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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
It’s not Winter or is it?
Today we had a light snow drop down over our gardens in Tennessee. It isn’t the craziest thing to happen but it’s not something that gardeners enjoy. We would much rather have the sunny and warm days that spring is known for! Here’s our garden after a light dusting. Grape hyacinths. Snow around the flower covered Bradford Pear tree. …
Morning Glories
Could there be anything so easy to grow as a Morning Glory (Ipomoea)? Once a seed sprouts the vine will happily climb whatever structure it lies adjacent to whether it be a tree, shrub, trellis or post. It’s not picky!Of course there is the issue of Ipomoea invasiveness. Morning Glories are rapid growers and self seeding phenoms. They can quickly…
The Shady Side Garden – Remodeling Begins
I’m only a little of the way into a remodel of our side garden but I thought I’d show you what there is to see so far. Our side garden connects the front yard (and arbor) to the back yard and was designed several years ago to eventually become a shady location for hydrangeas and hostas. Since it takes time…
Fall Color Project: A Walk Through the Park
For today’s Fall Color Posts we have three garden bloggers who all decided to take their photography skills on a walk through the park. Of course since the bloggers live it different states it was not the same park but one thing was the same, awesome photography and great fall color! Oh wait…that was two things… oh well, just go…
Seed Sowing Saturday!
Next week I’ll be starting my seed sowing and I wanted to invite all other bloggers to join in to share their experiences. Each Saturday we’ll post about what we’ve done with our seeds, what we’ve selected, what we’ve planted, and how it’s doing. From sowing to growing it’s all fair-game! What can we talk about? seed selection how you…
Designing the Winter Garden: Aspectual Musings
One of the areas that I would like to improve upon in our garden is the lack of winter interest. I can look outside our windows and see lots of stark naked deciduous trees waving in the wind. If they were covered in snow we would have plenty of winter interest but here in Tennessee snowfalls of that magnitude are…
Free Seed Packet Template (Basic)
I mentioned earlier today in a post on Facebook about using homemade seed packets as a gift idea for stocking stuffers. You can read more about that type of seed packet in this post: using wrapping paper for homemade seed packets. If you want a more typical style of seed packet that you can customize I put together a simple…
Moss in the Yard and Garden
Moss in the garden is a curious thing. Some people can’t stand it in their yards. They view it as a blemish in their finely manicured landscape where they think there should be grass. I think differently. Why replace the moss with anything else? It’s green year round, it grows in a trouble spot, and it prevents erosion.Moss thrives where…
Surprise, Surprise, Hyacinths on the Rise!
The other day I was out and about (as happens often) when I was surprised by the sight of a couple hyacinths coming up. It’s not that I’m surprised that the hyacinths are emerging but rather that I didn’t realize they where there to begin with! This would be one of those time where plant labels would have come in…
Behind on my Seed Starting (Seed Sowing Saturday)
I feel behind in my seed starting. The frost date passed about 10 days ago and I haven’t started my summer vegetable seeds yet. the spinach is looking great and so is the arugula – even the pak choi (‘Green fortune’) I got from Renee’s Garden is looking great (and is very yummy)! The lettuce is a little disappointing but…
The Vines Look Sad
But the harvest ain’t bad! Just look at this bunch of tomatoes: The round orange tomatoes are ‘Woodle Orange’, the round red ones are volunteers, the small and slightly purple tinted are some ‘Cherokee Purple’ tomatoes that didn’t grow as larges as they should have, and the elongated orange tomatoes are ‘Orange Icicle.’ The cherry tomatoes are all from volunteer…
Timing (Your Seeds) is Everything! (Seed Sowing 101)
We’ve talked about how to pick your seeds and we’ve talked a little about the soil to use, but when should you start your seeds? This is when good planning comes into play. You want your seeds ready to go when it’s safe to plant but you don’t want to start them too early, so how do you figure that? …
One Critical Thing to Do For Your Vegetable Garden This Summer!
The weather here in Tennessee is nothing if not unpredictable. Some will even say that the only thing predictable about the weather is that it is unpredictable! So gardeners are left trying to figure out how to best mitigate harsh conditions of any extreme. Two years ago we were facing floods that washed out gardens, homes, and upturned lives –…
The First Snowfall of 2011
Technically my title is completely incorrect! We did have snow in January and February but this is the first snowfall of the coming winter season. And technically this isn’t even officially winter yet. I’m just breaking all the rules for this post! I’m going wild! Anyway…yesterday we had a light snowfall. It was the kind of snow that was so…
My Mailbox Garden
I did a post a while back on my front yard garden spots where I wrote about my mailbox garden and felt today that I needed to update what I’ve done since then. I really haven’t done much, as far as adding plants goes, but I can definitely tell you that a little mulch goes a long way toward making…
Gardening on the Radio
I was on the radio yesterday to talk about gardening on Spotlight on Spring Hill (WAKM 950 AM) and had several fall gardening topics prepared to share. Then the first guest to talk, our City Codes Inspector, began mentioning some upcoming projects and I nearly got completely sidetracked. You see I meant to talk about leaves, not to burn them,…
Blank Slate
It will be fun to think of what next year’s growing season will bring. The yard here is pretty much a blank slate still. I’ve done a few things, like making a garden bed or two, making a bird bath garden, and added trees but there is a lot left to do to fit my vision of what this yard…
Two Gables Down!
The siding work on the two gables for the garden shed have been completed! It’s really starting to come together. I can’t wait to get in there and start working on something other than the building!