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Fall Color Project: Been to Blithewold?
If you haven’t been to Blithewold lately you are missing out on a bunch of beautiful fall foliage! Kris just recently put a post up with all sorts of foliage perfection but it’s the Katsura photo that has me trying to figure out where to put one in our yard! Full moon Japanese maples, sourwood, and even large leaved hostas…
Gardening With Children
I often heard stories from people about their gardening experience when they were children. Usually the story has something to do with the person being forced to pull mountains of weeds. The quickest way for kids to lose their interest in gardening is to force them to do laborious and monotonous tasks, like weeding. When asked which garden task we…
Coreopsis ‘Moonbeam’ (Tickseed)
If you want a drought tolerant hardy perennial that looks great check out a ‘Moonbeam’ coreopsis. ‘Moonbeam’ is one of the threadleaf varieties and is more drought tolerant because of those narrow needle-like leaves. The smaller surface area means that the leaves lose less water through transpiration than other varieties of coreopsis. It still has the massive profusion of blooms…
Rustic Birdbath
I like to reuse things as much as possible, so I took an old post from an old wooden palette, sanded it and gave it a cedar stain. I left some of the darker marks on it so that it would maintain that rustic look. Then I fastened a copper birdbath that we had and put it into the ground….
Stone in the Winter Garden
This time of year the bones of my become very exposed. The deciduous leaves of most of my plants have fallen and blown away on the wind to reveal the stone and structures that lay underneath. It’s a good time to evaluate how the stone in the garden fits. Here is one of my dry creek beds that helps to…
Through Winter’s Branches Comes Morning’s Glory
Picture taken on Wednesday March 5, 2008
April Garden To-Do List for Zone 7
April is here and with a new month and temperatures warming new garden tasks present themselves! Here is a garden chore list for April in zone 7. If you are in a different zone these items would be offset by a couple weeks. April Garden To Do List Continue sowing seeds indoors for summer crops of vegetables and flowers. It’s…
Green Gardening for St. Patrick’s Day
We are told all the time about what you can do to be “greener.” Things ranging from changing the light bulbs in your home to setting the heat back a few degrees are common tips we hear but what about in the garden? There are several things we can do to enhance our environmental “greenness” in the garden and here’s…
The Greenhouse Project: Still Being Framed
I’ve been framed! The greenhouse-shed almost is framed that is. The framing is coming along slower than I had hoped and as usual my goals prove to be loftier than time actually allows. I do this to myself all the time with projects, underestimating the actual amount of time necessary to complete it. My goal for Wednesday was to finish…
5 Garden Things to Do More of in 2014
I don’t make many New Year’s resolutions. I make goals instead. I put together ideas of things I would like to accomplish and set out to do them. I usually don’t get through every goal I set but by setting a few goals that are attainable I accomplish more than I would have otherwise! I’ll post my garden goals for…
Oak Leaf Hydrangea Propagation (Cuttings) the Results
Oak leaf hydrangeas are an awesome landscape shrub to add to the garden. They get big and need room and enjoy part shade/part sun locations but if you have the right spot for one by all means add one! I’m always trying to propagate a few more but they tend to be rather tricky to propagate from cuttings. Layering is…
Greenhouse Update
I just posted another greenhouse update that includes pictures of the new trim that is enclosing the eaves and along roof line. It’s progressing nicely and the roof is all enclosed! Post: Greenhouse Roof Finally Enclosed
Arbor Day Tree Update No. 1 or Do Deer use Pruners?
I have to ask do deer use pruners? I was walking in my yard transplanting a willow and went over to one of the free maples I planted.And to what did my wondering eyes appear?A slice off the tip of my maple by a deer!Perfectly sheered as if the deer carried a set of bypass pruners in its pockets! I…
This Weekend Rocked!
It was a pretty good weekend for me. You might even say it rocked! Of course that’s partly a play one words, can you guess why?Maybe I went to a concert.Nope. Once our kids came around exciting rock concerts were out of the picture. Not that I really mind I never was much for partying.Maybe I went rock climbing?Nope. I…
One Tennessee Country Road
Within a mile of our home lies a beautiful pastureland divided by an old country road. The pastures are separated in a way that doesn’t diminish their beauty but rather enhances the quaint rural scene. This is my preferred route to take to and from our neighborhood when I can. In every season it has something breathtaking to observe. Whether…
Giving Valentine’s Day Flowers that Last
Here are the flowers I gave my wife for Valentine’s Day. I like to give flowers that you can plant in the garden when they are done blooming. It seems wasteful to just buy a bouquet and let them fade away. Once the weather is warm enough I’ll but them outside where we can enjoy them next spring.Here are the…
Fall Vegetable Garden Layout for a 4’x8′ Raised Bed
Lately I’ve been thinking about my fall vegetable planting and since the time is upon us I thought I would put together a fall vegetable garden layout of how I might plant one of my 4’x8′ raised beds. While this vegetable garden design is not necessarily drawn to scale with regard to the number of plants possible it should show…
Gardening in Late July
July can be a tricky month. The weather is normally hot and very dry which brings with it challenges for irrigating the garden and keep plants alive to produce well throughout the fall. This July in TN has bee a lot different. Out hottest days so far this year were like normal days in previous years and our normal days…