize the potential of your garden next year fall is the best time to get some work done. The autumn leaves will be changing soon and now is the best time to get some…
Viburnum dentatum in Bloom! (Arrowood Viburnum)
Viburnum dentatum is one of my favorite shrubs in our garden. It’s not as showy as the Japanese dappled willow or the purple beautyberry. It’s not as flashy as roses nor does it provide year round color like the ‘Otto Luyken’ cherry laurels. But it does have an important role in our garden. This viburnum never fails to flower prolifically. …
Grow Project: Spitfire Nasturium on a Garden Obelisk
Last Sunday I should have posted about the Grow Project with the Nasturtium seeds but unfortunately our internet connection was out and the weather didn’t let up until Sunday night. There’s only so much blogging you can do without computer/internet access! I’ll update you on the progress of the ‘Spitfire’ Nasturtiums again in the future and hopefully I’ll have a…
Plantings Around the Garden Shed
In my last post on the garden shed page I mentioned that I would show you in two parts the plantings. Well…I’m afraid I may have to expand that to three, we’ll see! After taking some pictures today and on previous days I’m happily astounded by the neat stuff I’m seeing. Please don’t take that as bragging since most of…
Poinsettia Red
Join in for more Say Nothin’ Saturday’s with TC!
Soggy, Wet Days are Good for Something!
The days have once again become cold and wet. The beautiful spring like days we had in early March have been replaced (temporarily) with winter like cold and drizzle – ugh. It’s definitely disappointing for the gardener but spring is right around the corner. I can’t wait to see the sun but the wet and soggy days are ideal for…
March in Color
Everyday new flowers and blooms are coming to our garden this March. Spring is officially here, even if the calendar doesn’t agree. We still have a good chance of frost between now and mid April but so far everything is looking grand! The maple trees have bloomed although many people don’t stop to observe them. The willows are growing catkins…
Spinach, Lettuce, and Tomatoes! (Seed Sowing Saturday)
Today’s Seed Sowing Saturday post for me is more about the results than starting new seed. My daughter and I did plant some onion sets (probably about 70 some weren’t worth planting) and some potatoes (about 16 red potatoes). We still need to plant the Yukon golds which are my favorite potato. So lets take a look at what we…
Seeds and Where to Find Them
By now you may have received your first seed catalog(s) in the mail. It’s a fun time of the year for gardeners. We get to sift through the pages, read the descriptions designed to entice us, and dream of what we will plant next year. When the weather is cold and dreary the catalogs give us something bright and hopeful…
March Blooming in Tennessee
Welcome to Tennessee where spring comes early, leaves again, comes back, leaves again and repeats that process until April! We really have about 4-8 different “Winters.” Somewhere along the way to springtime we are blessed with a bounty of blooms that brighten moods while the long awaited anticipation of the start of the gardening season is almost at it’s end….
What’s The Best Mulch?
In posting yesterday about my mulch (that I got for $1.34 per 2 cubic foot bag) several people left comments about what mulch they like to use. I thought that maybe today it might be good to take a look at the types of mulch and what’s good about each one. The main purpose behind any mulch is to retain…
What Is The Least Favorite Plant in Your Garden?
For a long time now I have denigrated my Bradford pear tree. It’s smelly in the spring, although it looks nice. It produces loads of inedible fruit that spawns offspring in my garden and everywhere else the birds decide to fly. Bradford pear trees are generally weak trees that split because of their “V” shaped branch unions that cluster with more…
The First Daffodil Bloom of 2009
Who would have thought? A daffodil (Narcissus) blooming in mid-February! The little sprouts are coming up all over but this one and a couple others like it have decided they like the weather. It could be that they are in a slightly warmer micro-climate near concrete but mostly it’s because of the extremely unseasonably warm weather we’ve been enjoying. It’s…
Close Ups in the Bird Bath Garden
Here is one of our coreopsis plants with it’s blooming like dozens of little yellow and red suns. I’ve recently discovered two small pots that have between 10-15 coreopsis seedlings in each of them. The rain garden I built will probably be a recipient of several as will the vegetable garden perennial ring.And a close-up picture with some rain drops…