Photos from Around the Garden in February

This are warming up again around our Tennessee garden this February.  While I’m writing this post spring-like storms are pouring down outside.  February again seems more like March than February!  But that’s how it is sometimes with our weather patterns in TN.  We get some crazy stuff sometimes.  The unseasonable warmth has given rise to many things that would normally be postponed until later.  Some plants seem right on schedule while others are early – too early.  For today’s post here is a quick look around my garden at what’s happening!

Purple Crocuses in Bloom

Blooms from daffodils in the Japanese maple garden are brightening up our patio area!

The daffodils in the Japanese maple garden

More crocuses are beginning to emerge in one of our front gardens.

This ‘Autumn Joy’ sedum is sprouting new growth.  ‘Autumn joy’ has a tendency to flop over in the summer.  You can reduce that from happening some by trimming it back in mid to late spring.

Here’s a mass of cilantro that was planted last fall from seed.  Check out this post for more growing tips on cilantro – it’s an easy herb to grow!

The forsythia is almost ready to bloom.  Here’s one flower that is just about open.  Blooms are coming along at breakneck speed!

A peach tree I planted last spring is loaded with flower blossoms.  It may need some help this year.  Deer visit us in the night, frosts may be coming, and who knows what other ailments may arise.  Peaches are picky!  

This picture is my favorite of this post.  The frost crystals on this viburnum are highlighted by the morning sunshine from the other morning.  Very cool – more ways than one! 

How’s spring coming in your garden?

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5 thoughts on “Photos from Around the Garden in February”

  1. It's beautiful in my area of Tennessee. The sun isn't shining now but it was earlier. Your photos make me anxious for Spring. I've never planted any Crocuses but they are beautiful. My buttercups have been blooming a couple of weeks and still look great. My Autumn Joy looks like yours, barely peeking out. I love this plant, mine has pink blooms. You mentioned trimming it back, how could I root what I trim off? My Forsythia is usually a late bloomer and is always spectacular. I'm ready to get in the dirt, I'm going to prepare a few raised beds. What's your opinion on tilling the soil? I've read various articles on the subject saying it distrubs the various microrganisms. I'll probably plant some the old fashioned way and some in beds. Great article. Thanks.

  2. We awoke this morning to rolling waves of thunder with a few jabs of lightning thrown in for good measure. I still have just one lone daffodil that has bloomed; the others are more cautious, I guess 🙂 We moved here last May, and the previous owners left us a fairly empty slate to garden on. But I have row of forsythias that promise to pop open very soon, and my Japanese and Louisiana irises are happily bogged down at the pond's edge. But for now I'm happy to find the tree buds swelling bigger every day and watch a pair of bluebirds househunt in the backyard.

  3. My goodness, spring has sprung there in Tennessee! Not quite here, although we do have snowdrops starting to bloom and even a crocus opened up this week for the first. March can be brutal, but I'm hoping it won't be. It's nice to see things blooming where you are, because that means it will get to us before too long!

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