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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
New Garden Additions
This weekend was the annual Bloom ‘N Garden Expo at the Williamson County Agricultural Center. You can bet that when there are plants and me in the same location I’ll end up coming home with something! When going to these festivals I make two rules for myself with purchases. One, the purchase has to be something I don’t have and…
Garden Photography: Asters and Butterflies (with my new camera!)
Thursday I got my new camera and of course I couldn’t wait to get outside and take a few pictures to test it! Let me just say that I am impressed with this Nikon D40. The pictures are much more clear and precise. The camera just functions better than our old Olympus. I’ll still use the old camera from for…
Cornus Florida at Sunset
In the light of the fading sun the shadows of the dogwood (Cornus florida) flowers rest lightly upon the bracts.
Coreopsis ‘Limerock Dream’
I think you will see why I bought Coreopsis ‘Limerock Dream’. I have a fondness for perennial coreopsis since they are so easy to grow here in Tennessee. The colors on this variety drew my eyes instantly. It’s not plain yellow like my ‘Moonbeam’ Coreopsis or ‘Jethro Tull’. The yellow colors seem to begin in the center of the flower…
How to Propagate Cryptomeria (‘Black Dragon’)
‘Black Dragon’ cryptomeria (Cryptomeria japonica, USDA zones 6-9) is a beautiful evergreen tree for the garden. The foliage is a dark green with some twisting shapes that create an unusually contorted figure. It’s an amazing evergreen specimen for Japanese gardens or as focal points. This past spring I took some cuttings of our cryptomeria and this winter I found that…
The Week in Review from the Garden (May 24, 2020)
My thoughts on gardening in 2020 2020 has been a crazy year so far hasn’t it? On the positive side it has introduced a host of new gardeners to the fun of home gardening. People these days are looking for ways to spend their time at home and maybe participate in a healthy activity that can offset some expenses with…
A Walk in the Garden
Like a picture, a walk in the garden is worth a thousand words.
Catching Up!
I thought I would put together a catch up post for anyone who might have missed the past Garden Blogger Assignments. You are welcome to write about any of the past assignments over the last several weeks. I won’t be putting together a new assignment until next Sunday so please enjoy taking a look back at what some of the…
5 Ways to Control Garden Pests (The Friday Fives)
As gardeners we deal with all kinds of issue that can make gardening frustrating and difficult. One of those issues is pests. Pests come in many forms from thousands of kinds of insects to birds and animals. No method of pest control is 100% effective all the time so gardeners need be creative problem solvers in the garden. The best…
End of July 2020 Garden Tour
Through my YouTube channel I’ve been doing an end of the month tour of our garden each month. This July was a rough month for us personally and resulted in less time in the garden. Overall I’m happy with the garden this year and the produce we are getting. The tomatoes and peppers are the prime crop right now and…
5 Easy Ways to Be Organic!
I think in many ways people who garden in the “traditional” or “conventional” methods* don’t realize how easy it really can be to garden organically. In fact some of these organic ideas are probably done by everyone who gardens in some capacity. For this Friday’s Friday Five let’s take a look at 5 easy ways to be organic. There are…
Shovel, Rake, and Hoe
The shovel, the rake, and the hoe. Three tools no gardener should be without. Ever. They dig, they grade, and the chop the earth. They cut roots and aid the gardener in tilling when the tiller is kaput. While they take a little muscle to use they are capable of great deeds, such as Bermuda grass removal! Raised Bed Vegetable…
Top Posts from Growing The Home Garden! (Friday Fives)
It’s been a while since I’ve recapped any of the older posts here at Growing The Home Garden. Since today I’ll be at the Bloom N’ Garden Expo I thought I would put together a quick recap post for the Friday Fives. The posts listed in this post have been around for a while and continue to be some of…
Decorating Planters with Branches for Christmas
Here’s the situation. I have two pots on my front steps which each house an arrangement of Dusty Miller and cordyline. The problem is the cordyline is looking a little worse for wear. It’s not supposed to be hardy here in Tennessee but so far it’s stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive despite cold temperatures in the mid to lower 20’s. It’s…
Organic Seed Starting from a CSA
Yesterday I watched and shared this video from Quiet Creek Farms and the Penn State Extension Service on the Growing The Home Garden Facebook page. The video has some great techniques for seed starting including a recipe for their seed starting soil. It has a business slant geared toward developing a CSA but the techniques described are very usable in…
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
One of the reasons I enjoy gardening so much is the ability to experience nature. Today I was treated to a butterfly I’ve never noticed before. What caught my attention was the blue coloration on its wings but otherwise it looked very similar to a tiger swallowtail. It also had red markings on the underside of the wings and on…
How I’ll Use My Greenhouse
I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to use my greenhouse lately. There’s just enough complete on the greenhouse construction to tantalize my imagination and since people use greenhouse in so many ways that the options are virtually limitless.I don’t grow orchids or many tropical plants which means the greenhouse won’t be used for them. It’s not ready to use…
For Whom the Bell Tolls
This bell may not make a sound but it sure strikes a chord with the chickadees and titmice. We received the seed bell as a stocking stuffer for Christmas. The birds must have loved it. After two and a half days the seed bell is all gone! At least I managed to get some nice shots of the chickadees. Unfortunately…