Today I was stumbling through Stumble Upon and happened to come across a great tutorial on building a $50 greenhouse! What is especially cool is that the author of the blog (The Door Garden) who wrote the tutorial is also a Tennessean (Cookeville). The greenhouse he built is a hoop house made from PVC and has about 165 square feet of space. This looks like a very economical project that home gardeners could definitely benefit from building. Go say “Hi!” to David and his $50 Greenhouse.
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Hey Dave, I will check it out! It’s always fun to meet more TN bloggers! Are you tempted to build it?
I’m tempted but I’ve got several old patio doors and some windows to put together for a greenhouse. The big problem is time. David’s hoop house looks like it could be put together in a short amount of time.
I’m afraid it’d not be big enough for me. But it’d make a nice one for those who don’t want a bigger size greenhouse.