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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Ginko Biloba, Not in My Garden but Should Be
The Ginkgo tree is one plant I don’t have in my garden but have wanted for a long time. The reason is simple, it has great fall color. When I was in college there were two amazing ginkgo trees on the campus. Each fall (I won’t tell you how many falls I spent there!) it would brighten into a beautiful…
5 Easy To Propagate Plants from Cuttings
One of my greatest gardening pleasures is that of making a new plant, for free! Well I don’t actually do the work the plant does, but knowing how to give the plant the optimum conditions for rooting is important for success! The plants I’m listing today for The Friday Fives are easy to propagate plants from cuttings. In case you…
Drought Tolerant Plants and Photos Around the Gardens
I hope when you read this post that the rains are coming down in a delightful shower to water your garden, because they certainly aren’t here! It’s dry, extremely dry. Working in the ground is like cutting through a brick. Fortunately we’ve planted plants over the years that can tolerate these dry drought conditions. Autumn sage is one of those…
Seed Starting Update: Vegetables and Herbs
This post will mostly be a show and tell for my seed starting progress. If you haven’t started your seeds yet you still have time to get them going. Starting from seed is an easy way to save a few dollars in your vegetable garden budget. A pack of tomato seeds might cost you $2-3 and you get 20-30 seeds…
Neglected is possibly the worst word you could use to describe a garden. It happens for many different reasons but the result is the same: weeds growing unkempt and uncontrolled while plantings get covered. It is quite possibly the most frustrating thing a gardener has to deal with but deal with it he or she must…eventually. As I write this…
Red Buckeye Seeds: Gathering and Planting
One of the most beautiful trees we have in the Spring is the Red Buckeye, Aesculus pavia. In the fall it produces seed pods which you can gather and plant to grow more red buckeye trees. Last year the squirrels beat me to it but not this year! Here’s a short video of me gathering and planting red buckeye seeds….
A Cheap and Easy Garden Trellis
If you live in an area with plenty of trees you are blessed with adequate building materials for trellises and posts. They may be rustic in appearance but they can function pretty good. Today I’ll show you my new trellis for my sugar snap peas. It’s made from 5 pieces of dead wood that fell from our tulip poplar tree. …
If You Could Plant Anything What Would You Plant?
Here’s a random question for you. If you could plant any plant in your garden that exists outside of your zone what would it be and why? The first and only rule with this question is that the plant must not be hardy in your zone. Other than that any plant you can think of is fair game.With my first…
The Lawnmower Covenant
You may not now this but there is a divine influence on the gardening world. It is said that: When a gardener properly takes care of his lawn, allowing it to grow high, only cutting a third at a time, and takes care not to poison the earth with unnecessary fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that a sign will be given…
Grow Project: Spitfire Nasturium on a Garden Obelisk
Last Sunday I should have posted about the Grow Project with the Nasturtium seeds but unfortunately our internet connection was out and the weather didn’t let up until Sunday night. There’s only so much blogging you can do without computer/internet access! I’ll update you on the progress of the ‘Spitfire’ Nasturtiums again in the future and hopefully I’ll have a…
Just Dreaming of Summer Tomatoes
By far my favorite plant from the vegetable garden is the tomato. I don’t buy them from the stores if I can help it as there is very little flavor to be found in store bought tomatoes. Fresh from the garden is how a tomato should be. Today on a gray overcast winter day I’m looking back at the tomatoes…
How I Protect Trees From Deer Rubbing Damage
In my second year with our garden I experienced the joys and wonders of living with deer. In the three and a half years since I’ve learned a lot about protecting plants from deer but I still suffer from their exploits frequently. Most notably this year the deer discovered my vegetable garden for the first time. Maybe you noticed the…
Prunus is Good
And here’s why I like the genus Prunus: Yoshino Cherry Blossoms (Prunus yedoensis): Purple Leaf Plum Blossoms (Prunus cerasifera):
Random Indoor Plant Pictures
I have always been lax on the indoor gardening scene. It’s not that I don’t have plants inside but more that I prefer the outdoor landscapes and gardens. You can do a lot with plants in pots both indoors and out. the first picture is one that I’m sure many people are seeing bloom right now, the Christmas Cactus. Our…
Greenhouse Project: A Peek Inside
Today’s peek into my greenhouse project is just one little picture, but it’s a view from the inside out. The biggest windows have been installed but, as you will see in the picture, need a thorough cleaning and painting. The misty haze on the panes is due to too much time spent outdoors under the effects of the weather. Dirt…
Variegated Pachysandra – A Plant I Wish I Had a Spot For
Seen here is one plant I wish had the ideal location for it to grow. Ideal location you ask? OK maybe I’m putting words in your head but let me add an image too. Think shade, think moist, think well drained, think shade garden. I don’t have that place…yet. This little plant was planted in a nearly ideal location in…
Butterflies and Other Winged Wonders in the Garden
One of the greatest pleasures of the garden is being able to see wildlife. While there are many kinds of wildlife from birds to bunnies and squirrels to deer that are regulars around us, the most common form of wildlife in our garden are the butterflies. Butterflies belong to the Lepidoptera order of insects and are drawn all the nectar…
Finding Decorative Solutions to Drainage Problems
Last week I put together another downspout dry creek bed to help escort the water away from the house foundation. We don’t really have any issues with too much moisture around the house but it’s better to think preemptively and solve those dilemmas before problems arise. Besides this is such an easy project to do that it can be started…