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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Pruning and Propagating a Japanese Dappled Willow
Yet again I found myself taking more cuttings of a Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). Sometimes I just can’t help myself. Or maybe I do help myself? Whatever the case I brought home with us a bunch of willow branches for propagating. They came off of the sides of the mother plant because it had begun impeding the pathway to…
Close Ups in the Bird Bath Garden
Here is one of our coreopsis plants with it’s blooming like dozens of little yellow and red suns. I’ve recently discovered two small pots that have between 10-15 coreopsis seedlings in each of them. The rain garden I built will probably be a recipient of several as will the vegetable garden perennial ring.And a close-up picture with some rain drops…
Revisiting the Japanese Dappled Willow Sculpture
At the request of a reader (xRay) on the original creatively pruned Japanese dappled willow post I thought I would show you how it looks now. It needs some touching up, especially around the base and a few more branches need to be thinned around the canopy but the overall form is in tact and filling in nicely above the…
November in the Vegetable Garden
As strange as it may sound there are things still growing in the vegetable garden in November and it’s not because of our unusually warm weather. Unfortunately there is only one vegetable growing but there are several kinds of herbs that are doing great. All the vegetable garden pictures were taken this morning while a light frost was still covering…
A Candle Holder for the Garden
A few weeks ago I happened to be in an antique store (I’ll bet you didn’t see that coming!) when I stumbled across this rusted old candle holder. It was only 5 dollars and I thought that it had some potential. If I cleaned it up and repainted it I could put it on our front porch during the growing…
Wildflowers in the June Garden
Here are some pictures of what is blooming for today’s Wildflower Wednesday post which is hosted by Gail at Clay and Limestone. This June has been unusual in that the temperature has been 10+ degrees warmer than it should be. In fact the weather report this morning said that we have had 16 days in the 90’s which is much…
Growing Coleus in the Garden
Coleus is one of my favorite ornamental plants (Solenostemon scutellarioides). It functions as an annual in our zone 6b-7 but is a tropical perennial that can come back each year in the right climate. Tennessee is definitely not the right climate! I enjoy planting coleus because of the many varied colors it can bring to the garden. I like the…
Germinating Japanese Maple Seeds in a Plastic Bag
I love a nice Japanese maple! Who doesn’t? There are Japanese maples with variegated leaves, ones with deep burgundy colors, others with interesting shaped leaves that are highly dissected and many other kinds. The fall color on a Japanese is almost always guaranteed to be something special. Their highly ornamental nature makes them very popular trees in the landscape. Last summer I gathered…
The First Step to Recovery…
The first step to recovery is recognizing that you have a problem. We sure do, its our drainage! We sit below the road in our cul-de-sac and while drainage is generally good for our house, our driveway pools water near the garage. It’s mostly just an annoyance. When its rained heavily you have to step through a mud puddle to…
Beginning a Nursery Business (Intro)
Last year I embarked on a quest to start my own nursery business. One of my dreams for a long time has been to own my own nursery and I began putting plans together around a couple business ideas that I could do from home. I researched all over the internet to find resources and advice on how to start…
The Birdbath Garden Progress
Back in June was the last time I posted about my birdbath garden. I thought I’d take a moment to go way back to the beginning of the garden and show you where it came from and where it might be going.The picture on the left was taken just after I completed the birdbath and installed the first few plants….
New Additions: Texas Sage and Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’
Last week I was out of town teaching and was forced to come home early due to a awful case of food poisoning (watch out for those buffets!) When Saturday rolled around my outdoor work plans were drastically changed. I had planned on getting some mulch on a few spots but just couldn’t stand being in the heat and humidity…
The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch
The other day I was contacted by the folks at Workman Publishing. They had a new book that they wanted someone to look at so I said I’d be happy to check it out. The book is The Garden Primer: Second Edition by Barbara Damrosch. Some of you may be familiar with the original version of this gardening manual that…
Still Hanging in There!
This time of year it’s interesting to see which plants are still performing well. If we pay attention to how things perform and how long they last we can make better decisions when designing our gardens with plants in the future. If you want to extend the foliage we need to note which plants have long lasting foliage. The same…
No Lexus for This Gardener
I’m sure you’ve seen the commercial. The one where a couple is in an elevator, then elevator music happens and they recognize it as the theme song to Lexus commercials. That’s when it dawns on the unsuspecting member of the couple that the other one is giving them a Lexus for Christmas. Those commercials are driving me nuts. I don’t…
A Friday Photo: Red Knockout Rose with Morning Dew
Knockout roses are great additions to any garden. They are more resistant to pests and diseases and continue to provide blooms throughout the summer. This rose is planted in a corner bed between our front sidewalk and the driveway. Gallery of Other Roses from Our Garden More from Growing The Home Garden
Greenhouse Update: The Roof Window Take 2
I just posted an update on the greenhouse shed. I re-installed the roof window over the weekend. Hop on over the greenhouse shed page and see what I did!
Going Topless
This weekend we were in West Tennessee attending a friends wedding and took a side trip to visit some of my wife’s relatives. While there I saw a horrifying site. At my wife’s grandmother’s house is a wonderful old oak tree that casts a welcoming shade on hot summer days, or at least it used to. On the right is…