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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: Evaluate Your Garden
After you have a good list of the elements your edible landscape needs and you have pieced together a solid “To Grow” list you need to evaluate what you already have in your garden. Some people might put this step first and that’s OK but if you do your evaluation after you decide what you want to grow you can…
Timing Is The Root of a Good Garden
January 2015 is almost here and with it will come time to plan out your 2015 garden. We all know that for a plant to grow well it needs a strong root system. The same can be said for the garden as a whole. A garden’s roots are stronger with a good plan and the root of a good garden…
Garden Questions of the Month: October 2008
It’s time for October’s Garden Questions of the month! These are questions people have asked the search engines and found The Home Garden and hopefully they have also found the answers. Q. Can you prune silver mound in the fall? A. It’s better to wait until spring. The foliage that remains above the plant will help protect it over the…
Morning Glories
Could there be anything so easy to grow as a Morning Glory (Ipomoea)? Once a seed sprouts the vine will happily climb whatever structure it lies adjacent to whether it be a tree, shrub, trellis or post. It’s not picky!Of course there is the issue of Ipomoea invasiveness. Morning Glories are rapid growers and self seeding phenoms. They can quickly…
Building A Raised Bed for the Garden
Building a new raised bed for a vegetable garden isn’t difficult and doesn’t have to be expensive. This week I put together a new raised bed that measures 3’x10′ with materials I had laying around the garage. It’s wider than I originally intended in my garden layout but I discovered after remeasuring the area that I actually had a little…
5 Ways to Have a Self-Sufficient Garden
You’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot of talk these days about self-sufficiency. People are striving to reduce their impact on the environment by improving how things work. Self-sufficiency is a great goal to have for your garden as well. Not only does being self-sufficient help the environment but it makes a cheaper and healthier garden. Today for the Friday Fives…
The Sun and Sky after an Autumn Rain
Here are a couple pictures I took on Friday November 7, 2008. In the morning it rained; in the afternoon it rained sunshine.
A Monarch Butterfly Visit
Yesterday we had the good fortune to witness a Monarch butterfly stopping by our ‘Clara Curtis’ mum for a fill-up. Monarchs are on their way south now to find their winter homes and have to stop for nourishment along the way. We usually see them a couple times a year passing through looking for places to lay their eggs or…
Here’s the Squash
One of our favorite vegetables to grow each year is the yellow summer squash. These are some of the best looking squash plants we’ve managed to grow. It could be due to the increased rain this year or maybe the raised beds, but whatever the reason the plants are looking full and strong. They should provide an abundance of squash…
How to Save Seeds from Sweetgum Trees
Sweet gum trees (Liquidambar styraciflua) are beautiful trees and are great to have around for wildlife. The seeds of the sweet gum tree are eaten by small mammals like squirrels and chipmunks as well as a number of birds including finches, ducks, quail, chickadees, sparrows, towhees, and Carolina wrens. With all that wildlife enjoying the sweetgum trees I can easily…
Husker’s Red Penstemon in the Garden
One of the neatest perennials in our garden is ‘Husker’s Red’ penstemon (Penstemon digitalis). ‘Husker’s Red’ has reddish foliage that adds color to the garden during the growing season but it also blooms prolifically for several weeks in the spring. Ours are just now starting to fade so I thought I would take a picture to share with you. The…
Raised Bed Garden Ideas (Planning for the New Garden)
Pretty soon we’ll be relocating to our new home. Our family is very excited about this but it also means starting the garden all over again. Everything including raised beds, sheds, and arbors will have to be rebuilt. While this is a tremendous amount of work I think it’s a great opportunity to start again and redevelop our garden with…
If I Could Only Control the Weather…
I made big plans for this weekend. Plans that, at least in my mind, were very attainable. Unfortunately the weather did not concur. When I made my chore list for the weekend the weather forecast said Saturday and Sunday would be in the 70’s and sunny. We had a such a great weather day on Saturday that makes saying it…
Growing Broccoli in the Garden
Last weekend we went to a family wedding in West TN. While out there we stopped by and visited my wife’s Uncle Joe in Jackson who loves to garden. He has a variety of plants ranging from broccoli, radishes, and spring greens to tomatoes and peppers. Since I don’t grow broccoli in my garden (I like it but my family…
A Garden Pavilion Update
Last week I told you about a garden pavilion I’ve been working on and off again in my parents yard. I was working on building the railing to begin enclosing the structure for eventual screening. We completed the rails last Wednesday and here’s how it looks now. The railing pattern: We designed this pattern after a couple images we saw…
Winter Around The Greenhouse Shed
The recent snowstorm here in Tennessee has given us some very nice images. I showed some of the images from some ornamental grasses and other plants a couple days ago but here are a few from around my still incomplete greenhouse shed project. The trees behind the greenhouse are covered in ice making them appear made of crystal. Icicles…
Landscape Plan: Memorial Garden
With the growing season coming to a close its time to start planning for next year’s landscape. Every now and then I like to design landscapes for people. Here is a sample of a small garden design that I made for a couple friends of ours. Its actually a memorial garden and is suitable for almost any corner of a…
August in Bloom in My Tennessee Garden
With summers in Tennessee you never know exactly what your going to get. Usually you expect dry and hot. That’s a pretty safe bet. But lately the temperatures have reminded me of fall. The scents are on the wind. Fall blooming plants like goldenrod and ironweed are beginning to flower. The smell of fall is in the air – but summer isn’t over yet. When…