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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – August 2008
The fifteenth of every month is Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day hosted and originated by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Please take a look at the plants blooming in our garden then go see what’s blooming in other gardens across the world!The trees and shrubs:Crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)Propagating crape myrtlesButterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii)The Perennials:Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)More on Russian sage.Propagating Russian…
Homemade Plant Tags for Hybridizing Plants
Last year I began to experiment with hybridizing. I’m hoping that the plants I cross together result in something really nice but it takes a few years to get something from the crosses. So far I’ve experimented with daylilies, echinacea, and irises. Hostas are on my list but the deer keep getting to the flowers before they’ve had a chance…
Out and About
I enjoy periodically just walking around the yard and seeing what there is to see in my landscape. Today was a bit of an overcast day probably in the lower to mid 60’s F. Its always a good idea to walk around your yard so you know what’s happening. Today I took a camera and shot a few pictures. The…
Propagating Mums for Profit
It’s kind of an odd subject to bring up during spring but propagating mums for profit takes time. Spring is when you have to get started for fall mum sales. For the purposes of this article we are talking about the common chrysanthemum you find in stores everywhere during the fall. Also for this discussion it is important to note…
A Woodland Shade Garden Design Process
Very soon (July) a wedding will take place in the backyard at my in-laws home. A while back I was asked to help spruce up the area around where the ceremony will be to help improve its aesthetics for the wedding. The property itself is roughly 6 acres of mostly wooded land with a cleared area near the house for…
How to Grow Plants from Hardwood Cuttings (Winter Plant Propagation)
I’ve always been one to enjoy experimenting with plant propagation in the garden. This past weekend, since the weather was so pleasant, I went on hardwood cutting spree. Hardwood cuttings are very easy to do. The success rate varies quite a lot depending on the type of plants you are trying to propagate. I took around 40-50 cuttings of 4…
A Garden Update: The Tomatoes
We have tomato weather but no tomatoes! That’s not surprising for June here in TN as most tomatoes don’t produce ripe fruit until July. Knowing that fact though doesn’t diminish the desire for that first fresh from the garden homegrown tomato! Our plants are doing very well so far, healthy and strong with stout stems and trunks. At this point…
Even the Kitchen Sink
Through the generosity of other gardeners and the creative use of old materials you can do a lot! Last week a friend of my parents was cleaning out their basement and found some things that they passed along to me. One of the items was a kitchen sink. It’s really more of a bar sink with a slightly bent faucet….
From One Fan of Turkeys
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a fantastic Thanksgiving filled with fun, family, and of course food!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday this Thanksgiving! Visit well, eat well, and most of all give thanks for all the wonders of life that we take for granted each and every day. I would like to thank everyone who reads this gardening blog for adding something extra to the enjoyment of my favorite pastime! Without the…
My Garden Shed’s Backdoor
The siding is mostly up except for the gables and the almost secret doors are in place! You can see a picture of the backside of my greenhouse garden shed over on the greenhouse page. It’s not often that I will encourage people to look at my backside, but for the greenhouse I’ll make an exception! 😉
How’s Your Gardening Niche?
Last year I wrote a post called What is Your Gardening Niche? It was a little post about how every gardener has their one area either of expertise or interest (most likely both) that he or she just can’t get enough of. I remember several people decided to write their own posts based on it like Anna (Flowergardengirl) who wrote…
TGT: Saving Seeds and Cuttings
Saving seeds and cuttings in the fall is one additional way you can save a few bucks for the next gardening season. In the fall, plants produce their final batch of seeds and the thrifty gardener can take advantage of this! Seeds in general aren’t very expensive. You can find all sorts of mail order seed places and find a…
There’s a Greenhouse in my Garage!
Yesterday I did a fair amount of organizing in our garage. The primary goal was to fit my wife’s car in it but I also had an ulterior motive: organizing the garage would make it more usable for all the future projects I have planned. We have a bunch of boxes that are now stacked up as high as the…
Yesterday in the Garden
Yesterday was a day of many minor accomplishments. The sky was overcast but no rain came down while I worked out in the yard. I managed to attack several nagging chores that needed done. While I work I always try to look around and take some mental notes of things that need done and what’s happening in the garden. Here’s…
The Completed Light Post with Bird Feeder Project!
Here’s just a quick post to show you the light post made from a front porch post that I put together for Lowe’s Creative Ideas. Finches, wrens and cardinals have all been sighted visiting the bird feeder. As an added bonus the birds get to land on the two hanging baskets to hang out and visit. It’s almost like an…
Low-Cost Gifts For Gardeners – Make Something!
The holiday season is in full swing and while they say the recession is slowing we all should still be watching our pennies. Why not put together some low cost holiday gifts? If you’re interested check out my post on Low Cost Gifts For Gardeners at Complete Organizing Solutions!
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: From the Midwest!
Here are two more great fall color posts for the Garden Blogger fall Color Project. These two posts come to us from the mid-west specifically Chicago, Illinois and Iowa.Mr. McGregor’s Daughter in Chicago, Illinois is observing some really fantastic fall color. The red oaks are competing with the maples for an extraordinary autumn show. Usually the maples win hands down…