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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Finicky Frosty Weather (Protect Your Plants!)
The weather in Tennessee is extremely volatile this time of year. One day it could be in the 70’s (as it was today) and then the next day it could be a 40 degree high (as it is predicted for tomorrow!) This makes it a challenge to garden in the spring time. There are a few things you can do…
The Market Gardener by Jean-Martin Fortier (Book Review)
Recently I purchased a copy of The Market Gardener written by the Canadian organic farmer Jean-Martin Fortier. As soon as I read the description I was immediately interested in its contents. The Market Gardener explains how to raise enough crops on just 1.5 acres of land to make a full time income and support one’s family. Amazon Aff. With my…
Garden Chores – The Sequel
In my last post I mentioned 5 garden chores I have on my to-do list. If it were only five items I would have it easy! As usual there is an endless supply of garden chores to do this time of year and here are a few more. Deal with the leaves – Most of the leaves are still hanging…
Light Up the Night with a Backyard Fire Pit and Solar Lights!
In the fall there are several iconic thoughts that spring to mind of most people. Cool crisp days evoke good feelings and memories created around fall festivals, apple cider, holidays, and other fall activities. One way to share the fall experience with your family is to add a backyard fire pit. What could be better than a cool crisp evening…
A Quick Tomato Seedling Update
The tomatoes are doing great! They have a strong healthy start in our seed starting area. I planted them a week and a half ago and many of the seedlings are now getting their true leaves. As the roots start to emerge from the peat pellets I’ll transplant them deeply into individual pots. Deep planting is the best way to…
‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia (Planting and Rooting)
Since its addition to our garden in 2009 ‘Powis Castle’ artemisia has proved to be a powerful perennial plant for foliage! I’ve always enjoyed artemisias for the silver foliage and really liked the ‘Silver Mound’ artemisia that we put in the front sidewalk garden so once I found this cultivar at a local nursery I thought I would give it…
What’s Happening in the Vegetable Garden?
It’s time for another look into the vegetable garden. To say that things are growing well is an understatement. The raised beds filled with mounds of organic material like grass clippings, newspaper, composted cow manure and good old compost are doing the trick. In many cases the plants are exceeding their boundaries and covering walkways. I need to confine those…
Hostas and their Flowers
When most people, including myself, think of hostas they imagine a beautiful dark green to light green foliage plant with variegation. It’s too bad that the flowers are often taken for granted since they really are quite showy! The show starts with this little pineapple-like bud. The tightly bound buds eventually open to reveal a flower with six petals that…
5 Beginning Gardener Mistakes!
All of us experienced gardeners can tell you, you are going to make mistakes! It’s inevitable. No matter how much planning or forethought you put into your garden you WILL make a mistake! How’s that for thinking positively? You positively will make a mistake, and you know what? That’s OK! We’ve all done it – albeit some more than others…
Garden Shed, Drainage Pathway and Loads of Dirt
This past weekend was fantastic. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect for getting outdoors and getting things done. I was looking forward to Saturday and the perfect weather a week in advance and knew exactly what I was going to tackle. My plan: to work around the garden shed! I managed to accomplish one major task that needed done…
A Golden Tree: The Tulip Poplar
I’ve written about Tennessee’s state tree, the Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) before but I decided in order to show as many fall colors as possible I needed to split my pictures into several posts. Yes I really took that many pictures! That’s the danger of the digital world, I haven’t worried about wasting film in years. This particular tree stands…
Blocks, Bricks and Floor
Before I began building my greenhouse shed I did some research into what makes a good greenhouse. Among many important aspects like positioning (for ideal sun), materials, and passive heating I learned that a porous surface for flooring is essential. It makes sense, plants need water – plants will drip water, it has to go somewhere! In my greenhouse shed…
Signs of Fall
You can feel fall in the air here in Tennessee. It’s in the wind and the air. The temperatures are cooler, the nights are coming sooner, and the shadows are longer. Fall is here. The days still are warm, in the 80’s, but the nights are getting cold. My early mornings are not necessarily spent in the garden, anytime during…
June in the Front Sidewalk Garden
Since I havent’ shown the state of the front garden lately now seems like a good time! The daylilies are blooming like crazy (at least the yellow ones are). I’ll start with a long shot of the arbor from up the driveway. There are three moonflower vines planted at the base of the arbor that should take off very soon….
My Project of the Week
It’s not the greenhouse, at least not today or tomorrow. Over the last couple years (yes I said years) my father and I have been working on a project in his backyard. It began as a patio in the middle of their yard where they could enjoy their backyard spaces and gradually grew into a patio covered with a pavilion…
Spider Web
One morning back in September there was a heavy dew that illuminated this web on one of our potted lemon trees. We thought it was pretty cool so we took a picture of it!
GBBD – Colors of a September Garden
Welcome to my Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day Post for September 2008. On the 15th of each month Carol at May Dreams Gardens encourages her fellow garden bloggers to show what’s blooming in their garden. Please stop by her site to see what else is blooming around the blogosphere!We’ve made it through August and survived with the minuscule amounts of rain…
Quick Tip: Try Seed Planting With a Hula Hoop
Have you ever used a kids toy to plant seeds? It might be worth a try! While out in the garden planting rainbow chard and spinach I used a hula hoop as a planting aid. Inside the hula hoop I planted the rainbow chard and in the outside ring I planted spinach. When the plants sprout and begin to grow…