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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Starting Lettuce from Seed in the Vegetable Garden
It’s that time of the year here in Tennessee where if you haven’t already done so you might want to think about planting lettuce in your vegetable garden. Lettuce likes the cool air of early spring to start growing. I planted three types of lettuce last week in our raised beds – all of which are heirlooms. How I Plant…
How to Propagate Boxwoods from Cuttings
Here’s a simple method to making more boxwood plants through plant propagation. Save money by making more plants for FREE!A Few Garden Notes for Fall (Basil, Flowers, and Tomatoes)
As Labor Day has now past the feeling of fall is growing ever stronger. Each day the night comes sooner and lasts longer and as that light fades the plants begin closing down in preparation for the end of the growing season. During this time of the year there are many things you can do in the garden. Here’s a…
Cobblestone Patio Project Update 4
The cobblestone patio is close to finished, very close, but not quite done yet. I had hoped to have the it done before my daughter’s third birthday (this past Wednesday) but Fay had other plans. The rains delayed my work for several days both while it was raining and afterward since I had to wait for the sun to dry…
A Beautiful Weekend!
The weather this weekend was perfect. You can’t say that much here in July but it was just plain perfect. I hope you got to enjoy it as much as I did! I hope you enjoy a looking at a few pictures from the weekend! Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ and Zinnias Moonflower vine climbing the front porch.’Silver Mound’ Artemisia
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From the Midwest!
Here are two more great fall color posts for the Garden Blogger fall Color Project. These two posts come to us from the mid-west specifically Chicago, Illinois and Iowa.Mr. McGregor’s Daughter in Chicago, Illinois is observing some really fantastic fall color. The red oaks are competing with the maples for an extraordinary autumn show. Usually the maples win hands down…
Oak Leaf Hydrangea Propagation (Cuttings) the Results
Oak leaf hydrangeas are an awesome landscape shrub to add to the garden. They get big and need room and enjoy part shade/part sun locations but if you have the right spot for one by all means add one! I’m always trying to propagate a few more but they tend to be rather tricky to propagate from cuttings. Layering is…
Free Download on Plant Propagation (Rooting Cuttings)
As I mentioned earlier in the week I prepared a handout for my presentation at the Spring Hill Garden Club. It’s has some basic information on rooting cuttings. You are welcome to download it and use it for your personal use at home. It’s in a PDF file so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it. I hope…
Tall Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) Blooming in the Fall
Tall ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) is one of the few non-yellow flowering wildflowers blooming right now here in Tennessee. This extremely tall and purple member of the aster family can be seen throughout roadsides and fields in much of the country during the late summer or early fall. It stands anywhere from 3 feet up to 8 feet tall and occasionally…
Daylilies in Bloom: Daylily Hybridizing and Dividing
It’s that time of year where the daylilies are becoming the showoffs of the garden. Daylilies (Hemerocallis) area very common collectable perennial here in the south. They propagate very easily through division and are a prime starter plant for people interested in learning how to hybridize plants. Here’s a look at a little of what is blooming in our garden…
Gumdrop the Snowman and Other Snow Fun
Though I have not told her, I have officially named my wife’s snowman Gumdrop. You will see why when you look at the picture! The snow was dry and hard to pack. At least it was for a while, later in the day it melted some and snowmen of various shapes and sizes appeared through out the land as if…
10 Great Ways to Use Your Fall Leaves in the Garden
With fall almost here it’s time to start thinking about gardening chores and the task that most people have to do in some way is deal with the leaves. What do you do with the leaves is an important question. For way too long many people have burned them which to me is the worst possible way to dispose of…
Homemade Plant Tags for Hybridizing Plants
Last year I began to experiment with hybridizing. I’m hoping that the plants I cross together result in something really nice but it takes a few years to get something from the crosses. So far I’ve experimented with daylilies, echinacea, and irises. Hostas are on my list but the deer keep getting to the flowers before they’ve had a chance…
The Front Sidewalk Garden in May
One of the coolest things about gardening is that every month brings a new scene. Different plants come to the forefront while others fade away leaving either seed heads or simply foliage in their place. Some may disappear completely among the foliage or die back to the ground revealing new fresh plantings that are coming into their own while some…
Portable Planter Box Project
Recently I put together a little project from some wood I had stored in the garage. It was an idea I had to help me with a presentation I’ll be giving at a local garden show. Essentially I needed a way to demonstrate how a few plants could be planted in combination with each other. I didn’t have access to…
Your Labor Day Weekend Garden To Do List!
Just what you want right? Even more things to do in the garden. I’m sure you have everything perfect. Everything is mulched to 2 inches high. Every weed is pulled and the gardens are in pristine condition! Not our garden, not even close! An extra long weekend is ahead which (unless you’ve been deluged with rain from Isaac) will give…
The Crane Fly
These giant mosquito like creatures called crane flies are all over the Middle Tennessee area right now. They are flies that may look like mosquitoes but aside from their unfortunate appearance have no other similar attributes. Crane flies are perfectly harmless in their adult form but can be very annoying. In their larval form they burrow through the ground until…
Building an Arbor Style Trellis
In the vegetable garden there is always a need for more space. You never have enough. The garden is constantly being filled with more plants than you really have room for and you have to find ways to organize it. That’s why going vertical is a great option and the most classic way to go vertical is to use a…