Spring is hitting us full force right now in mid April. Flowers are blooming everywhere! The mailbox garden is covered in spring time flowers and in just about every other garden is a spot of color to talk about. This post is plant and garden photo heavy so be prepared!
April Blooms in the Mailbox Garden
We’ll start the garden tour with the mailbox garden! It’s changed a lot over the years but still has some of the same plants like:
‘May Night’ salvia
Creeping Phlox with Pansies
‘Homestead Purple’ Verbena
‘Homestead Purple’ Verbena is a staple in my garden and is propagated every year to spread around as a filler.
Creeping Phlox, Dianthus, ‘May Night’ salvia, Verbena in a wider photo shot.
The Front Gardens
More Creeping Phlox
Golden Ragwort
The Corner Shade Garden
It’s a sterile hybrid of the Japanese dogwoods (Cornus kousa) and our native Cornus florida.
Japanese maple
Ajuga – Bugle Weed
Solomon’s Seal (toward front) and Hellebore (Lenton Rose) in center.
Photos From a Few Other Gardens
Red Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens)
This the native honeysuckle!
Snowball Viburnum
Still kinda green!
‘Shasta’ Viburnum (on left) and Lunaria – Moneyplant toward center next to a hosta.
That’s it for today! I didn’t take pictures of the strawberries – they deserve their own post!
Stop by Carol’s blog for more April blooms.
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Things have really popped in your part of the world, lovely.
Thinking of trying Solomons seal in the future.
Things happen overnight in the gardens this time of the year…looks beautiful Dave. Re: Video Cameras–look into "Sony HD bloggie" –it's really cool.
Looks like spring as I remember it at home, fifty years ago in the foothills. — I'm not implying your garden is old-fashioned, the plants are familiar as I remember.
Lucky! I'm in Alaska and we're still waiting for the snow to melt.