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New Uses with Old Lumber
I did some collecting yesterday in the cold drizzling rain. Some friends of my parents wanted to get rid of a pile of wood that used to be their deck. They remodeled their house a while back and hard-scaped around the pool so they didn’t need the deck. The lumber was sitting near their garden just waiting to be used…
Name That Plant!
Who is this peaking up from the mulch in my garden? Give me your best guess! You may have some of these coming up in your garden too. I’ll show pictures as it grows for you to find out if your guess is correct.Here is the update. I bet you can guess it now. The variegated green leaves are pushing…
The End and The Beginning
Today is the last day of 2008 but unless you’ve never seen a calander you probably knew that already. As one year ends and new one begins. It’s time for a short look back at 2008 and a glance into the future.2008 was the first full growing year that we really had in the garden. Our first year in our…
How to Direct Sow Squash and Zucchini Seeds
As far as gardening chores go direct sowing squash and zucchini seeds is a very easy task for any home gardener to accomplish. In fact it’s a great one to do with young children who you want to encourage to get outdoors and in the garden. Squash and zucchini seeds are large seeds that are easy for kids to handle….
New plant of the week!
Take a look at the new plant of the week! Here’s a small hint: It’s a tree. OK not much of a hint. See if you can guess it!
Herbs in the Vegetable Garden
It’s that planning time of the year still for most plants and I want to mention something I think is important, herbs! Herbs go great in the vegetable garden mixed in with other plants like tomatoes and peppers. As companion plants go herbs are said to prevent various insects from effecting your plants. (Darla had an interesting post about companion…
Powdery Mildew and How to Fix It!
This Sunday’s weather was gorgeous. A little cooler than we’ve been having but a great day to get out and get some big jobs done. I spent much of the day mowing and preparing the vegetable garden then went around taking pictures of the gardens. Things are coming along nicely but there was one issue I’m not too pleased about:…
Hyacinths for Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! I gave these to my wife but thought I’d also share them with you. Too bad you can’t smell them!
Easy to grow, Low Maintenance Plants for the Garden
Over Christmas we traveled a little. Not much, we never go very far. We just visited with family. One evening a family member asked me if I knew of some attractive, easy to grow, low maintenance plants she could put in the front of her house. She wanted something she could plant that wouldn’t require a whole lot of time…
An Unusual Start
The other day I had a surprise. While washing dishes at the kitchen sink I looked over at a small yogurt cup on the counter top to see this: Several small seedlings had appeared from some tomato seeds I was soaking. I’m going to have to admit one of my major failings here to properly tell the story, sometimes…I forget…
My August Project List
August isn’t a great month for planting plants here in Tennessee but it is a good time to get other projects done. That is if you can stand the heat! I have several things that I would like to get finished before the beginning of fall and I thought I would write a list to help keep myself organized.Here’s what…
Why You Should Plant Moss Phlox in Your Garden (Phlox subulata)
Moss Phlox (Phlox subulata) is an amazing plant with unique characteristics that make it an awesome choice for gardeners. This phlox is an evergreen or semi-evergreen plant that has a creeping habit with needle-like foliage, adding texture and interest to any garden landscape. One of the most noticeable features of Moss Phlox is its mass of star-shaped flowers, which come…
How Would You Like $100? (Giveaway!)
How would you like $100 to use in your garden? If you would then this might be your lucky day! Recently The Home Depot spotted me a little gift card to accomplish a little project in my yard and now they are offering one to you worth $100. I only have one card to give away so to decide who…
The Deck Garden: Then and Now
I was out today looking at the sorry state of the gardens and though it might be an interesting exercise to look back at how the gardens appeared last spring and compare them. Over the next few posts I’ll go back for a few photos of the spring time version and contrast it with that same garden today. Let me…
Maples, Oaks, and Invasives! Fall Color 2024
The historic dryness finally gave way to some rain on Halloween. About 0.83 inches came down that day give us a good soaking. We still need more rain, and regular rain but it definitely helps. I’ve been concerned about the lack rain and the fall color potential but fortunately some trees have done really well despite the lack of rain….
Blooming Daylilies
Daylilies are one of those plants every garden should have. Unfortunately I’ve been lax in adding daylilies to the garden over the years. I’m not sure why really. It might be the fact that daylilies in the garden centers aren’t all that thrilling and that is where I do most of my shopping. I’ve perused catalogs for various online nurseries…
I Could Really Use that Pot O’Gold!
The rain today had a couple of small openings for some sunshine to come through. It always seems that March has the most rainbows, what do you think?
How to Propagate Peppers for Overwintering
Peppers are delicious! Whether you like hot peppers or sweet peppers both types can be propagated through cuttings to preserve over the winter. Propagating Pepper Plants To propagate peppers take 3 to 4 inch cuttings, treat with rooting hormone (although not necessary it may speed up the process), put in your rooting medium, and keep the medium damp until rooting…