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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Back Home Again
We’re home again! For the last week we’ve been on the road and away from home which means that not much gardening was happening. I was away teaching at a band camp and my family was staying at the grandparent’s house. It was a busy and tiring week at band camp and now that both it and the wedding is…
Even More Deer!
It appears that our local deer population has undergone a small expansion with the addition of a new fawn. Lately the deer have been keeping to the outskirts of the yard and haven’t been bothering the vegetable garden or any of our plants. Many of the plants in the other gardens have scented foliage and are considered deer resistant. The…
Echinacea in the Garden – Why You Should Plant Coneflowers!
For this post I really don’t need any words, the pictures will explain why you should plant echinacea (coneflowers) in your landscape. But since this is a blog I have to tell you why I like echinacea in the garden and where I’ve planted it! Echincea is one of the easiest plants I’ve found to grow. Once it’s established there…
A Raised Bed with Concrete Retaining wall Blocks
This week I put together another project in the vegetable garden. It was a little one that was another step toward designing my vegetable garden as a parterre style garden layout. The idea for this project was to create something that was both edible and ornamental! I decided that working in the vegetable garden was the way to go. Vegetables…
The Salvias of Fall in my Garden
I have repeatedly written about how awesome salvias are. I hope you’re not tired of that kind of talk because your about to get another dose! Salvias are one of the easiest to care for perennials around. During fall they bloom profusely. They aren’t bothered terribly by heat and in many cases thrive in dry environments where other perennials may…
This Week’s Things To Do in the Garden
This week is guaranteed to be a busy one in my garden. The massive quantity of rain that we’ve had lately has sprung forth a corresponding amount of weeds to pull. The good thing is that the weed pulling should go fairly easily in the moist ground. Next Saturday I’ll be hosting our garden club meeting to talk about building…
2012 Garden Project List!
Every year I put out a list of my intended gardening projects that I personally want to accomplish this year. Then back at the end of the year I review them to see how I’ve done. This year is a little tricky. I have quite a few projects leftover from last year that I still want to accomplish in my…
What to do on a Cold Winter’s Day
On a cold morning such as this you might be wondering “what can I do in the garden?” Or you might be wondering “why does he know what I’m wondering?” Or…maybe not, whatever the case is cold winter days are good for the garden and the gardener. The garden needs those cold winter days to get enough stratification time for…
How to Extract Seeds from Chaff
Have you ever wondered “How do I separate those tiny seeds from the chaff?” It’s not hard and shouldn’t cost you a dime to remove all those tiny seeds. There are quite a few methods for separating the seeds from the chaff, this is just one possible method you might use. Take a used plastic container form your recycling bin….
2010 Seed Selections
Last week I received the seeds I orders from two different companies. I was very impressed with the delivery time from both Wildseed Farms and Baker’s Creek Heirloom Seeds. I made my order from Baker’s Creek last Monday and received all the seeds I ordered plus a bonus packet by Wednesday! That was very fast service. The crazy thing to…
EcoSMart Giveaway Winner!
I would like to thank all those who posted an entry for the EcoSmart bug killer giveaway! All the names were dropped in a hat (actually a Halloween candy bag), mixed, and one name was drawn by my oldest daughter. The name that was chosen was Stacyjo! Congratulations to Stacy. All you need to do is go to the EcoSmart…
My Worst Weeds for Worst Weed Wednesday!
So what is a weed? By nearly every gardener’s definition a weed is simply a plant in the wrong place. It could be a flower that self-seeded in an unwanted location but that’s not what most people really consider a problem plant, and true weeds are problem plants. So for Worst Weed Wednesday here are several plants from my gardens…
How to Keep Plants from Falling Open in the Center
Sometimes plants just want to fall open in the center. There’s an easy fix for this but it requires some spring stem tip pruning! Check out the video below for this very simple garden tip! How to Keep Plants from Falling Open in the Center
The Long View
Have you ever stood back and tried to observe your garden at a different angle? Maybe from up high on a slope? Or down low from the ground looking up at the flowers and trees? Sometimes it’s helpful to take a different perspective in order to plan out your garden better. Here’s an example. I took this picture the other…
My Simple Compost Solution
You can go out and spend all kinds of money for a fancy compost bin but sometimes a simple solution can work just as well. In the interest of full disclosure, I am a lazy composter. There I said it. I don’t get out there to the bin to turn it regularly. I don’t check it with a fancy compost…
Are You Ready For Spring Gardening?
I don’t know about you but I’m ready for spring. Notice I said spring not spring gardening. I haven’t done everything I need to do to get ready for the new gardening season but I’m already lamenting the cold temperatures that we are destined to have for the next two months (January and February). When March comes we usually have…
Rededicating the Bird Bath Garden
Our bird bath garden will always be in my mind the bird bath garden, but it has also become something of a memorial garden to our recently deceased feline friend, Amber. I won’t go into detail about Amber in this post as I did that back in December but she was a good friend who we were lucky to have…
Encased in Ice (Tennessee Snow Storm of 2010)
They were right! There, let it be said that the weather predictors and prognosticators said we were going to have snow and we did. Unfortunately the manner of snow and the amount of snow differed from what the forecast originally said (which was 2-3 inches at one point). Currently we have between 4-6 inches of snow with a nice smooth…