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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Become a Master of Space and Time
A character on one of my favorite shows “Heroes” calls himself a “master of space and time.” Hiro can stop time and let it resume whenever he wants. At one time he was even able to go forward and backward through time. Wouldn’t that be a cool power to have? But this post is not about superpowers, it’s about becoming…
Mid-June Garden To Do List
Here is a quick list of things that need done in our June garden. Keep in mind that we’re located in Spring Hill, TN in a zone 6b-7 area and these chores may not correspond with the growing season in your area. You’ll need to do many of these tasks too but at different times. Sucker those tomatoes! Removing the…
Setting Inlaid Stepping Stones
Recently I was given some natural stone to add to my landscape by a local gardener. Some of the stone was large and flat while other stones were rough edged and angular. Today I’ll show you how I used the large flat stones in three areas of my yard. First I’ll tell you how I set the stones. I didn’t…
What I Like About Fothergilla major (and how to propagate it!)
I love the spring time with its flush of new flowers and this spring’s flowers have one of the record books. Among those flowering plants one of the coolest is the Fothergilla major. Fothergilla is a small shrub in the Hamamelidaceae family that gets around 6 to 10 feet tall with a spread up to 5 to 9 ft. It’s…
What’s Flowering in My Garden You Ask?
OK, maybe you didn’t, but what gardener doesn’t want to see flowers in bloom? Here’s a quick look around at the blooms of my garden for Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day hosted by Carol and May Dreams Gardens! The bees always love the coneflowers. Blackberry lily. Blackberry lily gets ts name from the seed clusters that resemble the compound fruit of…
Rooting Coleus from Cuttings: Easy Method to Make More Plants
If coleus (Solenostemon) is not the easiest plant cutting to root, then it must be ranked at the top of the plant propagator’s list right next to the willows. Here’s the process of rooting Coleus in water. Whether you want to multiply your coleus plants or save some cuttings indoors over the winter coleus can root very easily in water…
Creating the 2019 Vegetable Garden Plan
December brings us to the end of another year. As a gardener you know that just because the calendar year may be ending our work (fun) is just beginning. It’s time to plan your 2019 Vegetable Garden. To me planning is the fun part. During the planning process I get to look for new varieties of seeds to try, think…
A Sunday Question: What are the Best Ornamental Grasses in Your Garden?
Here’s another question for another Sunday! What are the best ornamental grasses in your garden? Ornamental grasses are great plants to use whether as a background or as a feature plant. There are all kinds of ornamental grasses to choose from; some are native and some exotic. In our garden we only have two varieties but I hope to add…
What Did I Bring Home Last Weekend?
Last weekend I brought home a few things from my in-laws house. I’m very fortunate to be able to take cuttings of anything they have around or to be able to gather rocks for edging in our garden. So what did I bring home last weekend? I’ve already told you about one thing, the pyracantha cuttings. I took 14 cuttings…
The Gray Tree Frog (Hyla versicolor)
This was a historic day. It was the first day I’ve ever seen a frog in my garden. I’ve seen a toad or two but never an actual frog! Amphibians are a good indicator of the heath of an environment. They are kind of like environmental canaries in a coal mine, if something is wrong they are one of the…
Herbs in the Vegetable Garden
It’s that planning time of the year still for most plants and I want to mention something I think is important, herbs! Herbs go great in the vegetable garden mixed in with other plants like tomatoes and peppers. As companion plants go herbs are said to prevent various insects from effecting your plants. (Darla had an interesting post about companion…
Taking Flowers from the Dead
I saw this story online at the Tennessean Newspaper’s website. Apparently a women was stealing decorations from grave sites and adding them to her landscape! How desperate must your landscape be to take fake flowers from the graves of the deceased then add them to your garden. The story also says that she took solar lights and benches. Maybe she…
Have a Merry Christmas!
Have Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year!
One Way to Protect a Small Plant from Rabbits
In our newly formed back garden areas I’ve planted several things that are virtually rabbit proof. Things like caryopteris and Russian sage are perfect plantings here since the rabbits just don’t like them. But what do you do if you want to plant something that the rabbits believe is a deliriously delicious and divine delicacy for dinner? You have to…
These Blue Berries Aren’t Blueberries!
The blue berries I’m about to show aren’t from any blueberry bush but are from the Arrowwood viburnum! This viburnum is one of my favorites (but really, I think all viburnums are my favorites). Viburnum dentatum has white flowers that appear in spring and are a great source of nectar for bees and butterflies. The glossy green leaves persist until…
Tomatoes and Fall Garden Thoughts
It’s that time of year where the tomatoes are coming in faster than I can pick them. That’s a good thing but I wonder sometimes if I’m in over my head trying to find ways to use all these tomatoes. I planted over 20 tomato plants this year which may have been too many but I couldn’t resist. There are…
What Not To Do In The Vegetable Garden
You hear a lot of us garden bloggers always talking about what to do in the vegetable garden, but what about what not to do? We all make mistakes. We all do things that can be categorized under “OOPS”. I’m going to share one of those “OOPS” moments with you today that quite frankly I’m disgusted with myself for doing….
Gardening, A First Step to Homesteading
Homesteading has seen a resurgence over the last several years which is very cool. More people are opting to build a strong connection with the land and are moving toward mini-farms and homesteads to raise their families. Before beginning a homestead future farmers should do one thing: learn to garden! The garden is one major component of a successful homestead…