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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Compost Bins from Pallets
Compost bins are essential in the garden. They take the waste materials from the yard, garden, kitchen, or farm and turn it into usable soil. Good compost is worth its weight in gold to gardeners which is exactly why it is nicknamed “gardener’s gold.” One of the easiest ways to make a lot of compost is to set up a…
A Radical Tree Pruning
The other day I mentioned something I’ve been putting off: a tree removal. It didn’t take long but it was tough work especially the hauling away part. I don’t own a chainsaw and just used an old bow saw that has been worth its weight in gold over the years. The tree was a cedar. I don’t know exactly what…
What I Learned About Selling Plants at a Farmers Market
It’s been a couple weeks since I updated the series on starting a nursery business and since yesterday was my first sales date at a farmer’s market I thought today would be a good opportunity to talk about that experience. Going to the market is pretty much an all day affair. It takes time to pick the best looking plants…
Why You Shouldn’t Plant Sweet Autumn Clematis
It’s that time of year when the fall blooming plants begin to start their show including Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora). This non-native clematis grows prolifically through the summer and gladly will climb and overtake any structure it meets then will bloom in the fall. I picked up two of these on the discount racks and even though I know…
Nasturtiums and an Arbor
OK I’ll have to admit it the arbor part of this post is an attempt to offset some of the misery that my nasturtiums are suffering. The heat of this summer has been way too intense for any of my nasturtium plantings to thrive so I guess I should just be happy that they continue to survive. Before I show…
My Overwintering Coleus
‘Henna’ Coleus When the outside temperatures began to drop in the fall I knew there were a few tender plants that I wanted to preserve for next year like my coleus. I brought 2 varieties of coleus indoors in the hopes of planting them again in the Spring of 2011 and both are doing good! I put the pot near…
Spring in Tennessee
The first day of Spring is marked by gardeners everywhere. Unfortunately not everyone gets to experience warm days, growing plants, and all the wonders of spring at the same time. It’s different for every region but that doesn’t make it any less significant. The first day of spring symbolizes the beginning of the growing season for many gardeners. Even gardeners…
September Colors in Bloom
It’s been a couple months since I’ve participated in Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day so I figured I was due for a post! Amazingly despite a summer of neglect the garden has quite a few reliable blooms to share. If you like to think on the positive side you could consider the neglect as a test of what thrives with or…
Husker’s Red Penstemon in the Garden
One of the neatest perennials in our garden is ‘Husker’s Red’ penstemon (Penstemon digitalis). ‘Husker’s Red’ has reddish foliage that adds color to the garden during the growing season but it also blooms prolifically for several weeks in the spring. Ours are just now starting to fade so I thought I would take a picture to share with you. The…
Here’s What Rooted Today
Rooted Cuttings – Potted up Perhaps I should have titled this post “Here’s What I Potted Up Today” but rooting is more exciting don’t you think? Anyway this morning I potted several different kinds of cuttings that I’ve been propagating inside the house. This isn’t the end of the propagation process since they still need to grow stronger root systems…
Spider Web
One morning back in September there was a heavy dew that illuminated this web on one of our potted lemon trees. We thought it was pretty cool so we took a picture of it!
Feed Scrapers and Me
I am by no means and expert on the subject but over the last couple months I’ve learned a lot about feed scrapers and content theft. It’s an insidious problem that just seems to get worse. Mr. Brownthumb recently invited me to do a guest post on his blog GardenBloggers (a great place for garden bloggers to get blogging tips)…
Sowing in Recycled Containers (Seed Sowing Saturday)
I never let a good container go to waste (much to my wife’s dismay – admittedly, I do save way too many)! These foam containers are perfect for sowing seeds just like the store bought flats. Just poke a few holes for drainage in the bottom add soil, seeds, and water and you have an instant garden. Well, maybe not…
2012 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
In case you are wondering about where exactly you are situated in the USDA plant hardiness zone maps here are a couple to look at. One is the national map and the other is the Tennessee State map. The maps are useful when determining which plants to plant in your area. The zone map shows you the lowest expected temperatures…
I’m No Mr. McGregor
We all know the tale about that famous gardener who is protective of his garden and the hungry and curious little Peter Rabbit. The silly rabbit invades Mr. McGregor’s garden (not to be confused with Mr. McGregor’s daughter’s garden) to gorge himself on the fruits of the gardener’s labor, then loses his clothes in the process of fleeing from Mr….
Sunny Flowers from Sunny Summer Days
The rainy weather and “normal” temperatures seem to be headed back our way, so why not take a look back at some sunny blooms from summer’s past? These flowers all came from the July of 2009 version of my garden, some are annuals and others are perennials and some are somewhere in between! The in between flowers are generally perennials…
An Almost Spring Garden Status Report
Spring will be here very soon. The calendar gives us a date but that seems arbitrary. Spring is more of a feeling. The weather is warmer and plants are actively growing again. This coming weekend will be much warmer than it has been and should trigger a lot of action in the garden. Today I went out and checked around…
An August Sunset
Here’s a look back at a December Skyscape of almost the same location.Some other sunsets:Clingman’s Dome – Great Smoky Mountains National ParkMt. Juliet, TN