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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
It’s the invasion of the lady bugs! Or really the Asian lady beetle. They are coming! As I write there is one on the windowsill in front of me. These beetles are great in the garden, they eat pests like aphids but when they invade they home they can become a problem. They go everywhere and leave yellow stains behind….
A Little Closer to Finished
Corner Trim on Garden ShedEvery day that I get a few minutes to work on the garden shed I get a little closer to finished. Of course I’m still not close enough for my tastes but I’ll keep plugging away at it and eventually it will get completed. A couple weeks ago I managed to add the trim to the…
Plant Swaps and the Week in Review
This morning I attended the Middle Tennessee Plant Swap at Henry Horton State Park. If you’ve never been to a plant swap before you really should consider going to at least one. It’s a fantastic way to expand the plant varieties in your garden on the extremely cheap side. The concept is simple, bring any extra plants you have to…
Want to Peek Inside the Greenhouse Garden Shed?
The greenhouse garden shed isn’t not done yet – I know, that completely surprised you – but you can take a peek inside and see what I did over the weekend. There’s much more to come!
Gumdrop the Snowman and Other Snow Fun
Though I have not told her, I have officially named my wife’s snowman Gumdrop. You will see why when you look at the picture! The snow was dry and hard to pack. At least it was for a while, later in the day it melted some and snowmen of various shapes and sizes appeared through out the land as if…
From the 2013 Nashville Lawn and Garden Show
This past Saturday I went to the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show. The weather outside was a snowy overcast mess so what better way could there be to spend the day than to go somewhere with gardens and plants? We brought the whole family up and had a great time perusing the garden displays, playing with ducks and chickens, and…
2013 Home Garden Project List
Every year I write down my ideas for gardening projects. It helps me to put down some thoughts and map out where my garden needs to go throughout the season. I won’t be able to accomplish every project on the list but it does give me some direction. At the end of the year I’ll go back and see how…
Landscape Plan: Side Garden
Here’s another landscape plan I put together for some family members. The edges of this area would be in the sun while the inside area would be shaded by the existing eastern red cedar and a crape myrtle. A rough edged stone patio, dry creek bed, and a bench give the area a rustic appearance. The dry creek bed would…
Corner Shade Garden – April 2011
The Corner Shade Garden – April is when it all gets seriously growing. It’s not completely full of hosta foliage since the season has really just begun but as the days pass, the plants will grow, and the garden will fill in very nicely! Looking at the corner shade garden through the arbor you can see a Japanese maple that…
October 2011 GROW Project Update!
I’m a couple days late on my entry for the GROW project so here it is! The Italian Cameo basil is still going strong and is beginning to flower. It’s done well in a soil mix that I think is probably too compacted. I didn’t get a picture of it but it really doesn’t look much different than it did…
My Apologies to the Sassafras Trees
Yesterday I commented on a post on Gardening Gone Wild written by Nan for the Garden Blogger Fall Color Project and said how some people consider the Sassafras to be a junk tree. Inadvertently I may have given the impression that I believe it is. The truth is that while it may not make my top ten tree list I…
Baptisia Australis Seed Sowing Update
Several weeks ago I planted Baptisia australis seeds. It’s also known as false indigo. It took some time but with bottom heat from my seedling heat mat and continued patience several of the seedlings have sprouted. It’s always exciting to see new plants come alive from seed. It took the Baptisia seeds about a month to germinate. Please note one…
A Rabbit Rant
I had really planned to put up a different post tonight, all about gardening with children featuring my two year old daughter. Unfortunately that post will have to wait for tomorrow since I’m still seething over tonight’s discovery, a rabbit attack. This wasn’t some killer attack rabbit from Monty Python. On second thought maybe it was but plants, not people,…
The Corner Shade Garden in Mid-April
Behind the location of our future arbor lies the Corner Shade Garden. I planted this garden last year with hostas, heucheras, and assorted other plants after the removal of a sinister privet bush. Privet has become an invasive problem here in Tennessee and I just didn’t like it in this corner next to our house. In its place went an…
How to Propagate Catmint from Cuttings (Nepeta faassinii)
Last Saturday I was shopping at a nursery where I found a ‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint (Nepeta faassinii). I’ve talked about the benefits of Nepeta before so it may not be a surprise that I bought one. I planted the new perennial the other day in our front sidewalk garden. Catmint flowering near a witchhazel and lemon balm. Simply brushing the…
Rudbeckia (Black Eyed Susan)
Rudbeckia is a great perennial for the garden. Low in pests problems and high in visual interest it never fails to provide an impressive display in the late summer. It reseeds easy and is especially good for problem areas and wildflower gardens. It’s seeds nourish the birds in the fall while it’s petals nourish the eyes of the gardener in…
From the Vegetable Garden
The heat and lack of rain are taking their toll on the vegetable garden here in late August but there is always something to talk about! The tomatoes are still producing but really could use some good irrigation from the sky. The garden is ready for some cleaning up and soon I will need to start the fall garden. I’ll…
How Long Do Seeds Last? (Seed Viability)
Everything has it’s own time, even seeds. They just don’t last forever! Fortunately though many seeds do last a long period of time and you can use seed from previous years to grow your garden. I’ve had tomato seeds germinate that were over 10 years old. Best of all they produced healthy tasty tomatoes! I’ve had echinacea seed as well…