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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Meeting of Tennessee Garden Bloggers
Tuesday evening several of us Tennessee garden bloggers got together to meet. For some of us, including myself, it was the first time seeing the bloggers behind the screen. Our conversations ranged from garden topics, blogging topics, to air traffic control. So who was there? Who are the faces behind the blogs?Gail from Clay and Limestone is on the left…
My Vegetable Garden Video Update!
Since I bought my new toy (a Sony Handycam HDR-CX130) I’ve been playing around with filming my garden in different areas. I have to admit – talking to a camera by oneself while wandering around your garden is a weird sensation. I’m convinced that my neighbors already think I’m crazy and I doubt video recording my garden is going to…
An August Sunset
Here’s a look back at a December Skyscape of almost the same location.Some other sunsets:Clingman’s Dome – Great Smoky Mountains National ParkMt. Juliet, TN
Good to be Home Again!
I hope everyone had a very happy holiday! We just got back in tonight after visiting several family members in various parts of Tennessee. We’re very fortunate to have both sets of parents within easy driving distance so we can visit them both at Christmas. We also spent several days in west Tennessee in Trenton and Union City where some…
April in a Tennessee Garden
It’s another beautiful spring morning here in Tennessee and I thought I would share a little of the garden with you so you could see what is growing. Yesterday was in the 70’s and the rest of the week is predicted to be the same which is simply perfect springtime weather. We all deserve a little bit of perfect spring…
Fall Color Project: Been to Blithewold?
If you haven’t been to Blithewold lately you are missing out on a bunch of beautiful fall foliage! Kris just recently put a post up with all sorts of foliage perfection but it’s the Katsura photo that has me trying to figure out where to put one in our yard! Full moon Japanese maples, sourwood, and even large leaved hostas…
Taking Advantage of the Weather
If you are like me you’ve been scanning the forecast trying to plan out every possible moment you can be outside in the garden! Around here Saturday is supposed to be pretty nice with scattered clouds and no rain coming in until late. And I can’t forget to mention the big 70 that has appeared in the temperature predictions! Since…
What I Like About Fothergilla major (and how to propagate it!)
I love the spring time with its flush of new flowers and this spring’s flowers have one of the record books. Among those flowering plants one of the coolest is the Fothergilla major. Fothergilla is a small shrub in the Hamamelidaceae family that gets around 6 to 10 feet tall with a spread up to 5 to 9 ft. It’s…
What I’m Growing on the Porch
For several years before we bought our house we lived in an apartment. I still had the gardening bug and couldn’t resist planting a vegetable garden in pots on the porch. While today I have ground to plant in I still utilize the porch and deck on our house to grow a few plants. Here’s a look at a few…
Easy to grow, Low Maintenance Plants for the Garden
Over Christmas we traveled a little. Not much, we never go very far. We just visited with family. One evening a family member asked me if I knew of some attractive, easy to grow, low maintenance plants she could put in the front of her house. She wanted something she could plant that wouldn’t require a whole lot of time…
Proven Insect Repellent (Review)
A couple months ago the folks at Proven sent me a sample of their Proven Insect Repellent to test out in my garden and report back my opinion. Since I’m out in the garden frequently and often exploring our land to seek out pawpaws I encounter plenty of human devouring insects to give Proven a good test. Among the most…
The Garden Over The Weekend
This weekend I found myself in the shed working on some shelving and countertops for the reclaimed cabinets I picked up from the dump (yes I’m that cheap!) I’ll talk more on the garden shed later in the week but for now I thought I’d show you a little of what is going on in the garden. Things are winding…
What Is The Least Favorite Plant in Your Garden?
For a long time now I have denigrated my Bradford pear tree. It’s smelly in the spring, although it looks nice. It produces loads of inedible fruit that spawns offspring in my garden and everywhere else the birds decide to fly. Bradford pear trees are generally weak trees that split because of their “V” shaped branch unions that cluster with more…
5 Great Reasons to Visit Cheekwood Botanical Gardens!
I wanted to share a few more pictures from my visit to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens the other day but also wanted to give you a Friday 5 post so I thought why not put the two together? For today I’ll give you 5 Great reasons to visit Cheekwood and show you some of the great features I saw during my…
Some Good Plants to Propagate with Hardwood Cuttings
I thought I would take a moment to talk about hardwood cuttings. It is the beginning of winter and which is also a great time to go out and try to reproduce many of your favorite woody trees and shrubs in the garden. Many plants will easily propagate through hardwood cuttings and I’ve included a short list below that you…
Winterizing the Garden for the First Freeze
Tonight the weather people are expecting our first hard freeze in Tennessee. It will then officially end the growing season! This is not entirely true though. The plants are still growing roots. Plants planted now will grow strong root systems though the winter and should have great foliar growth in the spring. Here are some tips on what to do…
The Difference a Few Months Makes in the Garden
The passage of time in relation to plants is an amazing thing. I was looking back the other day at some old pictures from this past spring and was amazed at how different everything looks today. What was once a nearly barren bed in the front of our house has grown tremendously. The tulips of springtime faded and the front…
Scuffle Hoe, Stirrup Hoe, Hula Hoe
One of my favorite tools that I use in my garden is the scuffle hoe. That’s what I call it at least but it goes by other names like the stirrup hoe or hula hoe and even action hoe. The scuffle hoe is something you absolutely will love having and using in the garden. I use it almost daily and…