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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Front Porch for The Garden Shed
Last weekend I put together a small front porch for my garden shed. You can take a closer look at it at the Greenhouse Shed page if you have a minute!
A View from the Dome
Can you ever have too many sunset pictures? Here a picture of a sunset I took from Clingman’s Dome in the Smokies, taken about 3 years ago.
Happy Halloween!
I’m a little late with the Halloween post but I hope you had a Happy Halloween!Here’s Little Jack*:Here’s Big Jack: Happy Halloween! *Little Jack was home grown from the vegetable garden. At least there was one pumpkin that was not smooshed!
A Few Gift Ideas for Gardeners
It’s that time of year when we’re all struggling to come up with great ideas to give our favorite people. I’ve always found that the best gifts are those that you can use on an almost daily basis. A couple years ago at Christmas I was given an iron skillet. I thought for second “wow, an iron skillet.” It certainly…
Three Perennial Plants Never Touched By Deer
Never say never right? In my experience there are very few plants that are truly safe from deer. This year I’ve had big time deer issues. The extra tomato bed I planted was completely devoured by the two deer that are camping out in our backyard. That isn’t shocking really. I wasn’t able to put a good fence around any…
A Garden Regular: The Tufted Titmouse
One of the reasons so many people enjoy gardening as a hobby is to attract wildlife. All sorts of wildlife can enjoy you gardening from the butterflies and bees to the deer, but few kinds of wildlife are easier to attract than the birds. One of our most frequent fliers is the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor).This mouse gray bird with…
Rainy Day Cuttings
Today and yesterday it rained. While it wasn’t the nice steady soaking rain that every gardener dreams of it also wasn’t the wimpy little sprinkles that tantalize the taste buds of the drought worried plant person. It was somewhere in between. Hopefully a little more rain will fall tomorrow as I can envision our tomatoes growing to the size of…
Why Add Lime for Tomatoes?
You’ve probably heard of adding lime to soil. Farmers and lawn experts recommend it frequently to add to gardens and lawns to help your plants grow, but why? Why should you use lime for your tomatoes? What is Lime? Lime is calcium carbonate. Which leads us to one easy answer for why it might help tomatoes – to combat blossom…
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day September 2010
Thank you for stopping by to see what’s blooming here in TN during September. Also thanks to Carol for hosting Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day each month. Before you look at the pictures below I want to invite you to participate in the Fall Color Project for 2010. Click on the link to see the information about the Fall Color Project….
A Cool List of Trees
Now here is a cool list of trees for those who may like to bring a bit of the Smokey Mountains into their landscape. On the Great Smokey Mountains National Park website they have published a list of all the trees in the park and even included the non-native ones denoted with an asterisk. What I find interesting is where…
Shattered Glass and Shower Door Projects
The other day strong winds blew through Tennessee. They were not just your normal winter winds, these were March winds – in February. The kinds of winds we normally get in spring when the weather changes more frequently between warm and cold fronts. Unfortunately I wasn’t prepared for the high impact of the winds. Two glass shower doors were propped…
A Natural Stone Bench
Yet another use for my pickup load of stone the other day is a bench for the little people. No I’m not talking fairies, elves, or garden gnomes but my two girls. Of course anyone else who might happen upon the bench and need to take a load off their feet is welcome to do so. I was lucky to…
It Is Most Definitely Fall
It’s no secret that this has been a challenging year for our family. My father’s health issues and fight with cancer completely drained our enthusiasm and many things have suffered. That is one reason why this fall is so welcome. Fall represents the closing of the growing season. Winter will come soon after and gardening chores and projects will become…
How to Build a Raised Multi-Leveled Garden Planter Box
The summer heat is coming and with the heat comes a whole new set of rules for gardening. The warm season vegetables grow great while the cool season plants bolt quickly. What if you want to keep your cool season plantings growing longer into the summer? Is there a way to do that? The answer is yes there is, move…
Virginia Creeper – The Other Red Vine in Fall!
Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) is one of those beautiful plants for fall color that unfortunately gets mixed up with one of similar appearance but of very ill repute: poison ivy (Rhus radicans). The difference has traditionally been summed up in the phrase “Leaves of three let it be, leaves of five let it thrive!” Physically speaking, that’s the difference between…
A View From The Greenhouse
I’m still actively working on my big garden project – the greenhouse – but I stopped for a minute the other day and took a picture from the greenhouse toward our house. It’s the middle of January and the landscape is still asleep – dormant – waiting for warmer weather to come along. It won’t be too long now before…
A Walk in the Garden
Like a picture, a walk in the garden is worth a thousand words.
October Tomatoes
We had another harvest of tomatoes this week! We’ve been loving the sheer volume of tomatoes this summer and are sadly lamenting the end of the harvest that will be coming soon. The weather is still warm enough for the tomatoes to produce and there will probably be another crop before the frosts but the end is near! Most of…