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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Keeping and Growing Water Lilies
Water gardening is a subject that I have very little knowledge of but thought many readers might enjoy learning about so I asked Mark Best of Garden Pond Advice to write a guest post on water plants. Water gardening is not a new subject but it is becoming increasingly popular in the everyday backyard garden. I hope you enjoying reading…
Winners of The Hometown Seeds Variety Pack
It’s time to announce the winners of the variety pack of seeds! Using an online random number generator at Random.org I numbered each commenter in the order they commented and the winning numbers happened to be 8, 7, and 6 in that order which means that the 3 winners of the Variety pack of seeds from Hometown Seeds are as…
Planting a Hemlock Privacy Screen (Tsuga canadensis)
Here’s a picture of our eastern property line. Along the line we placed 4 Canadian hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis) about 8 feet apart to create a border hedge and privacy screen. The hemlocks will eventually fill together and create a nice soft evergreen screen for that side of the house. I would like to make this area into a woodland corridor…
More Success in Propagation
Last night I potted up a few more successfully propagated plants. While none of the cuttings were difficult by any means, I’m always pleased when I have a few more viable plants to add to the garden. The plants still need a little more time to develop their root systems, but they were ready to move into soil from the…
It’s Easy Being Green
At least for these plants! This time of year it’s simply amazing how lush and green all the plants are. Green happens to the be subject of the latest Gardening Gone Wild Photo Contest. This morning I went out and took a few pictures of the greenery around the garden that might be contest worthy. Here’s a look at a…
My Visit to Bluebird Springs Farm in Shelbyville, TN
If you are looking for daylilies in Middle TN then you need to check out the new farm my friend Nicole has started! Bluebird Springs Farm has a wonderful array of daylilies and other perennials just outside of Shelbyville, TN. Nicole and her husband have been working on the farm for only a couple years now and even built the…
Pruning and Propagating a Japanese Dappled Willow
Yet again I found myself taking more cuttings of a Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). Sometimes I just can’t help myself. Or maybe I do help myself? Whatever the case I brought home with us a bunch of willow branches for propagating. They came off of the sides of the mother plant because it had begun impeding the pathway to…
Decorating for the Holidays with Live Potted Plants
The holidays are an extremely busy time of the year. We go from Halloween with spooky decorations, to Thanksgiving with autumn harvest styles, then to finally to Christmas. For those who enjoy decorating (and have the storage space for all that stuff) it can be a great deal of fun, but for others who may enjoy the holidays much more…
Master Gardeners of Maury County
I just wanted to extend a thank you to the Maury County Master Gardeners for inviting me to speak tonight about plant propagation and cuttings! It’s a fun topic for me and I hope I didn’t ramble too long, apparently I have that tendency (at least Jenny says so!) Thanks again!Dave
Propagating Peppers Through Cuttings
You might think that peppers are one of those seed only grown plants. For many gardeners they are, but what if you want an exact copy of a favorite pepper plant? With peppers we typically sow the seeds in late winter and grow the seedlings on to plant out in the spring. Through cuttings we have another way to grow…
Past Peak But Peeking Back at Fall Color
It’s been rather hectic over the last couple weeks around here and I’m just now getting to my own Fall Color Project post! I figured a retrospective look back at the last few weeks would find the peak of the fall color season in my area. Way back on October 12, 2010 we had the first of the trees beginning…
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day September 2010
Thank you for stopping by to see what’s blooming here in TN during September. Also thanks to Carol for hosting Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day each month. Before you look at the pictures below I want to invite you to participate in the Fall Color Project for 2010. Click on the link to see the information about the Fall Color Project….
The Warm Weather Needs to Chill
I like warm weather, don’t get me wrong. I like the warm spring sunshine that bathes everything in light and encourages the flowers to grow. I like the summer days – when it isn’t above 90 degrees and 65% humidity – I’m not picky. I love the warm fall days where the sun trickles through the falling leaves. I even…
Send Me Your Shed!
OK, not really, I know the postage would be expensive! Still I want to see your shed or greenhouse photos. I’m looking for ideas and inspiration to build one of my own eventually and would love to have some sheds to share here on The Home Garden. If you would like to contribute a shed or greenhouse photo of your…
Spring Blooms and Buds (Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day)
Today the major player in Bloomsday action is the tulip! Some of these pictures were taken a couple days ago so you can see the blooming process better but all of the flowers you see in this post are currently in bloom.Here is the bed in the front garden. This picture was taken from behind the tulips toward the sidewalk….
Bulbs, Corms, and Rhizomes to Plant in Fall
It’s almost that time of year again: Fall Planting Season! When the weather cools off, the days become shorter, Pumpkin Spice is everywhere (OK that may not be the greatest thing), and it will be time to get your fall bulbs and rhizomes planted in the ground. Planting these plants in the fall allows their root systems to acclimate over…
Looking Ahead
It’s amazing how fast time flies, isn’t it? It seems like just a short time ago I posted my 2010 garden project list (which I can never fully complete!) Soon it will be time to write a new project list and bring back some of those projects that have been hanging around for years! I’ll have that list up after…
The Fall Color Project 2010
It’s that time again! One of my favorite seasons of the year when the leaves change color and begin their graceful decent from the treetops. It’s bittersweet to be sure, since it symbolizes the end of the growing season, but it’s also a time of renewal as those leaves become compost and nourish our beloved trees and plants in future…