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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?

  • Starting Seeds for Basil and Pepper in Peat Pellets

    It’s time for another seed starting update for our basil and peppers in peat pellets. I plant basil and peppers every year for our vegetable garden. I find that basil is indispensable as a seasoning and for making pesto. Basil also has a some companion planting benefits when planted alongside the vegetables in the garden (particularly the tomatoes!) Peppers are…

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    Growing Dogwoods (Cornus kousa) from Seed in the Fall

    A week ago we found ourselves at the doctors office for one of my children.  Nothing major (this time), just a regular check up and physical so she could run cross country (Very cool that a 7 year old wants to run cross country!).  After her appointment we left the doctor’s office and found a dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, that…

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    Putting Up Greenhouse Wall Posts

    Yesterday I promised you pictures of the greenhouse project so today here are a few. It doesn’t look like much here in the beginning but the work we did today was very important. Today my father and I put in the posts. Posts set in concrete was the best option for the shed-greenhouse idea that I wanted. Originally when I…

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    Garden Status Report: Mid July

    It hardly seems to me that spring had even started before it was gone.  This growing season has gone by so quickly, or maybe I’m just getting too busy!  Unfortunately the garden has been through some rough times.  Drought and unbelievable record heat have crippled gardening in many ways from killing plants to keeping gardener’s with common sense indoors (although…

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    A Few Facts About Echinacea

    From time to time I’ll be posting some new graphics about specific plants with a little important information about them.  Today I share a few echinacea or coneflower planting facts.  Echinacea is one of my favorite choices to plant in sunny areas that don’t receive a lot of moisture. Coneflowers love the sun, are drought tolerant, attract beneficial pollinators, and…

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    How to Kill Weeds Between Paving Stones without Chemicals!

    If you have a freely draining patio set in sand like I do you may have noticed weeds growing up through the cracks. These are generally caused by seeds that have landed on the patio and germinated and can be easy to eliminate. The most obvious way to deal with them is to try to pull them up. For a…

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    Nashville Lawn and Garden Show 2017

    It’s the week of the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show 2017 (Plant a Forest:  Gardening for the Future)! As a harbinger of spring the Nashville Lawn and Garden show happens every year at the Nashville Fairgrounds. It starts this Thursday (March 2nd) and continues through Sunday (March 5th). At the show you can expect to find live gardens, free lectures,…

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    April Flowers in between April Showers GBBD

    In between the frequent rains and the Arbor project preparation for Better Homes and Gardens I’ve been able to take a few pictures of the garden to see what is in bloom. Several of our favorite plants like the salvia and catmint are showing their first bloom buds but have no flowers to show. I think they are waiting until…

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    mrmaple interview Japanese maples at Lawn and Garden Show

    Visiting with Mr Maple at the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

    Yesterday our family visited the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show. It’s put on each year at the Nashville Fairgrounds and has a ton of garden vendors and lectures for gardeners. The vendors at the show were selling unique plants (like succulents, hellebores, and confiers), garden equipment (mowers, pruners, hoses, foods and spices, soaps, and home improvement products. We visit the…

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    May 2020 Garden Tour from Growing The Home Garden

    Every now and then it’s good to take an overall look around the garden and see how it is doing. Through modern technology we can record it all and one day go back to explore and see how things have changed. With that in mind here is a video of my garden as it appears at the very end of…

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    Giving Valentine’s Day Flowers that Last

    Here are the flowers I gave my wife for Valentine’s Day. I like to give flowers that you can plant in the garden when they are done blooming. It seems wasteful to just buy a bouquet and let them fade away. Once the weather is warm enough I’ll but them outside where we can enjoy them next spring.Here are the…

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    grass clippings as a mulch

    How to Use Grass Clippings to Start a New Garden

    Recently we moved into a new home. With a new home comes many challenges. With respect to the garden we are dealing with a blank slate to cultivate. Starting new gardens is a fun and challenging prospect but while doing so it is important to create these gardens in a way that will nurture them and help them grow in…

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    The Entry Arbor

    To say that I’m excited about the completion of our Arbor project is an understatement. In many ways it turned out better than I had hoped. From the plants we used to the materials and the design nearly everything went according to plan. Of course I spent a good deal of time before the project began planning this arbor. I…

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    Google Patent Search for Plants

    Google Patent Search has probably been around for a little while but since it says Beta it may be a relatively recent development. The patent search makes it very easy to find patented inventions including plants. Just type in the name of your plant and instantly you are provided with the patent records. This could be extremely useful for those…

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    Oak Leaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)

    I’ve been a fan of oak leaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea quercifolia) for a long time. The large oak shaped leaves and white flowering panicles are two of its best traits but in the fall its color changes are very nice too. The leaves change through a range of colors from the year round greens to the autumn golds and reds. Our…

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    The Gardens From The Porch Perspective

    Have you ever stood in one place to take a few pictures in all the different directions of your garden? It’s a great way to observe the progress of your garden from slightly different perspectives. (Click on any of the below pictures to enlarge them.) We’ll start here against the house. Up close there is a pyracantha and a young…

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    Witch Hazel Blooming

    The other day I mentioned that the Winter Jasmine would be the first thing to bloom… I was wrong! It’s the Witch hazel! It’s the first time it has bloomed in our garden. So what’s blooming in your February Garden?

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gaillardia oranges and lemons
rooting coleus cuttings