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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Making Plant Benches for the Shed
I’m another step closer to actually using the greenhouse garden shed I built. I actually have the structure up for my big plant bench. I just need to do a few more finishing touches! I’m thinking of painting it white eventually to add some light reflection but that will most likely have to wait until spring.
Caryopteris for September Blues (Fall Flowers)
Do you want an easy to grow shrub that has very few pest problems, isn’t munched on by deer or rabbits, and looks great at the end of summer? No it’s not impossible, think caryopteris! Caryopteris (Caryopteris x clandonensis also called blue mist shrub, bluebeard, or blue mist spirea) is deer and rabbit resistant if not proof, blooms in the…
A Little Birdwatching
With many gardening activities slowing down and the temperatures dropping (although yesterday the temperature was actually near 70 degrees!) I spend much more time indoors. Fortunately I can still enjoy the great outdoors by watching the birds stop by to visit the bird feeders. Here are a few of the visitors who stopped by for breakfast yesterday and the day…
The Salvias of May in My Front Garden
Lately I’ve been looking back at all the pictures I took over 2009 like in my last post (the picture of rudbeckias.) Soon I’ll be talking about seeds and getting ready in earnest for 2010 gardening but I find that glancing back at the previous year’s pictures helps to guide me when it comes to the seed catalogs. I stumbled…
Propagation Continues – Even in Winter!
On Monday while all three of my children were napping at the same time (that is a major feat!) I spent some time preparing some cuttings. Until Monday I really haven’t had many opportunities to get outside and garden. The weather has been too cold and with my youngest, who doesn’t seem to like taking naps during the day, I…
2012 Garden Project List!
Every year I put out a list of my intended gardening projects that I personally want to accomplish this year. Then back at the end of the year I review them to see how I’ve done. This year is a little tricky. I have quite a few projects leftover from last year that I still want to accomplish in my…
Planning Your Next Garden: Evaluate the Garden
The calendar hasn’t said so yet officially, but winter weather is already here. As I write this post sleet is spitting through the air outside. Fortunately I have a pot of hot coffee available to offset the cold. What should a gardener be doing on these cold “winter” days when the garden isn’t suitable for enjoyment? Cold winter days mean…
Name that Seed
Here’s a new take on the name that plant challenge, Name that Seed! See if you can guess what plant these seeds came from and what they could grow to be. Each seed is slightly larger than 1/2 an inch in length and ovular in shape. The one clue that I’ll give you is that it came from a type…
5 Herbs You Should Grow In Your Garden
I couldn’t imagine my garden without herbs. Whether for making tea, utilizing in dinner, or a myriad of other uses herbs are an essential part of my garden. Some of the herbs in my garden are also excellent companion plants in addition to their culinary uses. Herbs are awesome and you should grow them if you aren’t already. What herbs do I grow…
Starting Seedlings
I know, it’s early to start seed but I have a plan and just couldn’t resist. Inside of a walk-in closet I put up a grow light and suspended it about 12-14 inches above the seed starting spot. The lights are 48″ fluorescent shop lights that I used last year to start my seedlings. I even made a little light…
Out and About
I enjoy periodically just walking around the yard and seeing what there is to see in my landscape. Today was a bit of an overcast day probably in the lower to mid 60’s F. Its always a good idea to walk around your yard so you know what’s happening. Today I took a camera and shot a few pictures. The…
Germinating Baptisia australis Seeds
Sometimes certain plants can be tricky to germinate from seed. When germinating Baptisia australis seeds you will find that the seeds have an extremely hard coat that will require some external actions to penetrate the hard outer shell that will allow the embryo to get water. There are several methods for getting underneath that hard seed shell. Scarification is one…
Hardening Off Seedlings (Seed Sowing 101)
Once your seeds have grown big enough to plant out in the garden it’s time to find a way to get them into the garden. Direct sowed seeds have a big advantage in this area as they have grown from the start in the great outdoors are are already well adapted to the weather. Seedlings grown indoors aren’t so lucky. …
How to Propagate Boxwoods from Cuttings
Here’s a simple method to making more boxwood plants through plant propagation. Save money by making more plants for FREE!Spring in Tennessee
The first day of Spring is marked by gardeners everywhere. Unfortunately not everyone gets to experience warm days, growing plants, and all the wonders of spring at the same time. It’s different for every region but that doesn’t make it any less significant. The first day of spring symbolizes the beginning of the growing season for many gardeners. Even gardeners…
Want to Peek Inside the Greenhouse Garden Shed?
The greenhouse garden shed isn’t not done yet – I know, that completely surprised you – but you can take a peek inside and see what I did over the weekend. There’s much more to come!
Self Sowing Plants for the Garden
As previously mentioned in my 2009 garden project list I am working on a self sowing garden. I mentioned the advantages to a self sowing garden earlier in the week and my own personal reasons for wanting to plant it and now it’s time for the next step…seeds. But first, what are self sowing plants? Since plants generally reproduce from…
You know it’s spring when…
While the calendar says it is spring there are some other indicators of the season. I’ll name a few and you are welcome to add or comment on what you think some other signs of spring are!You know it’s spring when…the smell of grass clippings from a recent mowing wafts through your yard on the wind.the smell of onions wafts…