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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Can You Start a Plant Nursery With No Money?
Several years ago I started a little nursery business where I sold plants at a local farmer’s market. It was a fun garden side hustle but ultimately I closed it down and shifted to a different business as our family needs changed. My dream has always been (and still is really) to have my own nursery. Every now and then…
When to Prune Hydrangeas
One of the more confusing aspects of gardening is when to prune hydrangeas. The confusion is because the best time of year to prune hydrangeas differs depending on the type of hydrangea you have. Some hydrangeas bloom on the old wood from the previous season while others will bloom on new wood. Determining which hydrangea is which will help make…
Name that Plant!
It’s been a looong time since I’ve posted a new Name that Plant. This one was contributed by Lola a frequent visitor here who was wondering what this plant is in her yard. I have a suspicion of what it might be but I can’t say for 100% what it is. See if you can help us out! Lola’s garden…
A Step to Bridge the Gap
The first major task I tackled this week with our patio project was this step landing. It was a problem that had to be fixed. When we had our home inspected before we purchased it the inspector noticed that the deck needed one more step to fit codes. That wasn’t the only problem here, the stairs led right out to…
Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Update
Since I decided to remodel the raised bed vegetable garden this year a lot of work has been done. The beds have all been built for this year and all the grading I wanted to attempt is finished, for now. The fence will be something of an ongoing project but we’ve erected a temporary wire fence made of 3 foot…
What’s Happening in the Vegetable Garden?
It’s time for another look into the vegetable garden. To say that things are growing well is an understatement. The raised beds filled with mounds of organic material like grass clippings, newspaper, composted cow manure and good old compost are doing the trick. In many cases the plants are exceeding their boundaries and covering walkways. I need to confine those…
Beginning a Nursery Business: Where to Sell Your Plants?
Before you really get into producing plants for sale it is very important to come up with a way to get the plants to the customers. I don’t have a place where costumers could just come by and browse the plants since I do all my production from my own garden. One day perhaps, but I needed to come up…
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day: Buds and Blooms in March
Welcome to Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day at the Home Garden. Be sure to go visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to tour some of the other blooms and blogs!I will never advocate planting a Bradford pearbut in the right lightit just might look alright!Buds beginning to break from their winter slumber.(this is one of my better pictures!)The tree will soon…
5 Things to Do to Prepare Your Garden Soil Before You Plant
Planting time is here, but before you plant there are a few things you should do to prepare your garden beds. Here are a few things you should do to get the soil prepared before planting out your garden. Weed – This one is pretty obvious but it has to be done! Weeding the garden removes competition for valuable nutrients,…
Hydrangea Propagation (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Every gardener likes a hydrangea in the garden. Likewise every gardener likes having more hydrangeas in the garden! So why not propagate a few more hydrangeas for your garden? Of course you have to have a suitable spot for one but if you have a garden location with dappled morning sun and afternoon shade you have the perfect home to…
A Sidewalk Garden Layout
Over the weekend I put together a garden for the opposite side of my sidewalk. Here’s the layout of the garden. I did this layout after I planted the garden and it isn’t to scale. It is roughly 18-20 inches wide and probably 25 feet long. I only used plants that I could transplant from other locations in my yard…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: Japanese Maples, Unbeatable
Over at Ledge and Gardens in Rhode Island Layanee has put together a post about my favorite trees, maples! Layanee’s maples are mostly Japanese maples and their color is nothing short of awesome. From orange to red to gold-green these maples don’t disappoint for fall color. Included in her post are the Acer palmatum varieties ‘Omurayama’ and ‘Osakasuki’, as well…
Staring into the Face of a Lion: Dealing with Dandelions
The Dandelion(Taraxacum officinale)You know this pretty little face don’t you? Staring up at you with it’s bright golden feathery petals gleaming in the sun. It is a pretty little flower in it’s own way. Almost…dandy. But its pretty exterior hides how fierce this weed really is. It spreads fast if not contained.This little flower from the Asteraceae family will spread…
A Quick Wedding Landscape Preparation Update
I don’t have any pictures ready for this post although I did take some. I’m working to prepare my in-laws landscape for my brother-in-law’s wedding in July. Here’s just a quick list of some of the projects we’re working to complete.Weed the various gardens including a patio garden, a front yard sidewalk garden, a shady woodland garden and a raised…
‘Winter’s Snowman’ Camellia in Bloom
Last year I planted two ‘Winter’s Snowman’ camellias in the front garden. I was hoping that they would bloom last year but alas it was not to be, but they have started blooming this year! The first of the white camellia blooms opened today. It wasn’t fully open when I snapped the picture but I just couldn’t wait to share…
Randomness Around the Garden
This was one of those weekends where my garden time was fairly limited. I still managed to get outdoors some and accomplish a few little things. The biggest task was putting together the garden cart for my mower. It took almost two hours. That’s probably where most of my outdoor time went but when it comes to paying the store…
Fall Color Project: From the West Coast to the East
Contrary to popular belief California does have fall color, and it’s pretty good too! Birches, maples, and crape myrtles all are displaying their fall show in Rebecca Sweet’s garden. The view of her ‘Forest Pansy’ Redbud really makes me wish the fall webworms hadn’t munched on mine. Take a trip to the Bay area of California to see what color…
Growing and Blooming Around the Garden
It’s time to show you a few pictures of the plants around my garden! The gardens themselves are in need of weeding, mulch, and assorted other chores I haven’t had time to get to yet but that doesn’t stop the plants from looking impressive. Our weather lately has been wetter than normal for August and July. That’s a blessing since…