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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Question of Perspective: Native vs. Exotic
This could be a tense question for all those opinionated gardeners out there but which should you pick, native or exotic plants? There are definitely advantages to choosing native plants with tolerance to the climate being first and foremost. Natives are better for the indigenous wildlife as it provides the food and sustenance they are used to eating.Exotic plants are…
Garden Grossology 101
Sometimes days in the garden can expose you to elements of nature that are a little more on the unpleasant side, kind of weird, or just plain gross. After our recent deluge of rain (does anyone even remember the word drought?) I made of pair of gross discoveries in my garden. All natural of course, but gross none the less….
5 Garden Things to Do More of in 2014
I don’t make many New Year’s resolutions. I make goals instead. I put together ideas of things I would like to accomplish and set out to do them. I usually don’t get through every goal I set but by setting a few goals that are attainable I accomplish more than I would have otherwise! I’ll post my garden goals for…
Saturday Sunsets
Saturday Sunsets and Silhouettes of CedarsSubscribe to The Home GardenStumble it!
Reusing Materials for a Cold Frame
Over the weekend I spent about 30 minutes piecing together a cold frame to do some hardwood cuttings. The process for building a cold frame is very similar to building a raised bed. I used some old pressure treated lumber that used to belong to a deck, an old storm door without the glass, and a couple 4″x4″ scrap pieces…
Best Materials for Raised Beds in Your Garden
I’m a huge fan of vegetable gardening – or any gardening for that matter – in raised beds. There are many reasons raised beds are great for gardens like being able to garden nearly anywhere (even on rocky ground), controlling the soil, or planting more plants in a smaller space but what actually makes a good raised bed? The best…
‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ in the Garden
When I started putting together our first garden areas in our blank slate of a yard I always second guessed myself. Every planting was met with the oncoming thought “is this going to work like I want it to?” or “does this look right?” Ideas flow freely from my mind all the time and I always try to imagine what…
Picture of Rudbeckias in the Garden in July
Here’s a photograph of the rudbeckias in my parents’ fence garden from July. Looking back on warm summer days is just the thing for cold winter January days isn’t it? Or maybe it just makes you long for the warmth of Spring and Summer even more!
July Showers Bring…July Flowers!
For today’s issue of Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day I can actually share with you some very nice flowers all thanks to the recent rains. The extra water perked up enough of the garden for it to be almost perfectly presentable just in time for the 15th of July. I hope you enjoy them as much as this happily buzzing bee…
Helpful Gardening Hints: Back Saving Wheelbarrow Techniques
If you are like me, you may have never given your wheelbarrow much thought. It really is a gardener’s best friend. This garden companion is with you in all seasons and through all manner of tasks. The poor little guy is taken for granted yet never complains and always does the job. Often it isn’t until the morning after that…
November Blooming (The Unusuals)
Our unusually spring like fall weather has encouraged quite a few plants to either continue blooming longer than usual or bloom at a very unusual time! I went out this morning and took a few pictures of what’s blooming in our Tennessee garden as a result of those 70 degree days we’ve had. Three different varieties of Achillea millifolium are…
From One Fan of Turkeys
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a fantastic Thanksgiving filled with fun, family, and of course food!
Three Favorite July Flowers
It’s always nice to have a few flowers that are so extremely reliable that you can count on them even during the most awkward periods of weather. Recently it’s been raining which has been helping us recover from our drought but these flowers were doing great in the drought conditions. Let’s take a look! Orange cosmos is always a standout. …
Autumn Seeds: The Bridge To Spring
One of the most interesting things about the fall season is the ability to observe the transformation from lush flowers and foliage to seed heads and dried leaves that flutter on the wind. It’s the beginning and the end of two gardening seasons for many plants. The seeds are the bridge that will reach across the gap and bring us…
Making Plant Benches for the Shed
I’m another step closer to actually using the greenhouse garden shed I built. I actually have the structure up for my big plant bench. I just need to do a few more finishing touches! I’m thinking of painting it white eventually to add some light reflection but that will most likely have to wait until spring.
Euonymous fortunei, a Portrait of an Invasive
Have you ever wondered why some plants are considered invasive? It’s usually because if the growing conditions are even slightly favorable they take over. Invasiveness can be due to a number of traits like rapid growth, prolific reseeding, and rooting vine habits. Euonymous fortunei is one such plant in which I have observed to have at least two of these…
April in a Tennessee Garden
It’s another beautiful spring morning here in Tennessee and I thought I would share a little of the garden with you so you could see what is growing. Yesterday was in the 70’s and the rest of the week is predicted to be the same which is simply perfect springtime weather. We all deserve a little bit of perfect spring…
Enemies of the Garden: Squash Vine Borer and Cucumber Beetle
I’ve been riding a gardening high since everything seemed to be going so well. The summer squash has been putting out squash prolifically and everyday there have been more cucumbers to pick. Things are changing. Now there are some pesky pests who are honing in on my vegetables. The squash vine borer and the cucumber beetle are the villains.These two…