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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
‘Powis Castle’ Artemisia (Planting and Rooting)
Since its addition to our garden in 2009 ‘Powis Castle’ artemisia has proved to be a powerful perennial plant for foliage! I’ve always enjoyed artemisias for the silver foliage and really liked the ‘Silver Mound’ artemisia that we put in the front sidewalk garden so once I found this cultivar at a local nursery I thought I would give it…
Fall Colors Peaking in Iowa
Welcome to Iowa and Shady Gardener’s garden where she asks Does Everything Grows Better in My Neighbor’s Yard? (Which incidentally I don’t believe and you wouldn’t either if you’ve seen her pictures of the garden! 😉 ) SG’s fall color post takes us not only from her garden but beyond to other areas of her town for some drive by…
Japanese Maples from Seed Update!
Have you been wondering for months what ever became of Dave’s Japanese maple seedlings? I bet you have…er well maybe not but I’ll show you even if you weren’t wondering all winter about my Japanese maple seedlings! In case you are wondering how to grow Japanese maples from seed the big secret is stratification. Stratification is where you expose a…
Edible Landscaping for Beginners: Evaluate Your Garden
After you have a good list of the elements your edible landscape needs and you have pieced together a solid “To Grow” list you need to evaluate what you already have in your garden. Some people might put this step first and that’s OK but if you do your evaluation after you decide what you want to grow you can…
Building a Plant Holding Bed
A plant holding bed is a luxury that anyone who propagates plants might find very useful. (I know I will!) A plant holding bed can function as a coldframe or just as an out of the way spot set aside for plants to rest in while they grow. For me I just have too many propagated plants to continue storing…
My Garden is a Mess, and That’s OK
It’s January and my garden is a mess. That’s OK because it’s January! My garden could be the perfect mixture of evergreen conifers and winter color landscape plantings specifically designed to brighten the gloomiest winter day, but it’s not. I would love that, but my garden was never put together for the winter color. I’m gradually adding plants for that…
‘Brandywine’ Maple (Acer rubrum) is Great for Fall Color
A few years ago I found a maple tree on sale at one of our local nurseries. It was only five dollars so I bought it, planted it, and left it alone. It was a ‘Brandywine’ maple tree which is a cross between an ‘October Glory’ and ‘Autumn Flame’. With parents that good it had to be something special! Almost…
Fall Vegetable Garden Layout for a 4’x8′ Raised Bed
Lately I’ve been thinking about my fall vegetable planting and since the time is upon us I thought I would put together a fall vegetable garden layout of how I might plant one of my 4’x8′ raised beds. While this vegetable garden design is not necessarily drawn to scale with regard to the number of plants possible it should show…
A Quick Tomato Seedling Update
The tomatoes are doing great! They have a strong healthy start in our seed starting area. I planted them a week and a half ago and many of the seedlings are now getting their true leaves. As the roots start to emerge from the peat pellets I’ll transplant them deeply into individual pots. Deep planting is the best way to…
Things to Do in the Vegetable Garden (End of May)
This Vegetable Garden To-Do list may or may not be relevant to you. If you’re in zone 6-7 it probably is, if not it might be useful later – or maybe you already did it! It’s just a collection of things that I desperately need to complete in the vegetable garden. Maybe desperate it too strong of a word but…
Filling Raised Beds with Layering
The layering technique is my favorite way of filling new or replenishing already established raised beds. Layering (also called Lasagna Gardening) doesn’t require tilling the soil which can disturb the lives of beneficial microbes and soil dwelling organisms. It also doesn’t destroy the soil structure (assuming you have something better than clay or sand!) Often weed seeds can lurk inside…
Coral Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
Coral Red honeysuckle or Lonicera sempervirens is the honeysuckle you want – I mean really want- not the other kind. You probably have honeysuckle somewhere near you right now. It’s white, smells pretty good, and it may even be right behind you as you read this, don’t look! Lonicera japonica knows you are there, it’s waiting to spread and take…
A New Gardening Project
As you can tell I love gardening. There’s nothing more satisfying than going out on a nice day to dig in the dirt, transplant plants, pick tomatoes, or propagate plants. That’s why when our local garden club took on a new project I was excited to offer my help. I was tempted to volunteer as the coordinator for this effort…
A Gardener’s Garage Remodel
This month’s Creative Ideas Project with Lowe’s and Growing The Home Garden is all about organization! By using a $100 gift card donated by Lowe’s I’ve redone a part of my garage to make it more useful for our whole family – not just the gardener! I think the main problem people have with organization is that they don’t have…
Our Daylilies of 2012
It’s nearly summer which means that it’s time for the daylilies to be showing off their flowers. Daylilies aren’t native plants by any means but they do really well here in Tennessee. They have very few problems and tend to grow nearly untended! I’m sure that combining their low maintenance attribute with their beauty is why they have become so…
An Update on my Harbor Freight Greenhouse
A couple months ago I put together my little 6’x8′ Harbor Freight greenhouse. It was an inexpensive greenhouse that I was hoping would be a good way to increase my growing area for my small nursery business. I thought it was time I gave an update on how the greenhouse is working out for me. After one storm where a…
Organic Removal of Bermuda Grass
Last weekend I pulled out the tomato plants (all but three) and did the yearly Bermuda grass removal. Bermuda grass is one of the two most frustrating parts of my vegetable garden, the other being the deer. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) grows and spreads through rhizomes (under the soil) and stolons (above the soil). Any piece of the roots or…
Illinois Fall Color From Prairie Rose’s Garden
It’s time for more fall color, this time from Illinois! Rose who writes the blog Prairie Rose’s Garden just posted her pictures of fall. Colors in her area come from a range of plants including maples, locust trees, burning bushes, and several other colorful plants from her garden. But of all her colorful plants you have to see her maple…