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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
5 Ways to Save Money on the Garden!
We’re always looking for ways to save money and with today’s economy what it is it’s not just wise, it’s crucial for gardeners to save a buck when they can! Gaillardia from a Discount Rack There are several ways gardeners can save money on their garden that are really easy to do and don’t require anything really crazy. Today’s Friday…
Plants to Propagate in Winter
Fruiting Plum trees rooted through hardwood cuttings. Winter is officially here! If you’re reading this post you are probably thinking what I can do in the garden in winter? Well if you’re a fan of plant propagation you should try some winter plant propagation! What plants you can propagate and at what time of the year largely depends on the…
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Update
Since I decided to remodel the raised bed vegetable garden this year a lot of work has been done. The beds have all been built for this year and all the grading I wanted to attempt is finished, for now. The fence will be something of an ongoing project but we’ve erected a temporary wire fence made of 3 foot…
Fall Color From Hayefield – Pennsylvania
Garden writer Nancy Ondra never has a disappointing garden photo (at least not that I’ve seen!) This year her fall color project post is as impressive as ever with viburnums, amsonia, winterberry, purple smoke bush and so many other things to look at. I wish I could stop by in person to tour her garden this time of year! Nancy…
Even More Spring Color!
Today I begrudgingly bring you some very beautiful flowers. The only reason I’m hesitant is because of the tree that these perfect little white blooms flower from each spring. Can you guess it? If not I’ll give you a couple clues – it’s over planted. Still can’t guess? It’s smells awful in the spring, I’m talking rotting-fish awful. Still can’t…
Propagating Beautyberry Through Cuttings
If you’re looking for a plant that provides fall color in the form of berries as well as late season nourishment for the birds than look no further than the beautyberry (Callicarpa). Our beautyberry that we purchased in the spring is turning a deep purple that will last into the winter. While it may never be listed as the birds…
A Few Garden Photos for Friday (Photo Post)
Here are few things happening in my garden that are worth a look at through the photos. No real theme for this post just a chance to look at some garden pictures! Beautyberry Bush Morning Glory Red Zinnia Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Beautyberry Berries In Color
One of the precursors to fall is the beautyberry. Much like the forsythias harken the arrival of spring the beautyberries are always reliably beautiful beginning this time of year. The blooms of summer gradually have transformed from small white blossoms into clusters of tiny purple gems. Our beautyberry is now in its third year in the ground and has reached…
5 Frugal Fall Garden Tips for Gardening Cheap
It’s fall and the gardening season is winding down, but it’s not too late to save a few dollars for next year. There are lots of techniques gardeners can do this time of year to save money for next season. Today I’m going to give you five ideas that will help you save money on next year’s gardening budget! So…
Birds of Prey
Wild animals have always fascinated me and I think there are not many that have the beauty and majestic nature of the birds of prey. While we were at the Bloom ‘N Garden Expo on Saturday there was a table set up from a wildlife rescue group. I wish I remembered the name of the group so I could give…
Today my little 2 year old daughter and I went out and planted daffodils. She did pretty good, dropping the bulb into the hole after I dug it out. Initially Grace kept trying to rearrange the bulbs all over the bed. Then she started taking the spade I was using to dig the holes. Eventually we got a process together…
A Cheap and Easy Garden Trellis
If you live in an area with plenty of trees you are blessed with adequate building materials for trellises and posts. They may be rustic in appearance but they can function pretty good. Today I’ll show you my new trellis for my sugar snap peas. It’s made from 5 pieces of dead wood that fell from our tulip poplar tree. …
Signs of a Rooted Red Twig Dogwood
There is a kind of magic in making cuttings. Watching something as simple and unremarkable as a little twig come to life with roots and branches all of its own can only be fascinating to the gardener. Several weeks ago I planted my Winter Garden with various plants which included three red twig dogwoods (Cornus stolonifera). These little dogwoods were…
A Review of EcoSMART Insect Products
As I mentioned in my previous post the folks at EcoSMART sent me four of their insect products to me for testing. Generally I am loathe to apply chemicals in any form on the garden but since EcoSMART products do not leave toxic residues and use natural chemicals and oils I figured it would be worth trying. Please keep in…
Finally, the Sun
It’s been days since we’ve seen any sign of the sun. He was back today and even a little yesterday. I don’t think I’m alone in missing my friend the sun, am I?
Hostas on the March
Spring time is always interesting for hostas. They emerge from the soil with tight leaf buds designed to drill their way up to the surface and finally open up to become the foliage plants we all know and love.Our hostas are springing up all over our corner shade garden. Along with the heucheras, heucherellas, oak leaf hydrangea, and Soloman’s seal…
2013 Home Garden Project List
Every year I write down my ideas for gardening projects. It helps me to put down some thoughts and map out where my garden needs to go throughout the season. I won’t be able to accomplish every project on the list but it does give me some direction. At the end of the year I’ll go back and see how…
I Need Your Help!
Today is the day. The day when the challenge is evaluated by friends, family, and fellow bloggers through online voting at BHG.com and I need your help to win. The projects have been done and everyone has done a fantastic job by bringing us slick porch remodels, an elegant potting bench, a cool barbecue cart, and my personal favorite: a…