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The June Garden: Flower Pictures!
Gladiola Flowers The beginning of June is quite capable of leaving us mesmerized by all the flowers that appear. There’s no shortage of blooms for pollinators or for the gardener to gawk at! So today I’m going to share with you a bunch of blooms. And I mean a bunch! I probably took too many photos for this post but…
Bunnies in the Garden
What do you do when cute little furry bunnies that eat your strawberries? Good question! I’m not sure I have the best answer and maybe you have some suggestions for this issue but over the weekend I found a solution that so far seems to have worked. First let me share with you how I found bunnies in my garden….
Some Days You Get Rain…
Some days the rain gets you!Here’s one very wet cardinal finishing off the seed from our bird feeder in the rain.
Using Rock and Gravel In the Garden
One of the more interesting materials to use in the garden is stone. It comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and forms from small landscape gravel to river stones and large stone pavers. Its uses in the garden are nearly endless. Gravel can be used for patios, pathways, and for mulch. Medium and larger stones can be used for…
Propagating Peppers Through Cuttings
You might think that peppers are one of those seed only grown plants. For many gardeners they are, but what if you want an exact copy of a favorite pepper plant? With peppers we typically sow the seeds in late winter and grow the seedlings on to plant out in the spring. Through cuttings we have another way to grow…
Ye Ole Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Unfortunately these pictures were taken in the fading light after rains had nearly washed us away the other evening, but you can see the craggy weather-worn structure of our old redbud in the back. Redbud trees are very common here in Tennessee and to me they are the ultimate symbol of spring’s arrival. Their blossoms range…
Maintenance-Free Gardens: Everything You Need to Know (Guest Post)
Maintenance-Free Gardens: Everything You Need to Know A flower garden in full bloom is every gardener’s masterpiece. And like most great masterpieces, each brush stroke is calculated, the color palette chosen in advance, and the overall composition exists in the artist’s mind well before touching brush to canvas, or in this case, trowel to soil. Although we all appreciate the…
Self Sowing Garden Preparation
It won’t be long before the warm weather approaches (or at least I keep telling myself this) and gardening begins for the 2009 season in earnest. One of the projects I have planned this season is the self sowing garden. A self sowing garden is pretty self explanatory, it has plants that seed themselves year after year without much attention…
I’m No Mr. McGregor
We all know the tale about that famous gardener who is protective of his garden and the hungry and curious little Peter Rabbit. The silly rabbit invades Mr. McGregor’s garden (not to be confused with Mr. McGregor’s daughter’s garden) to gorge himself on the fruits of the gardener’s labor, then loses his clothes in the process of fleeing from Mr….
Fall Colors in East Tennessee
Emily Rose who gardens and blogs in the Chattanooga area has a very picturesque setting for her fall colors! What could be better than fall colors reflected in a pond? Oaks, maples, and other trees all offer up a piece of East Tennessee fall color. Stop by and check out Emily’s fall color pictures at her blog!
Gardening Q and A: When to?
This time of year people are looking for answers to their gardening questions. Perhaps the most common gardening questions start with the word when. As gardeners we realize that time is a very important factor when planting plants because it can greatly effect how a plant grows in the garden. Here are a few gardening whens that people have been…
The Effect of a Micro-Climate
Strange things are always occurring in the garden. Or we think they are strange at first until we apply a little bit of logic to the situation! Over Thanksgiving I was visiting my in-laws. When we pulled up into the driveway I noticed something right away…the irises were blooming! Here in Tennessee we’ve had several hard frosts at this point…
Self Sowing Plants for the Garden
As previously mentioned in my 2009 garden project list I am working on a self sowing garden. I mentioned the advantages to a self sowing garden earlier in the week and my own personal reasons for wanting to plant it and now it’s time for the next step…seeds. But first, what are self sowing plants? Since plants generally reproduce from…
Garden Questions of the Month: September 2008
I’m a little late on this post but here it is! What questions did people ask in September? Here’s a glimpse of what information some people were looking for and wound up here!How fast does Russian sage grow? Pretty fast! I put in two plants this spring from cuttings and they grew to full size and bloomed. They had ideal…
A General Crop Rotation Plan for the Home Garden
Maybe your garden didn’t turn out so well this year. Maybe your tomatoes may died out due to disease or other vegetables might not have produced as well as they have in the past. It happens. Sometimes it’s the weather that causes it and sometimes insects bring in diseases, but those factors are hard to control. One factor you can…
Growing for a Farmers Market
For 3 years now (it’s hard to believe it’s been that long!) I’ve been selling plants at a local farmers market while also helping to manage the market’s logistical operations and online presence (Social Media and Webpage). Over that time I’ve observed quite a few different merchants with a variety of products at a farmers market and what kind of…
Migrating Hostas to a New Garden
Migration isn’t just limited to the birds and the butterflies, it happens in the garden too. We have about a month before the frost date here in Middle Tennessee (mid-October) and it’s time to move and divide the hostas in my garden. Once that frost date comes the hosta leaves will fade away and the hostas will be harder to…
FAQ and Tips for Growing in Raised Bed Gardens
Since I posted the other day on my Metal Sided Raised Bed I’ve received several questions about raised beds in general as well as questions about the metal raised bed itself. For today’s post I’ll answer those questions as many other people may be wondering the same thing – or may not have but may be curious to find out!…