I wrote about caryopteris last year so I won’t go deep into the details again but I thought you might like to see how I’m using it in the garden. First a bit of explanation. I once saw a picture of a row of caryopteris at Longwood Gardens and I thought “why not try that here?” The picture had caryopteris against a backdrop of arborvitae but not everything has to be duplicated! Since caryopteris propagates extremely easily from virtually any type of cutting putting together a row of them doesn’t cost much at all. I began with just a couple plants two years ago (actual ‘Longwood Blue’ caryopteris) and propagated several more. Then last year I bought a two more that were a little larger than my cuttings so that I could fill in some gaps.

This year couple of other plants (not caryopteris) died out and left gaps where I could plant more caryopteris. I have several ready to go I’ve just been waiting for rain in the forecast to plant them. The line of blue extends about 25-30 feet along this border garden. Behind the caryopteris are a couple crape myrtles and a redbud that arc over the caryopteris row.

It’s amazing how easy caryopteris is to take care of and grow. It rarely seems to need supplemental watering and has never been nibbled on by deer or rabbits. It grows into a 3′ shrub in my garden but can be trimmed back significantly to reduce the eventual size of the plant and influence its shape some. Pruning should be done in the spring to give the flowers plenty of time to develop.

And I’m not the only one who likes it! Look at this little skipper butterfly enjoying the pollen from the fall blooming caryopteris.

What plants have you found that make a good row or hedge planting?
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Dear Dave ! I have finally made it over here … that was a long walk ! phew 😉
That is a plant I actually don't have as of yet for some reason !
I love how you have used it as an edging .. like a border or hedgerow ? That is what I want to do with my Provence lavender next year .. great minds thin alike ? haha
In any case .. you have nudged me into making sure I get at least one of these plants next Spring .. they are low care and look great here !
Joy : )
I've never tried this plant either, but it's always on my wish list. After seeing the great hedge you have made with them, I know I must correct this soon. Love the backdrop of Crepes too. 🙂
Wow, like the way you have arranged them. Love it. I need to see if it will do here.
You know I just saw a lovely pot of this at Lowes the other day and had it my hand then put it down. I have killed both caryopteris I've tried to grow here. I probably don't have enough sun or good drainage. Not sure. Yours is most lovely. It looks almost like catmint in that row. The crepes behind it look great too!@
Hey Dave, I decided to purchase 6 Summer Sorbet from the sale rack ($3 each) at Lowes this AM after reading this post~ They seem a bit paler then photos from nurseries on internet~but, I do hope they survive.
Any suggestions~I'll take cutting to ensure I have more! gail
Hi Joy! Glad you could make it! Check its hardiness for your area first to make sure it will do well but otherwise it is a great fall bloomer!
It's a good one! Take it off your wish list and add it to the garden. Reliable color that lasts till the cold weather comes.
Thanks Lola!
I'd like to add more over time. I've been waiting for this dry spell to get over with to plant more.
It might do well near your roadside area. As long as it has plenty of sunshine mine seem to do fine.
I've been eying some of those at our local store. Not on the discount racks yet so I haven't bought them. Caryopteris cuttings will work without even adding rooting hormone. Just stick it in soil, much like a forsythia, and about two weeks later you should have some rooting! You can do some hardwood cuttings this fall after the frost.