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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Leaf Beetle Larvae (Calligrapha)
This formerly beautiful coreopsis that I raised from seed last year was nearly completely devoured by leaf beetle larvae. I don’t know enough about insects to identify which species of leaf beetle it is but I am positive it is a Calligrapha. The damage is pretty devastating. The leaves are spotted with holes and very few leaves have escaped untouched….
More Mums and the $50 Lowe’s Giveaway Ends Today!
Today I’ll show you a few more pictures of the mums but I also wanted to remind you that today is the last day to enter the $50 Gift Card Contest to Lowe’s! The folks at Lowe’s Creative Ideas are providing anyone who comments on the mums project posts this week an opportunity to win that $50 gift card. All…
The Fall Color Project: Fall Colour in the UK!
It’s time for the Fall Color Project to officially begin with our first participant! When the fall colors peak in your area consider it your blogging duty to share the view!Joco was concerned a couple weeks ago that there would be very little fall color in the UK due to the unusual weather but thankfully for us and our leaf…
Reviewing the Troy-Bilt 4 Cycle Trimmer (TB675 EC)
This summer as part of the Saturday6 Bloggers with Troy-Bilt I tested a 4 Cycle Trimmer (TB675 EC). I’ll be completely honest and tell you that weed eating is not one of my favorite tasks in the garden. It’s necessary to keep things cleanly edged, keep weeds down, and even clean out brush areas. Weed eaters are very useful tools….
Just a Few Things To-Do
While the weather still may not be ideal I’ve managed to get a few chores accomplished outside the last couple days. There’s much more on my weekend to-do list but I feel good about what has been started so far. The short list of things that I did: Cut back a Russian sage. After I cut back the Russian sage…
5 Activities Children Can Do In The Vegetable Garden
Kids in the garden are funny creatures. Although your kids may be too young to do many of the garden chores that need done it’s important to get them out there not only to learn but to get fresh air. Gardening is an invaluable educational tool because children can learn how to do things, procedures, why things are done a…
10 Easy Plants to Propagate for Your Home Garden
Here is a list of 10 plants that are very easy to propagate for your garden that I have found to be extremely easy to root. There are many plants that could be on this list but I decided to stick with some that I have done and know for a fact that their root development is very reliable. I’ve…
Fall Color Project: A Walk Through Washington
Tatyana took a walk through her town in Washington to bring us fall color. Along the way she found some spectacular images of fall in the Pacific Northwest. I envy their ability to grow Japanese maples so successfully in that region. Birches, maples, evergreens and the Olympic Mountains all have their place in Tatyana’s fall photos! See the most recent…
Splurge On Spring With Monrovia Plants: Heuchera and Heucherella
Spring time is such an exciting time for gardeners. The weather is better, the garden is growing again, and it’s time to add more plants to the garden! Thanks to Monrovia plants I splurged on plants for my garden the other day! Which one’s did I add? Heucheras and heucherellas! Before I tell you more you might be wondering, what…
Nature’s Water Features
Scenes from nature often can offer inspiration and ideas for people to imitate. Here are some of nature’s water features.
Why I Didn’t Remodel Our Front Porch
The truth is I never even considered remodeling our front porch for the Better Homes & Gardens 48 Hour Challenge but if I had considered it I did have some incentive not to. The two front runners in the challenge (Making it Lovely and This Young House) had some nifty ideas that they used in their porch remodels and some…
It’s a New Baby Girl!
I missed posting yesterday due to the birth of our brand new baby daughter! So let me introduce you to Olivia Rose. She was born yesterday morning at 10:44, healthy and happy! She weighed in at 7 lbs. 8 ozs. and 19 1/4 inches long.Everyone is doing great and both mother and daughter come home tomorrow!
Vegetable Seeds for 2008
On Saturday I purchased most of the vegetable seeds that we plan on growing for this season. We are dividing seeds with my parents since neither of us need all the seeds this year. The raised beds still need to be assembled but the wood is in the garage just waiting to be used. We also bought some herb and…
How to Fill Raised Beds Cheap!
I love gardening in raised beds. It is one of the simplest ways to have success with a vegetable garden. That doesn’t take anything away from all the other methods of gardening, only that I believe that raised beds are a great way for gardeners of all backgrounds and skill levels to garden successfully. The best reason to like raised…
One Misty Morning
This morning was one where the garden was draped in a fog. Fog adds a touch of mystery to any scene. This sunrise picture was taken from our back deck. A birch tree to the left is sporting its last few remaining leaves while the maple is clinging to the last of the fall colors. Our blue garden shed was…
What Are Good Companion Plants for Coreopsis?
What looks great with coreopsis in the garden? The answer is coreopsis looks great with just about everything! Over the last two years I’ve acquired several types of coreopsis (also called tickseed) and experimented with it in different combinations and found it plays well by itself and with others. Here are few coreopsis companions from my garden. “Moonbeam” Coreopsis Here…
The Early Colors of March
Here are a few of the early March blooming flowers in my garden. Crocus, daffodil, and forsythia. The forsythias have burst into full bloom since the picture was taken!
Greenhouse Update
I just posted another greenhouse update that includes pictures of the new trim that is enclosing the eaves and along roof line. It’s progressing nicely and the roof is all enclosed! Post: Greenhouse Roof Finally Enclosed