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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
How a Crape Myrtle Should Be Pruned
You hear about it all the time crape myrtles being unceremoniously chopped off before they can become what they should be. This pruning method is best known as crape murder. The result of crape murder is a plant that ends up with lollipop like flowering tops with branches that flop all around in the slightest breeze. Can you tell I’m…
Hostas on the March
Spring time is always interesting for hostas. They emerge from the soil with tight leaf buds designed to drill their way up to the surface and finally open up to become the foliage plants we all know and love.Our hostas are springing up all over our corner shade garden. Along with the heucheras, heucherellas, oak leaf hydrangea, and Soloman’s seal…
Tomato Seed Starting in Plastic Cups Update
Last week I wrote about my seed starting “mini-greenhouses” made from clear plastic cups so I thought I would share how my tomato seeds are doing so far. To sum things up I am very pleased with the results as I have very strong and healthy growing tomato seeds are in the mini-greenhouse cups. Some of my tomato seedlings are already…
Fall Color From Hayefield – Pennsylvania
Garden writer Nancy Ondra never has a disappointing garden photo (at least not that I’ve seen!) This year her fall color project post is as impressive as ever with viburnums, amsonia, winterberry, purple smoke bush and so many other things to look at. I wish I could stop by in person to tour her garden this time of year! Nancy…
Under the Cover of a December Frost
One cold December morning a frost covered the land. It was still as everything and everyone was awaiting the sun to add warmth for the day. Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebra Grass’ Rain Garden Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) Birdbath Garden ‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia, ‘Black and Blue’ Salvia guaranitica, Viburnum, and the remains of many others. Birdbath Garden Frozen Birdbath Birdbath Garden Clover The…
An Indoor Hanging Wall Planter Garden
The current project I’m working on for Lowe’s Creative Ideas fits into two categories for me: indoor gardening and vertical gardening. “Migration” was the theme given to us which means we were to bring the garden indoors but the issue with that for me is space. I bring plants indoors to overwinter each year like coleus or my avocado tree…
Irises in the Garden (Part 1)
Our first group of irises has just started to bloom. The iris blooms are coming much later than last year due to the cold temperatures that have pushed everything back about nearly a month. There are a just a couple types of iris here in my garden including the tall bearded irises, the Dutch irises, and some Siberian irises like…
Cabinets for the Garden Shed
Please ignore the mess of bricks and leftover lumber lying on the floor at the bottom of this picture. Instead focus on the cabinets! Family friends were cleaning out their basement and passed on quite a few pieces of lumber and odds and ends they thought could be reused. The cabinets came along for the ride too. With a little…
Beginning Construction on Our New Garden Home
It’s about time! 5 years ago we bought a piece of land only 10 minutes away from where we’ve lived since 2007. We intended to start building the house soon after that but so many things happened that building a home just continued to get postponed. Job changes, life changes, society changes (COVID 19), and quite a few things have…
Mr. Tomato, Sphinx Moth, and a Garden Fresh Pizza
Please forgive the randomness of my title for today’s post. It’s hard to sum up a weekend in just a few words! Weekends are always busy times in the garden when the weather is as beautiful as it has been. Sunday’s humidity was a bit high in anticipation of the rain that’s falling on the rooftop at this moment, but…
Greenhouse Project: In The Front
Here’s a quick look at the front of the greenhouse. My idea is to have the front side or the view from the house appear to be a small cottage in the backyard. The windows on the front were originally from one sliding window that I separated into 2 approximately 20 inch wide windows. I say approximately because one is…
How to Plant Potatoes in Raised Beds
Healthy potato plants About a month before the last frost date is the best planting time for potatoes in my zone 7b garden. That starts the planting season for potatoes here in Tennessee in Mid March. If you need a better guide than that think of St. Patrick’s Day and plan around it within a few days. Potatoes are not…
2012 Nashville Lawn and Garden Show
Ever been to the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show? Here’s the info for 2012: Gardens Past, Present & Future Will Be Celebrated March 1-4 at the 2012 Nashville Lawn & Garden Show Discussion of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello gardens among the many free presentations at the show Nashville, TN – The timeless appeal, importance and fun of gardening will be celebrated…
Our Daylilies of 2012
It’s nearly summer which means that it’s time for the daylilies to be showing off their flowers. Daylilies aren’t native plants by any means but they do really well here in Tennessee. They have very few problems and tend to grow nearly untended! I’m sure that combining their low maintenance attribute with their beauty is why they have become so…
A Flower in the Garage (Prunus cerasifera)
The blooms of spring are venturing forth from their winter slumber. Of course this particular bloom along with 28 of his buddies are resting in my garage currently awaiting the moment when their rooted feet touch the soil of our yard. What do you think they are? If you guessed purple leaf plum (Prunus cerasifera) you would be correct! As…
15 Plants to Start in August for Fall in Tennessee
It may not seem to be the right time to be thinking about fall but it is! Temperatures are still in the 90’s here in Middle Tennessee but we have to get those fall seeds started and now is the time. Growing plants from seeds requires enough time to maturity to make sure you can have an abundant crop. Below…
The Rock Looks Like A…
Quite a few people chimed in to offer their opinion as to what our naturally formed rock sculpture looks like. There were a range of responses from prehistoric and mythic reptiles to fuzzy and furry creatures of the woodlands and prairies. What I learned is that identifying what a rock resembles is a lot like naming the clouds, every one…
5 Water Conservation Tips
On Monday morning I was on WAKM AM radio show Spotlight on Spring Hill again to talk garden talk. Since here in Tennessee we just had a 2 week dry spell I thought some water conservation tips would be helpful to mention on the radio. Here’s a few tips I gave: Water in the Morning If watering is necessary, water…