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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Taking Flowers from the Dead
I saw this story online at the Tennessean Newspaper’s website. Apparently a women was stealing decorations from grave sites and adding them to her landscape! How desperate must your landscape be to take fake flowers from the graves of the deceased then add them to your garden. The story also says that she took solar lights and benches. Maybe she…
Refreshing The Mailbox Garden
Last year one of the areas of our yard that I was sorely behind on updating was the mailbox garden. Since mailbox gardens typically are the first thing that people see when they come to visit it’s nice to have something to greet them. It really doesn’t take much to refresh or renew a garden. A few bags of mulch…
Autumn Scenes from Cheekwood Botanical Gardens
Yesterday I traveled up to the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens to listen to Tina from In the Garden. She was doing a talk on Winter Gardening and all that it entails so we thought it would be a great opportunity for us to visit with her and check out the gardens while we were there. We also visited with Gail from…
How to Save Seeds of Echinacea (Coneflower)
Updated on 11/23/2024 Fall is that time of year when gardeners begin the process of cleaning up the garden but also is the time when we begin to think of next year and saving seeds. One of the my favorite plants is echinacea and I like to save the seed from it to grow and expand gardens. Saving seeds of…
What Would Thanksgiving Be Without The Nuts?
You know the story. Everyone travels to grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. All the family gets together and stuffs their bellies full with turkey, ham, potatoes, numerous sides, and of course the stuffing (oh wait we call that dressing down here in the south ;)). And of course, you know it’s true, every family has one or two, and sometimes many…
Bloom N’ Garden Expo 2011
Today was my day to visit the Bloom N’ Garden Expo in Williamson County, TN. It’s a garden show put together by the Williamson County Master Gardeners which features talented speakers and all kinds of vendors ranging from carnivorous plants and daylilies to soaps, jams, and grape juice. There’s all kinds of neat stuff to see like the display gardens….
The Greenhouse Project: Still Digging…
This weekend found me still digging the greenhouse foundation out. Digging out a 10’x16′ area by yourself takes some time, especially when it rains more often than not. But in gardening, as in life, you take what comes and do the best you can with what you have. In three digging sessions I excavated three 4’x8′ areas to eventually remove…
Growing Peppers in the Home Garden
Peppers aren’t as massively planted as the tomato plant in the vegetable garden but those who do plant peppers have a passion that rivals any other fruit or vegetable from the garden. Some gardeners love the heat and grow the spiciest peppers they can find, while others love the flavor of a sweet red bell pepper. I find myself somewhere…
Covered in …
…SNOW! Yep the southern Blizzard of 2011 got us pretty good this time. We have somewhere around 4-5 inches of snow on the ground. Here are a few pictures of our winter wonderland! Snow on the Arbor Snow on the Blue Garden Shed Snow on the butterfly bush Snow on the eastern cedar Snow on a hemlock Snow on a…
Gifts for a Gardener
This post may be a little late as Christmas has past us by over a week ago, but why not share some gifts that should make gardening easier and more fun over 2008?For those who enjoy wildlife, birds, and the outdoors bird feeders are a necessity. We already had three bird feeders but one was slowly breaking down over the…
Brackets for DIY Corners on Raised Beds
When building raised beds I usually screw deck screws through each of the boards to attach the corners of my raised beds but using brackets to hold raised beds together does work better. With the screw in method I find after a while that the corners begin to rot, the screws begin to loosen, and the corner doesn’t hold together….
Why You Shouldn’t Plant Sweet Autumn Clematis
It’s that time of year when the fall blooming plants begin to start their show including Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora). This non-native clematis grows prolifically through the summer and gladly will climb and overtake any structure it meets then will bloom in the fall. I picked up two of these on the discount racks and even though I know…
And the Results are In! (Troy-Bilt 4 Cycle Trimmer Giveaway)
First let me thank everyone who entered the giveaway for the Troy-Bilt 4 Cycle string trimmer. I really wish I could be like Oprah. Everyone in the audience would look under their chairs and find a new Troy-Bilt 4 Cycle string trimmer, but her bank account has a much higher capacity than mine! Thankfully though my association with Troy-Bilt allows…
How Big is a Moonflower Bloom?
How big is a moonflower bloom? Let me show you! If you use the lens cap of my camera as an indicator this moonflower bloom on our arbor is roughly 6-8 inches in diameter! Below the moonflower is a purple sweet potato vine. I think the dark foliage and bright white blooms look great together. Perhaps this year I’ll attempt…
Peak Fall Color in Spring Hill, TN
This week we had our peak fall color. Not to be confused with a peek at fall color which we will do also!. Our fall color is loaded with maples, sassafras, and a few other trees along the way. We’re gifted to have our property situated on one side of a woods that gives us a great fall color view….
Things to do In the Vegetable Garden
All this rain has put me behind on planting in the garden. The tomatoes and peppers are doing good but there is more to the garden than tomatoes and peppers! Hopefully this week I’ll get a chance to accomplish a few of these things: Plant my succession crops of beans, corn, squash and zucchini. Build a better trellis for my…
I Need Your Help!
Today is the day. The day when the challenge is evaluated by friends, family, and fellow bloggers through online voting at BHG.com and I need your help to win. The projects have been done and everyone has done a fantastic job by bringing us slick porch remodels, an elegant potting bench, a cool barbecue cart, and my personal favorite: a…
Thinking of Snow
Since it doesn’t appear likely that we’ll experience much snow this year in Tennessee I’m importing some pictures of snow to look at. My brother in Flagstaff, Arizona took these pictures of their recent snowfall. They’ve had several significant snowfalls this year. It would be nice to have just one of them here!They had 6 inches of snow among the…