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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Over the Weekend
The weather this past weekend was perfect for outdoor gardening activities! Unfortunately we are still a good six weeks away from safe outdoor planting and many of the tasks on my long term spring agenda need to wait until the frosts are done, but there is always something that can be done! Garden preparation! By far the biggest job my…
Win a Firepit and Grill for the Garden!
How would you like to add a firepit and a grill to your garden at the same time? Well today you get your chance! The people at Serenity Health and Home Decor have given me the go ahead to give away this amazing firepit/grill. All you have to do is comment in the comment section of this post on Growing…
Vegetable Family: Solanaceae (The Nightshades)
The other day I wrote about crop rotation, it’s importance, and it’s benefit in the garden so today I thought we’d begin looking at the individual families of vegetables and how they fit into the grand scheme of things. Since it is probably the most popular family, because of one of its members (the tomato), we’ll start discussing the nightshade…
Of Birdnetting, Lawnmowing, and Mistakes in the Garden
We all make mistakes in the garden on occasion. In fact I do it on a regular basis. Usually my mistakes are those where I forget to do something or I intend to come back and finish something but run out of time to get back to it. My biggest mistake is typically taking on too much for what my…
Merry Christmas To All!
I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! These pictures were taken after a rare snowfall last December (2008). While we are celebrating the holiday I will be taking a break from blogging until the beginning of January. Of course I reserve the right to write whenever the mood strikes but don’t be surprised…
Along Came a Spider…
…who sat down and ate the moth beside her. OK maybe that’s not the story you’re used to hearing but that’s what happened. This little guy is a common one in North American gardens. You’ve probably seen him somewhere, Phidippus audux a common jumping spider. At least that is my best guess. I’m not an entomologist by any means.He was…
5 Tips to Organize a Vegetable Garden Layout
Last Friday I mentioned 5 Vegetable Garden Design Tips for the Friday Fives post. Today we’ll look at some more vegetable garden design tips that relate to organization of a garden’s layout! I’ll have to own up and admit it that the organization part of gardening is a skill where I am somewhat deficient though I am striving to do…
Sustaining Fresh Basil Over Winter with Basil Cuttings!
One of my goals this “offseason” (as if there ever really is!) is to maintain a constant supply of fresh basil from November to April. I could do this by simply planting a sequential crop of basil seeds every couple months. This will work but I have an easier way! Basil is one of those nifty plants that grows roots…
5 More Easy Plants to Propagate!
Last year I wrote a post called 10 Easy Plants to Propagate for Your Home Garden. Picking only 10 is a challenge when there are so many out there that the average home gardener can have fun with so here are six more that I’ve found to be easy to propagate in my garden. Caryopteris – I have several of…
Finicky Frosty Weather (Protect Your Plants!)
The weather in Tennessee is extremely volatile this time of year. One day it could be in the 70’s (as it was today) and then the next day it could be a 40 degree high (as it is predicted for tomorrow!) This makes it a challenge to garden in the spring time. There are a few things you can do…
Plantings Around the Garden Shed
In my last post on the garden shed page I mentioned that I would show you in two parts the plantings. Well…I’m afraid I may have to expand that to three, we’ll see! After taking some pictures today and on previous days I’m happily astounded by the neat stuff I’m seeing. Please don’t take that as bragging since most of…
Decorating for the Holidays with Live Potted Plants
The holidays are an extremely busy time of the year. We go from Halloween with spooky decorations, to Thanksgiving with autumn harvest styles, then to finally to Christmas. For those who enjoy decorating (and have the storage space for all that stuff) it can be a great deal of fun, but for others who may enjoy the holidays much more…
My Backyard Greenhouse 8 Years Later
When we purchased the Harbor Freight 6×8 greenhouse back 8 years ago we weren’t sure how long it would last. We spent around $250 on this little backyard greenhouse and based on that I really think it’s done a good job for what it is. It can be assembled in a weekend and you can go ahead and start growing…
Plant By Plant Guide of How to Propagate Plants
Here is a little guide on various plants that you can propagate in your home garden. I’ve included the types of propagation where I’ve been successful (seeds, Layering, Division, Cuttings, etc.). If I can do it so can you! The links in the tables below will take you to posts I have written as a guide based on my experiences…
Heirloom Tomato Seed Giveaway!
Alright you tomato crazed vegetable gardeners! It’s time to give away some tomato seeds to start your heirloom tomato collection for next year. The seeds I’m talking about are from a tomato called ‘Woodle Orange’. Which is perhaps a lesser known variety but definitely not because it under performs. In fact it’s a delicious alternative to the standard reds and…
A December Sunrise
To me it has always seemed that winter makes up for the lack of color in the skies of the sunrise. What do you think? Are the colors of the sunrises and sunsets a substitute for the flowers and foliage of the spring, summer and fall?
Fall Color in the South: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
Today we have three bloggers who have fall color to share! All three reside in the south and have a wide array of color to show. Those of us who live in the south enjoy the mild winters and long growing season which of course means the fall color lasts much later into the year. As I look out into…
In the Garden of Sedum
It’s no secret that we like sedums around here. In fact we even have one garden area completely devoted to housing the sedums. It rests between a sidewalk and the driveway where the summer sun unmercifully beats down upon anyone unlucky enough to be planted there. It just so happens that succulents like sedums are perfect for these problem spots!…