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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Video Update: Bradford Pear Tree Broken

    Video UPDATE: Bradford Pear Tree As I expected we now have a second Bradford Pear Tree boken. In fact it’s a rather dangerous situation due to heavy branch still attached to the tree. I’ve been working to get this tree cut down since this happened but take a look at why you shouldn’t plant one of these problem trees. In…

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    Getting Ready for Spring Gardening

    Today please read my post about Getting Ready for Spring Gardening over at Complete Organizing Solutions. What kind of preparations are you making right now for spring gardening?

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    Shrubs for Fall Color (Fall Color Project 2010)

    While I’m not officially wrapping up the Fall Color Project for this year the entries do seem to be slowing down! More and more leaves are finding their way to the ground, hopefully to become mulch or compost as nature intended! Today’s entry comes from the blog Garden Sense and shares with us the gorgeous colors that fall foliage brings…

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    A Quick Tomato Seedling Update

    The tomatoes are doing great! They have a strong healthy start in our seed starting area. I planted them a week and a half  ago and many of the seedlings are now getting their true leaves.  As the roots start to emerge from the peat pellets I’ll transplant them deeply into individual pots.  Deep planting is the best way to…

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    Look at This Strange Cocoon!

    Large cocoon on ninebark For several months I’ve been watching this strange cocoon attached to my ninebark.  I was curious what might come from it, and a little apprehensive too, then yesterday I found a second one on a viburnum.  What if it was something that would chow down on my garden?  What if it was some dangerous?  What if…

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    How Tall Should a Raised Bed Be? (5 More Raised Bed Design Tips)

    Have you ever wondered exactly how tall a raised bed should be?  Here’s the answer: 11 and 5/16ths.  Yep that’s right, 11 and 5/16ths.  Of course not!  The real answer is that the height of a raised bed is dependent on a number of factors which makes each situation different.  Today’s Friday Fives post is another raised bed design post…

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    Greenhouse Project: Feeling Closed In

    It’s time for another backyard greenhouse shed update and I’m excited about this one!  You might ask why am I so excited…the doors have been set! This is when I can see that everything is starting to look like I originally intended. The front doors are on after a little bit of repair work. We shaved off an inch of…

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    Plant of the Week

    Here is the new plant of the week. Obviously this is an old picture since nothing is growing right now, but here’s a little taste of the spring to come. This isn’t from our yard but it is a nice example of a vine being used to accent a structure. Go ahead and make an educated guess!

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    ‘Tigger’ Melon – Light and Sweet

    Every year I try something new in the vegetable garden. When I was selecting seeds back in the dormant season I ran across this small melon called ‘Tigger’.  Of course as a parent with three children anything with the name ‘Tigger’ catches my attention. The ‘Tigger’ melon was described in the Baker Creek catalog as “vibrant yellow with brilliant fire-red,…

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    Making Arrangements for Mother’s Day

    This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. I discovered that one very good advantage to being a gardener is the continuous stock of ready to cut flowers for arrangements. It only took a few minutes to put together these two arrangements one for my wife and one for my mother. Each arrangement contains ‘Caradonna’ Salvia, Irises, Heuchera (Coral Bells), Catmint ‘Walker’s…

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    Flower Seeds: My 2008 Picks

    Since our yard was rather devoid of color and life this past season with the possible exceptions of the verbenas, mums, and asters I am making a strident attempt to improve the year round color situation. Our house was at one time a rental house that was not cared for very well inside or out. As you can imagine the…

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    A Few Vegetable Suggestions for the Garden

    Yesterday I asked people what varieties of vegetables they would recommend from their own experiences.  My goal is to add a few new vegetables each year just to try something new.  Some vegetables are tried and true and will always be in my garden but there are so many types of vegetables out there that I know I will never…

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    Growing for a Farmers Market

    For 3 years now (it’s hard to believe it’s been that long!) I’ve been selling plants at a local farmers market while also helping to manage the market’s logistical operations and online presence (Social Media and Webpage). Over that time I’ve observed quite a few different merchants with a variety of products at a farmers market and what kind of…

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    Garden Status Report: Mid July

    It hardly seems to me that spring had even started before it was gone.  This growing season has gone by so quickly, or maybe I’m just getting too busy!  Unfortunately the garden has been through some rough times.  Drought and unbelievable record heat have crippled gardening in many ways from killing plants to keeping gardener’s with common sense indoors (although…

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    5 Herbs for Thanksgiving!

    Thanksgiving is coming up next week and soon those turkeys will be filling our homes with the savory scents of a delicious dinner to be enjoyed among friends and family (and perhaps a nap to follow).  A lot of preparation goes into preparing that perfect Thanksgiving dinner and this being a gardening blog we aren’t talking turkey here but rather –…

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    Two Easy Projects For Patio Entertaining!

    Spring is in full swing here in Tennessee and that means people everywhere are headed outdoors.  Some to play, some to work, and others to just hang out on the front porch with glass of sweet tea.  That’s what we do here in the south, sweet tea on the front porch.  This week I put together two small and very…

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    In the Garden After the Rains

    The rains finally came! I know gardeners everywhere in Tennessee were excited to get this latest blast of precipitation. The front moved through yesterday in the late morning and continued to sprinkle intermittent showers upon us but it wasn’t until the nighttime hours that the real rains washed away the dust of August and September. The rain gauge picked up…

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    Garden Blogger Posts of the Week Vol.4

    Unfortunately this week my garden blog surfing was cut back severely. I just didn’t get the time to go and visit some of my favorite bloggers and as a consequence I’ve only marked one post for today – but it’s a good one! You might be thinking “he’s on a path kick” when you read this next post and remember…

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings