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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
A Simple and Quick to Assemble Compost Bin
We all know about compost. It’s important, perhaps the most important thing we do as gardeners for our plants. Organic matter is critical for plants to get nutrients. It’s also extremely helpful as a waste disposal system. Rather than throw away your biodegradable wastes from the kitchen you can compost it and use it later for the garden. Composting makes…
Middle Tennessee Plant Swap 2009
This Saturday is the Middle Tennessee Plant Swap at Henry Horton Park. This is a fantastic opportunity to talk to other gardeners and exchange those extra plants you don’t need for some you do! If you haven’t already gotten your plants ready you should do that ASAP to give them time to recover from any potential plant shock. Exchanges aren’t…
Red Foxes in the Garden
Last week I caught my first glimpse of something I have never seen before, a fox in my backyard. There was a little doubt in my mind when I saw it. Was it some sort of dog that resembled a fox or did I really seen one? I’ve never been fortunate enough to see one in the wild just in…
New Gardening Acquisitions
It’s that time of year when the leftovers of the gardening season go on sale at the nurseries and home improvement centers. The last of the stock plants are ready to go home like misbegotten playthings on the Island of Misfit Toys. For whatever reason these plants remained unsold and can now be found as a bargain for the thrifty…
Things I did on Wednesday (Cuttings and stuff)
The cutting bug is back, being spring and all. Everywhere I look I see another propagation project awaiting me. Some projects I’ve done before like the chrysanthemums and others are new experiments like the crape myrtles. Here’s what I did this Wednesday!Cut the grass! OK you may not have expected that one, but technically it IS a cutting.Butterfly Bush cuttings….
Rustic Birdbath
I like to reuse things as much as possible, so I took an old post from an old wooden palette, sanded it and gave it a cedar stain. I left some of the darker marks on it so that it would maintain that rustic look. Then I fastened a copper birdbath that we had and put it into the ground….
The Rain Garden is Almost Done
The rain garden is very close to being finished. We worked most of the day and managed to get the soil put in to make the planting bed. All that is left to do is to select plants and cover with mulch!Here’s a look at today’s progress:Here is where I ended the other evening. A big hole with a trench….
EcoSMart Giveaway Winner!
I would like to thank all those who posted an entry for the EcoSmart bug killer giveaway! All the names were dropped in a hat (actually a Halloween candy bag), mixed, and one name was drawn by my oldest daughter. The name that was chosen was Stacyjo! Congratulations to Stacy. All you need to do is go to the EcoSmart…
How to Save Tomato Seeds from the Garden through Fermentation
Seed shortages on our minds saving seeds from your garden is more important than ever. So how do you save tomato seeds? There are a couple of methods that can be successful but one way you can do this is through fermentation of tomato seeds. This is not a hard process so don’t let it intimidate you! I’ve described the…
Mr. Tomato, Sphinx Moth, and a Garden Fresh Pizza
Please forgive the randomness of my title for today’s post. It’s hard to sum up a weekend in just a few words! Weekends are always busy times in the garden when the weather is as beautiful as it has been. Sunday’s humidity was a bit high in anticipation of the rain that’s falling on the rooftop at this moment, but…
Bees in the ‘Yoshino’ Cherry Trees
What is my favorite tree? That’s a hard question to answer, since there are so many trees that I enjoy. Some trees provide fruit, other trees, shade, and others flowers which makes them hard to pick a single favorite. I have to categorize. In the spring for the flowering trees I would have to say my favorites are the cherry…
Vegetable Garden Layout with Raised Beds for 2011
Another year comes and guess what – I make more changes to my vegetable garden layout! I haven’t done anything yet but below you’ll see what I intend to change from last year’s vegetable garden design. This is step one in altering my garden into what will eventually become an awesome parterre layout. I can envision it now – brick…
October Garden Shed Update
Since my garden shed’s construction was complete my updates have been less frequent. OK it’s not really complete yet but the physical structure is finished. (Feel free to check out the YouTube slideshow on the shed’s construction) There is a huge list of things I would like to add or improve on the shed and over time I’ll be tackling…
The Garden Shed – Brick Floor Laying
Finally I braved the harsh August summer elements and trekked out to the garden shed to lay the brick floor down. I didn’t get finished but I did manage to get some important work done like leveling the crushed gravel underneath where the bricks will go. I took a board and a level and made sure that the gravel was…
What New Vegetable Seeds Am I Planting for 2012?
It’s bound to be an exciting year for the vegetable garden! In fact every year I get excited by the potential new varieties of seeds to try. The catalogs are full of amazing, mouthwatering, and delicious pictures and descriptions. (Don’t worry I’m not eating the catalog – although I’ll bet you thought about it too!) Whittling down the choices to…
‘Winter’s Snowman’ Camellia in Bloom
Last year I planted two ‘Winter’s Snowman’ camellias in the front garden. I was hoping that they would bloom last year but alas it was not to be, but they have started blooming this year! The first of the white camellia blooms opened today. It wasn’t fully open when I snapped the picture but I just couldn’t wait to share…
Pennsylvania Fall Color from Nancy Ondra
I’m always excited to see Nancy Ondra’s garden through her blog Hayefield and now the fall color in her Pennsylvania Garden is ready for our annual tour! Nan has been participating in the Fall Color Project for several years now and we’ve all been able to enjoy the fantastic varieties of plants, shrubs, and trees she has in her garden….
Red Twig Dogwood Propagation (Cornus stolonifera)
This week I was excited to find that something I had given up for lost actually worked, cuttings of a red twig dogwood. I took some cuttings in an attempt to propagate Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) back in the fall. After I prepared the cuttings they sat for several weeks without anything happening. Just after I transplanted my butterfly…