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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Greenhouse Project: Mostly Screwed
Yes you read the title right. My greenhouse shed project is mostly screwed. Rather than use nails to hold everything together we’re using coated deck screws as they tend to hold things much better and if you mess something up it’s easier to fix! The three disadvantages of this is it takes longer, the drill eventually runs out of power…
Seedling Updates From the Garage Greenhouse
Last year I set up a small greenhouse in my garage. It was a gift from my parents and has come in quite handy. I keep it in the garage next to one of the windows and have an old aquarium light set up for the top shelf. This little greenhouse is the perfect place to harden off my seedlings…
How Can Gardeners Deal With Seed Shortages?
If there is anything that 2020 taught us it’s that we need to expect the unexpected and adapt to the changes. One surprise in 2020 was the increased number of home gardeners. The quarantine and stay at home orders forced people to find home based hobbies and activities like gardening to keep busy. The nice thing about gardening is that…
How to Propagate Rosemary from Cuttings
A few years ago I wrote post about propagating rosemary from cuttings placed in water. That method for propagating rosemary is a viable method for sure but you probably will have more success if you take your rosemary cuttings and stick them in soil instead. Recently I posted a video on the YouTube channel that explains both propagation methods for…
Stopping to Smell the Daylilies
Stopping to smell the daylilies may get you a mild to severe case of nasal pollenitis. Symptoms include a dusty yellow-orange substance that can be found on the surfaces of the nose, possible sneezing and runny eyes, as well as a possible case of severe giggles.
New Additions: Texas Sage and Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’
Last week I was out of town teaching and was forced to come home early due to a awful case of food poisoning (watch out for those buffets!) When Saturday rolled around my outdoor work plans were drastically changed. I had planned on getting some mulch on a few spots but just couldn’t stand being in the heat and humidity…
Good to be Home Again!
I hope everyone had a very happy holiday! We just got back in tonight after visiting several family members in various parts of Tennessee. We’re very fortunate to have both sets of parents within easy driving distance so we can visit them both at Christmas. We also spent several days in west Tennessee in Trenton and Union City where some…
A Review of Rootcups
A few weeks ago Mr. Brownthumb posted an interview with the inventor of Rootcups on Treehugger. Rootcups are an easy to use propagation device that the home gardener can use to help propagate some of their favorite plants. I contacted Mr. Brownthumb because I was curious about the product and and then got in touch with Mike who sent me…
Propagating Schip Laurels
Schip laurels (pronounced Skip) are a very easy evergreen that you can propagate at home. I mentioned propagating cherry laurels a couple years ago but since it’s a good time of the year to take cuttings I thought I would revisit it. It will take a couple years before a cutting turns into a plant large enough for a foundation…
How to Plant A Tree
After you’ve run out and gotten your tree you have to plant it. Let’s assume you’ve selected the right location for the tree. Large trees should not be located too close to structures or underneath power lines. Always remember that the roots of the tree often extend past the drip line of the tree. (The drip line is the edge…
Merry Christmas!
And though it’s been said, many times, many ways… Merry Christmas! May your season be filled with friends, family, and joy!
Quick Tip: Try Seed Planting With a Hula Hoop
Have you ever used a kids toy to plant seeds? It might be worth a try! While out in the garden planting rainbow chard and spinach I used a hula hoop as a planting aid. Inside the hula hoop I planted the rainbow chard and in the outside ring I planted spinach. When the plants sprout and begin to grow…
Starting Seedlings
I know, it’s early to start seed but I have a plan and just couldn’t resist. Inside of a walk-in closet I put up a grow light and suspended it about 12-14 inches above the seed starting spot. The lights are 48″ fluorescent shop lights that I used last year to start my seedlings. I even made a little light…
Teach Your Children: “Check with Me First”
Recently on Facebook in a group I am a part of someone posted about a plant they didn’t know after discovering that her daughter ate some of the fruit. I can imagine the fear that must be in her mind. I have 5 children and would panic as well if one of them ingested something that could be a poison….
Garden Blogger Seed Swap 2009
To kick this Garden Blogger Seed Swap off I’ll share with you what I have to offer! Anyone is invited to join in even if you don’t have a blog. Just post what you would like to trade for and what you have to offer in the comments or drop me an email! I will update this post to reflect…
A Garden Update: The Tomatoes
We have tomato weather but no tomatoes! That’s not surprising for June here in TN as most tomatoes don’t produce ripe fruit until July. Knowing that fact though doesn’t diminish the desire for that first fresh from the garden homegrown tomato! Our plants are doing very well so far, healthy and strong with stout stems and trunks. At this point…
Arbor Day Experiment (Part 1)
They finally came! My experiment with Arbor Day has begun. Earlier in the year I ordered several trees from the National Arbor Day Society. I also got a few free trees with my order. I know many people have had mixed results when ordering from Arbor Day. They either have trees that don’t make it through the winter, receive dead…
And the Troy-Bilt Jet Leaf Blower Winner is…
First before I tell you who won the Jet Blower from Troy-Bilt I wanted to say thank you for entering! Giving stuff away is really one of the more exciting parts of blogging! The Jet is an easy to use leaf blower made by Troy-Bilt. The Jet easily blasts away grass clippings on driveways and leaves making cleaning up after yardwork…