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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
What’s Blooming in The Home Garden in February?
It’s been a while since I joined in with Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day so I thought I’d share you a little of what is blooming in the gardens around our home. For our garden this year it’s the usual suspects who are in flowering. Daffodils, crocuses, and winter jasmine are coming along strong while other early spring/late winter flowers are…
Here’s a Pickle For You
I’m in a bit of a pickle. Sorry if you thought I was handing out pickles with my post title. In this case the pickle refers to a dilemma or situation. It’s not a bad situation by any means. Something I suspected since we moved into our house was confirmed to me yesterday.While outside doing some winter sowing I thought…
Propagating Beautyberry Through Cuttings
If you’re looking for a plant that provides fall color in the form of berries as well as late season nourishment for the birds than look no further than the beautyberry (Callicarpa). Our beautyberry that we purchased in the spring is turning a deep purple that will last into the winter. While it may never be listed as the birds…
The Tennessee Flood of 2010 Part 2
Here are a couple videos that I pieced together of our backyard during the recent flooding rains. I do want to reiterate from my post yesterday that my experience was insignificant compared to how this flood has changed the lives of many fellow Tennesseans. We are doing fine with very few problems in our yard but please keep those people…
Euonymous fortunei, a Portrait of an Invasive
Have you ever wondered why some plants are considered invasive? It’s usually because if the growing conditions are even slightly favorable they take over. Invasiveness can be due to a number of traits like rapid growth, prolific reseeding, and rooting vine habits. Euonymous fortunei is one such plant in which I have observed to have at least two of these…
3 More Things About Raised Beds
In my last post I mentioned 11 Things to Think About When Designing Your Raised Bed Vegetable Garden. Here are a few more ideas suggested by commenters! Think about a fence (From Tina). Whether for aesthetics or for function fences are good for the garden. Different fences can solve different issues. A simple wire fence may keep out the smaller…
5 Great Reasons to Visit Cheekwood Botanical Gardens!
I wanted to share a few more pictures from my visit to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens the other day but also wanted to give you a Friday 5 post so I thought why not put the two together? For today I’ll give you 5 Great reasons to visit Cheekwood and show you some of the great features I saw during my…
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day September 2009
Blooms are still being produced all over the garden midway into September. It won’t be long until fall comes and the blooms begin to become much more scarce.Good Advice: Enjoy it while it lasts!’New York Celeste’ Aster and ‘Powis Castle’ ArtemisiaFront GardenNotes: The ‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia is from a cutting.Cinnamon Basil (Ocimum basilicum)Japanese Maple Garden off the patio. Blue Mistflower…
2024 Garden Project List
Every year I like to create a list of projects that I hope to complete. I don’t know that it has ever been a truly realistic list. Which means I probably put more projects on the list than time will allow. Since we have a new house and a new garden we have a big list of potential projects that…
Picture of Rudbeckias in the Garden in July
Here’s a photograph of the rudbeckias in my parents’ fence garden from July. Looking back on warm summer days is just the thing for cold winter January days isn’t it? Or maybe it just makes you long for the warmth of Spring and Summer even more!
Why Bradford Pear Trees Should Not Be Planted and Should be Removed Instead (Invasive Plant)
The Bradford Pear tree (Pyrus calleryana), sure it looks nice but it’s one tree that people should stay away from planting in their yard. At first glance you might wonder “why shouldn’t I plant a Bradford pear tree?” They have a great shape, they grow fast, and they flower profusely in the spring. Unfortunately for the homeowners who plant the…
Dappled Willows and Winter Interest
One of my favorite shrubs is the Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). In the springtime its new foliage emerges with variegated green and cream leaves that persist through the fall. The leaves darken some as they grow older (or for those who prefer different terminology “grow more mature”) until they bare themselves when the light levels drop and cooler temperatures…
A Great Way to Get New Plants
If you are like me and are always trying to find economical ways to improve your landscape and gardens then you should consider visiting a plant swap. Coming up next Saturday at Henry Horton State Park in Middle Tennessee is one such opportunity. The folks over at the GardenWeb: Tennessee community organized a plant swap that meets once a year…
Garden Webbed
I always enjoying seeing spider webs in the garden. It means there is some natural pest control happening! Anything interesting come out of your garden lately?
How to Build a Raised Multi-Leveled Garden Planter Box
The summer heat is coming and with the heat comes a whole new set of rules for gardening. The warm season vegetables grow great while the cool season plants bolt quickly. What if you want to keep your cool season plantings growing longer into the summer? Is there a way to do that? The answer is yes there is, move…
Garden Shed, Drainage Pathway and Loads of Dirt
This past weekend was fantastic. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for getting outdoors and getting things done. I was looking forward to Saturday and the perfect weather a week in advance and knew exactly what I was going to tackle. My plan: to work around the garden shed! I managed to accomplish one major task that needed done…
Name that Plant!
It’s been a looong time since I’ve posted a new Name that Plant. This one was contributed by Lola a frequent visitor here who was wondering what this plant is in her yard. I have a suspicion of what it might be but I can’t say for 100% what it is. See if you can help us out! Lola’s garden…
My Rant on The Media (The Tennessee Flood of 2010 Part 1.5)
Please forgive this short ranting post you are about to read. My next post for this afternoon will have a couple videos of the flooding in our backyard then I’ll get back to gardening but I wanted to say a few words about a subject that is really irritating me. The rant is below. It’s short, non-political, and I felt…