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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
What Plant(s) Are You Looking Forward to Planting in 2008?
What plant or plants are you looking forward to planting this year? Do you have something new or is there something you planted last year that did really well and you want to try again?Our planting season last spring was almost entirely a bust due to our need to rehab our house. The carpets needed replaced, everything needed painted, and…
A Sitting Garden in Summer
A few years ago I drew a rough drawing of a garden area for my in-laws. They had just built their new house and were excited to fill the landscaping in with something they would enjoy. What I came up with was a sitting garden. Essentially an area where they could go outside and relax while watching the garden or…
The First Ripe Tomatoes!
I can proudly say that on today, June 28, 2010, I have found the first ripe tomatoes of the year! The tomato on the left is a Viva Italia but I forget the name of the one on the right (I really need to label the tomatoes I plant in the garden, my memory just does do everything I want…
The Sun and Sky after an Autumn Rain
Here are a couple pictures I took on Friday November 7, 2008. In the morning it rained; in the afternoon it rained sunshine.
When to Prune Hydrangeas
One of the more confusing aspects of gardening is when to prune hydrangeas. The confusion is because the best time of year to prune hydrangeas differs depending on the type of hydrangea you have. Some hydrangeas bloom on the old wood from the previous season while others will bloom on new wood. Determining which hydrangea is which will help make…
Fall Colors in East Tennessee
Emily Rose who gardens and blogs in the Chattanooga area has a very picturesque setting for her fall colors! What could be better than fall colors reflected in a pond? Oaks, maples, and other trees all offer up a piece of East Tennessee fall color. Stop by and check out Emily’s fall color pictures at her blog!
How to Propagate Purple Leaf Plum from Cuttings
One of the reasons I like gardening so much, and I believe that other gardeners share the same reason, is to see the result of your work. To see a job finally come to completion. I enjoy the journey and the process too, but it is extremely gratifying when the end of a project comes and something worked really well…
The Greenhouse Project: I Need Braces
We managed to accomplish a little more on the greenhouse project this week. We ran into a small roadblock when we botched putting together the roofline and had to take the rafters down to reattach them to the center beam. I was trying to do things in a simple and easy way which turned out to be complicated and difficult,…
My Spring Challenge (Clearing the Weeds and Planting a Slope)
Here is a picture of our new territory that I didn’t quite know I had until a couple weeks ago. It is covered in a variety of weeds including notable family favorites like ragweed, goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace. Now if it were just the latter two weeds I would be OK with the area as a natural wild field…
A Gardener’s Perspective
If you enjoy gardening and consider yourself a garden chances are you walk around with the same perspective that I have. Everywhere I go I find myself observing, mentally recording, and analyzing how plantings work in various gardens. It might the house down the street, a business, a park, or any other place with some semblance of a garden that…
Two Signs of Spring
Are you looking for something, anything to keep you going until spring time? Are you frantically searching the garden for signs of life? Here are two early signs to look for that will tell you spring is just around the corner! The daffodils are rising! The foliage of daffodils always comes up early but these are especially early. This photo…
June Garden To-Do List 2011
There are always a ton of things to do in the garden when the growing season is in full swing. Hopefully most of the garden is set up and ready to go with only general maintenance needing the gardeners attention but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes projects pop up, problems arise, and then sometimes we haven’t gotten everything done…
Rooting Leaf Cuttings of Sedums
Every now and then there is a plant that will root from the leaves, like Asiatic lilies I wrote about earlier in the year. Sedums are another one of those kinds of plants. Recently I rooted several cuttings of ‘Autumn Joy’ sedum and another sedum I don’t know the name of but bears a resemblance to Sedum seiboldii. You might…
Garden Blogger Posts of the Week Vol.5
What posts stood out to me this week? Read on! I was struck by the beautiful setting in Rob’s post at Our French Garden in the Beautiful Dordogne. The rest of the post is great too but you know what they say about first impressions! This week was Carol’s Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day which is always worth a look at…
Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)
Nandina domestica, otherwise known as ‘Heavenly Bamboo’, can be an interesting plant to put in your landscape but you may want to think twice before doing so. I’ll explain why in a minute but first let me tell you why so many people like it. It retains its leaves year round, it has bright red berries that are fantastic for…
‘Trombetta’ Climbing Squash
One of the more unusual vegetables I am growing this years is the ‘Trombetta’ climbing squash. Its name is derived from the Italian word for bugle or trumpet which is the shape it resembles. ‘Trombetta’ is a climbing squash that when ideally placed has the strong support of an arbor or trellis on which to grow. The squash itself gets…
Three Gardening Books I’d Like for Christmas
Before every Christmas season begins I am asked by various family members “What do you you want for Christmas?” Of course sometimes it’s phrased more like “Get me your Christmas list by X Date!” Does this happen to you too? As an avid gardener and blogger I thought it might be fun to think of the books I would like…
Fall Color in the Tree Line
One of the locations in our yard that has the most fall color is the back tree line. We don’t have much in the way of mature trees throughout the rest of the yard but the back tree line makes up for it in the way of sassafras, walnut, maples and assorted other trees. One day this area will house…