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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Troy-Bilt RZT Mower An Overview and Review
As a member of the Troy-Bilt Saturday6 I was provided compensation and products to review from Troy-Bilt. All opinions and statements in this post are of my own observations and experiences. Today though I’d like to share with you my experiences on the Troy-Bilt RZT Mower. The 46″ RZT Mower is a 0-turn mower which allows the rider to quickly…
Do You Have The Right Stuff to Propagate Plants?
Plant propagation sounds like something very complicated. A lot of gardeners are intimidated by the idea of getting something to root. It looks challenging but in reality there are a great number of plants that are very easy to propagate. That’s not to say that a cutting will grow roots each and every time. In fact I’ve lost many cuttings…
My State of the Garden Address – Part 2
Yesterday I showed you part one of the state of the garden which contained mostly the front yard and side yard, today we go into the backyard to visit the gardens. The Vegetable Garden Let’s start by looking at the department of agriculture. The vegetable garden isn’t being very productive right now even though it could be. Hoop houses constructed…
Laying A Natural Stepping Stone Pathway
This spring on one corner of my house I installed a shade garden. I removed the old $30 builder special privet bush and put an oak leaf hydrangea in its place. I added astilbe, ferns, hostas, heucheras, and heucherellas. We traded at a plant swap for some variegated Soloman’s seal and added annuals like caladiums, coleus, and impatiens. What I…
A Look Around the May Garden
May is always a great time for the garden. Plants and flowers generally look great this time of year. The weather is beginning to warm but the oncoming heat of summer hasn’t bleached out the beauty of the flowers and foliage. Many things are happening around the garden and here’s a few images from my Tennessee garden at the end…
A Garden in 30 Minutes
Today was beautiful. The sun was out and the temperature was in the low to mid 60’s. That’s what I call perfect garden weather! I didn’t have much time to garden but needed to do a little something and was able to spend about 30 minutes on a small project. Back in the fall I used my black tarp technique…
Plant of the Week: Trillium grandiflorum
This plant of the week resembling a swooping bird is known as Trillium grandiflorum! Trillium is a member of a group of plants called the ephemerals. And no, it is not some sort of new rock band, but a group of flowers that appear in late winter and go through a two month cycle. They flower, seed, and die back…
Behind on my Seed Starting (Seed Sowing Saturday)
I feel behind in my seed starting. The frost date passed about 10 days ago and I haven’t started my summer vegetable seeds yet. the spinach is looking great and so is the arugula – even the pak choi (‘Green fortune’) I got from Renee’s Garden is looking great (and is very yummy)! The lettuce is a little disappointing but…
A Weekend Gardening To-Do List For Mid-April
It’s Friday! I think I may have heard you exclaim in glee from here…maybe that’s just my imagination. The weekend is approaching and you are eagerly anticipating being outdoors in the garden. Have you planned out your chores and tasks yet? If not here are a few things that I need to do in my garden that you may need…
Pre-Thanksgiving Fall Color! (Fall Color Project 2010)
Even though it’s been a short week we have lots of fall color to share for the Thanksgiving edition of the Fall Color Project! I won’t be posting for the Fall Color Project on Friday due to the Thanksgiving holiday so I thought I would highlight these posts a little early! What could be more perfect than fancy foliage, a…
Building a Green Roof Overhang for the Shed Front Door
I’ve been fascinated (as have many people lately) with the green roofs that are quickly become very popular. Originally when I wanted to build my shed I wanted to cover the all of the non-transparent roof surfaces with plants. I realized that to build a green roof over the whole structure would be both time and labor intensive. I would…
Random December Gardening
Today I did a few garden related things just to get outside – nothing major – nothing terribly exciting. Just a few little things as an excuse to breathe some fresh (and rather cold) air. The weather forecast calls for snow flurries over night but little or no accumulation – at least in our area. Butterfly Bush Cuttings I took…
6 Common Weeds and Their Uses in the Garden!
It is inevitable. You will find a weed somewhere in your lawn or in your garden. As things begin to grow this spring you’ll notice weeds coming up where you don’t want them. In fact that is the general definition of a weedy plant – a plant that grows where you don’t want it! Any plant can become weedy but some have…
My Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Changes for 2010
Each year I try to expand the vegetable garden a little bit more. The first year in our home I didn’t have time to put together a garden before the growing season started and we missed out on any vegetable garden. The “L” Shaped Raised Beds: The second year I put together a set of raised beds that were arranged…
Spring Colors for a Rainy Day
Since it’s been raining and not much can be done outside, I’ll share a few pictures I took a couple weeks ago at my in-laws house. If you remember I did some wildflower hunting (Yellow Corydalis, False Garlic, Sedum puchellum) while we were there. Today I’ll show you the more cultivated side of their yard.Here are a couple blossoms off…
A Farewell to a Feline Friend
It was springtime in 1999. The day was warm and the windows were open in my college apartment. I was in my upstairs bedroom reading a book and had left the backdoor open to create a cross flow of air through the apartment. Motion in my bedroom door caught my eye and the little tortoiseshell colored cat was walking into…
Making More Salvias!
Do you want to know how to propagate salvia? Learn more about growing and propagating salvia in your home garden!It’s Not Time To Pick Cotton Yet!
Before reading a certain garden blogger’s post I had never heard of a cotton plant with dark foliage (Gossypium herbaceum ‘Nigra’). Then this spring Nancy Ondra of Hayefield emailed me and asked if I would like to try some seeds. Me being the seed collecting addict I am I said of course! She also sent along some seeds for an…