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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Garden Design Ideas: Create a Focal Point

    A few years ago I helped my parents build together a focal point in their yard. It is made of two concentric circles of decorative concrete retaining wall, with the center circle taller than the outer one. The circles serve as a central location in the yard for some garden pathways. In the center ring is a weeping cherry tree…

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    Advice for New Gardeners

    With the rise of gardening in America lots of people new to gardening are taking up trowels and digging in the dirt. Some people are just returning to gardening while others are trying for the first time. Here is just a little advice for those starting off to help you along. 1. Start Small. Don’t bite off more than you…

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    A Little Green for St. Patrick’s Day!

    Since today is St. Patrick’s Day and tradition dictates that we do all things green and as Irish as possible here are a few things green from my garden! We have green in the vegetable garden in the form of sugar snap peas, spinach, and lettuce! Other things haven’t come up yet for a visit like the asparagus (which I…

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    My 2022 Garden Plans

    The new year is always an exciting time. We wake up thinking of all the possibilities that a new gardening season brings us. New opportunities to grow, change, and help our garden evolve. I’m really looking forward to seeing what 2022 has in store for us. Let’s be honest the last couple years as a whole have been chaotic to…

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    Happy Easter!

    I won’t be posting a Seed Sowing Saturday post this weekend since it’s Easter weekend. I’ve included a dogwood picture and if you would like to read more about dogwoods I wrote post for the Tennessee Gardener online that you may enjoy.  Also for an update on the plants in my garden shed feel free to take a look at…

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    Illinois Fall Color From Prairie Rose’s Garden

    It’s time for more fall color, this time from Illinois!  Rose who writes the blog Prairie Rose’s Garden just posted her pictures of fall.  Colors in her area come from a range of plants including maples, locust trees, burning bushes, and several other colorful plants from her garden.  But of all her colorful plants you have to see her maple…

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    Yesterday I Robbed LOWE’S

    Yesterday I was shopping at our local Lowe’s home improvement store looking for weatherstripping for the garden shed. While there I casually sauntered over to the plant area (after picking up three rolls of foam insulation) to see what they had in stock. It’s rare that I go to a store that has plants and don’t take a look (unfortunately…

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    The Tennessee Flood of 2010 Part 2

    Here are a couple videos that I pieced together of our backyard during the recent flooding rains. I do want to reiterate from my post yesterday that my experience was insignificant compared to how this flood has changed the lives of many fellow Tennesseans. We are doing fine with very few problems in our yard but please keep those people…

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    Chilly Week Ahead – Warm Weeks Behind

    Today is the Monday morning of what promises to be the coldest week of the Fall/Winter season 2010. The temperatures are predicted to be in the 30’s for highs and teens for lows with is about 15-20 degrees colder than the normal temperatures. I thought I would take a moment with this post and tomorrow’s post and think about those…

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    Fall Colors Peaking in Iowa

    Welcome to Iowa and Shady Gardener’s garden where she asks Does Everything Grows Better in My Neighbor’s Yard? (Which incidentally I don’t believe and you wouldn’t either if you’ve seen her pictures of the garden! 😉 ) SG’s fall color post takes us not only from her garden but beyond to other areas of her town for some drive by…

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    A Few Gift Ideas for Gardeners

    It’s that time of year when we’re all struggling to come up with great ideas to give our favorite people. I’ve always found that the best gifts are those that you can use on an almost daily basis. A couple years ago at Christmas I was given an iron skillet. I thought for second “wow, an iron skillet.” It certainly…

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    Fall Seedlings

    The fall vegetable garden is coming along! It never fails to fill me with excitement when those freshly planted seeds grow into seedlings. Especially when the seedlings were planted naturally through self-sowing as is the case with my cilantro. Cilantro is one of those expensive to buy but easy to grow plants.  It likes it when the weather is cooler…

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    Still Standing -My Bradford Pear Tree

    For years now I have complained about our Bradford Pear Trees. In my mind they are one of the most problematic trees ever planted in the landscape. I despise Bradford Pear trees. There are so many reasons why Bradford pear trees are terrible for planting that I constantly wonder WHY were these things ever released to the public for purchase….

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    Fickle Spring

    Spring weather is at best fickle. One day it’s warm and sunny with temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s then next day the weather forecasters are bringing up the “S” word – SNOW! We didn’t have any of the white stuff thankfully. Sometimes I suspect that there’s a fair amount of weather sensationalism out there where bringing it up certain…

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    GB Fall Color Project: Cobblestone and Colors

    Elizabeth over at Gardenrant, a well known writer and garden blogger, has posted some picturesque fall photos for the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project. What could epitomize fall more than cobblestone buildings and walls mixed with glorious maples in the rustic farmlands of Route 104 in New York. Farming implements and woodpiles appear in peaceful fall scenes. Just what we…

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    Pruning off The Lower Leaves of Tomato and Pepper Plants: Limbing Up

    Every home gardener wants their plants to thrive and do well. Often there are little, easy to do things that can greatly improve the chances of plants in your garden succeeding. Here we are going to talk about one thing you can do to help your tomato and pepper plants grow great: pruning off the lower leaves or as I…

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings