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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Random Thoughts While Mowing
Tonight while mowing I had no fear of the myriad of carpenter/bumblebees that were hovering through the garden. I was on my riding mower and said to the bumbles “my buzz is bigger than yours.”
Making A Dry Creek Bed Drainage Canal for Downspouts
What should we do with this sedum garden? That’s a question we asked ourselves several times. It was at one time a sedum garden but for some reason most of the sedum died over last summer. They may have been too wet, too dry, or both! The gutter from the garage roof gushes out water from at least 50% of…
Catching Up!
I thought I would put together a catch up post for anyone who might have missed the past Garden Blogger Assignments. You are welcome to write about any of the past assignments over the last several weeks. I won’t be putting together a new assignment until next Sunday so please enjoy taking a look back at what some of the…
Symbols of Fall in the Garden
All the telltale signs of fall are upon us. The leaves are beginning their changes and one of the first to highlight the season is the sassafras. It’s a beautiful fast growing native tree here in Tennessee and as you can see sets up the wild areas of our yard with some fiery color. But leaves aren’t the only signs…
Fall Color in Tennessee 2024 so far…
I have a fondness for fall color. I think we all do this time of year. We like seeing the transition of green to gold or red and oranges. There’s a little bit of a feeling of closure that begins to come to us through the fall. That the end of one chapter is almost here and soon we will…
Pruning and Propagating a Japanese Dappled Willow
Yet again I found myself taking more cuttings of a Japanese dappled willow (Salix integra). Sometimes I just can’t help myself. Or maybe I do help myself? Whatever the case I brought home with us a bunch of willow branches for propagating. They came off of the sides of the mother plant because it had begun impeding the pathway to…
A Spectacular Snowy Owl Photo
I got a few more pictures this morning of the Snowy Owl here in Spring Hill, TN from Pete. The first one can only be described as spectacular with a sunrise in the background. He also managed to get a few close-ups! Related Snowy Owl Posts: A Snowy Owl Story Snowy Owl Visits Spring Hill, TN
How to Propagate Arborvitae from Cuttings
As always I’m excited to get new plants through plant propagation and I’m pretty excited to add 5 new dwarf arborvitae to the collection! I bought the ‘Little Giant’ arborvitae (Thuja occindentalis) last fall on the discount rack and planted two of them in the birdbath garden on either side of the pathway to the bench spot. The idea was…
Time to Blitz the Bermuda!
Every gardener has an enemy, a nemesis, an evil villain that lurks in the garden that the garden would love to eradicate. I’ve had an invader this year that has been more aggressive than ever before – Bermuda grass. Once it gets a foothold in the garden it is extremely hard to hold back, let alone eliminate. Recently I attempted…
Layering a Viburnum, The Results!
It’s not a secret that I’m a fan of plant propagation. Who wouldn’t be? You get free plants! One of the easiest ways to propagate a plant is through a technique called layering. With layering you essentially pin down a branch of a shrub or tree to the soil and encourage it to form roots. The roots usually appear at…
About Growing The Home Garden
Thank you for stopping by to visit this little corner of the gardening world. This blog is about my experiences in our first home garden, hence the name The Home Garden. I’ve been studying gardening and experimenting with plant propagation on my own now for several years with much of my gardening taking place on the back porch of our…
Things I did on Wednesday (Cuttings and stuff)
The cutting bug is back, being spring and all. Everywhere I look I see another propagation project awaiting me. Some projects I’ve done before like the chrysanthemums and others are new experiments like the crape myrtles. Here’s what I did this Wednesday!Cut the grass! OK you may not have expected that one, but technically it IS a cutting.Butterfly Bush cuttings….
The Vegetable Garden – End of April 2012 Update
It’s been a while since I’ve written about our vegetable garden so I thought the end of April would be a good time for an update! There are a few disappointments but overall most of the garden is right on track. We’ve used raised beds for several years now but most of them have disintegrated. I’ve replaced some with concrete…
Parterre Vegetable Garden Layout – Raised Beds
While stuck indoors over the last several days because of the cold weather I thought perhaps designing a couple vegetable garden layouts might be a fun use of my time. This particular vegetable garden design fits into the classic parterre layout. A vegetable garden with the parterre garden design would easily lend itself to a good crop rotation plan with…
I think the whole subject of GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) in our food supply is definitely worth its own post as many people (including myself) have some great concerns. I will not knowingly advocate for GMO’s and definitely caution against their consumption. I am not a scientist and don’t know all the facts regarding the genetic manipulation of organisms but…
A December Day in the Garden
We had a short reprieve from the cold winter temperatures we’ve been having. It reached nearly 70 degrees and we actually saw the sun for the first time in days. It felt good to be outside this afternoon tending to some minor garden chores. My first task was to pot up some more Purple leaf plums (Prunus cerasifera) that had…
Flowering Redbuds in the Spring Garden (Cercis canadensis)
Spring in many ways is just like listening to your favorite song. The parts of the song that make it special to you are those that make you replay it countless times over and over again. The chorus of springtime is very much the same. Old favorites pop up again and again for us to enjoy. One of my favorite…
What to Do With Grass Clippings in the Garden?
To me grass clippings are one of the best resources a gardener can get! I see grass clippings from lawn as an amazing way to gather organic matter for other uses in the garden ranging from composting and garden beds to mulching! Here are some really great ways to utilize this free organic resources in your gardening if you are…