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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Care and Propagation of Japanese Dappled Willows
For many years now I have really enjoyed the beauty of our Japanese dappled willows (Salix integra). Japanese dappled willows (or tri-colored willows) are gorgeous shrubby willows that grow up to around 10ft tall. These willows are known for their variegated foliage that emerges initially as pink before gradually turning to green and white on the leaves. Here is a…
Dave’s 2011 Garden Project Review
This post is a post I’ve been dreading. Mainly because this year has been tough, probably the toughest I’ve ever had to live through. My garden projects fell by the wayside. My projects and ambitions just didn’t matter when compared to the situations that the course of life brought us through. But we’re getting through things, day by day. I…
Illinois Fall Color From Prairie Rose’s Garden
It’s time for more fall color, this time from Illinois! Rose who writes the blog Prairie Rose’s Garden just posted her pictures of fall. Colors in her area come from a range of plants including maples, locust trees, burning bushes, and several other colorful plants from her garden. But of all her colorful plants you have to see her maple…
Giving Valentine’s Day Flowers that Last
Here are the flowers I gave my wife for Valentine’s Day. I like to give flowers that you can plant in the garden when they are done blooming. It seems wasteful to just buy a bouquet and let them fade away. Once the weather is warm enough I’ll but them outside where we can enjoy them next spring.Here are the…
Harbor Freight Greenhouse Evaluation
Back in the fall I took advantage of a sale at the discount retailer Harbor Freight and bought myself a greenhouse. It was a small greenhouse at only 6’x8′ in size which would be about 48 square feet of space. I’ve always heard gardeners say that no matter what size greenhouse you have you will always need more space! I…
Winners of The Hometown Seeds Variety Pack
It’s time to announce the winners of the variety pack of seeds! Using an online random number generator at Random.org I numbered each commenter in the order they commented and the winning numbers happened to be 8, 7, and 6 in that order which means that the 3 winners of the Variety pack of seeds from Hometown Seeds are as…
I Need Your Help!
Today is the day. The day when the challenge is evaluated by friends, family, and fellow bloggers through online voting at BHG.com and I need your help to win. The projects have been done and everyone has done a fantastic job by bringing us slick porch remodels, an elegant potting bench, a cool barbecue cart, and my personal favorite: a…
Oh Deer!
I thought the deer were gone but I was wrong. After a house was built behind the woods that skirts the edge of our property I thought the deer had left but when I returned home last weekend from my trip I discovered that the deer made a return.While they could easily make it into my vegetable garden they haven’t…
Plant of the Week:Oak
The plant of the week this past week was an oak tree. This tree is actually in West Tennessee at my wife’s grandmother’s house. It is a very large and majestic tree that provides great shade and a bounty of acorns each year. The picture was taken from the base of the tree looking up at the canopy. As for…
Winterizing the Garden for the First Freeze
Tonight the weather people are expecting our first hard freeze in Tennessee. It will then officially end the growing season! This is not entirely true though. The plants are still growing roots. Plants planted now will grow strong root systems though the winter and should have great foliar growth in the spring. Here are some tips on what to do…
Greenhouse Project: In The Front
Here’s a quick look at the front of the greenhouse. My idea is to have the front side or the view from the house appear to be a small cottage in the backyard. The windows on the front were originally from one sliding window that I separated into 2 approximately 20 inch wide windows. I say approximately because one is…
Plants with Cool Foliage: Silver Mound (Artemisia schmidtiana)
Could their be a more aptly named plant than ‘Silver Mound’? Artemisia schmidtiana has several common names like wormwood, mugwort, sagebrush, or just silver mound (which to me is the most descriptive.) This mounding perennial has soft silvery gray foliage that invites the casual observer reach down to touch it. It’s hard to walk by without petting the ‘Silver Mound’….
Growing Dogwoods (Cornus kousa) from Seed in the Fall
A week ago we found ourselves at the doctors office for one of my children. Nothing major (this time), just a regular check up and physical so she could run cross country (Very cool that a 7 year old wants to run cross country!). After her appointment we left the doctor’s office and found a dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, that…
Lighting Up the Garden with a Luminary
I’ve always been a big fan of solar lighting. I like the convenience of adding light where I want it in the garden without having to wire in electrical lines. I also like how solar energy is collected during the day and distributed later when it is needed without using resources from the power grid. Solar energy is a very…
Edible Landscape For Beginners: Design Inspiration for Your Garden Plan
Whenever you start to design an Edible Landscape/Garden it helps to have some inspiration to use as a guide. You may have a ton of ideas in your head, but – trust me on this – sometimes those ideas don’t always work! It’s never a bad idea to have some backup ideas or to just research those ideas to see…
A Morning Walk Around the Yard
Periodically I like to walk around the yard to see what there is to see. I was out around 7:30 this morning and took these pictures of the yard. The plants are really showing their eagerness for the spring season.I don’t think many people consider maple trees for their flowers but maybe we should all take a closer look. The…
Plants I am Planning on Planting: Salvia splendens ‘Flare’
Salvia is a excellent plant to put in a garden. They are drought tolerant (which is important in Tennessee) and look great. They also come in many colors including red, pink, white, orange, blue, and purple. Depending on where you live and the variety you choose it may be a perennial or an annual. According to the website Floridata, there…
More on GM Seeds
Last week the idea of genetically modified seeds popped up due to a seed giveaway I was hosting. I mentioned that it would be a good topic for further discussion and recently Susy at Chiot’s Run put together a great post explaining everything that you need to know about GM seeds. It’s frustrating to realize that a large seed conglomerate…