The Fall Color Project 2009

It’s time! I’ve already noticed a few leaves of the cherries and sassafras beginning to turn colors on their way to some fantastic fall foliage. Our August temperatures gave us a preview of the weather ahead but it couldn’t show us the potential color show that autumn brings. With fall foliage comes the 2009 edition of The Fall Color Project. This is open to any blogger anywhere who wants to highlight the changing fall colors in your area.

I started the Fall Color Project last year to highlight the peak color changes as they transition from the north to the south in our hemisphere. I was thrilled with the response and all the participants who joined in. It was nothing short of amazing to see all the autumn scenes from Canada on southward. I am really looking forward to seeing what this year’s fall color will bring and I really hope you will jump in to participate.

Here are the details!

1) Take pictures of the peak fall colors near you and post about them on your blog. Be sure to tell us some details of where the pictures were taken and what kind of trees are pictured. It doesn’t have to be in your yard, just somewhere near you.
2) Next report back to this post and let me know that you’ve posted your peak colors. I’ll link to your post so that everyone may enjoy your fall color display.
3) Be sure to identify your City, State (or province) and Country in your post and in the link.
4) Also please be sure to link back to this post ( so that other bloggers may learn about the Fall Color Project and can participate!

In theory we should be able to follow the transition of peak times from far in the north to as far south as the leaves change color.

I’ll post the most recent 5 blog posts in my sidebar with a link to a summary post that will include some of the details of each fall color location. All bloggers are welcome to participate, it’s not just for garden bloggers!

Please feel free to invite anyone you know who blogs and likes to take pictures outdoors. If you happen to be traveling somewhere you are welcome to document the changes there too. And as I said last year “quickly go out there and take some fall color pictures in their prime before the trees get naked!”

Pictures from Fall 2008

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52 thoughts on “The Fall Color Project 2009”

  1. We are just getting tiny bits of color here and there. Peak won't be for a bit but I would love to jump in to your invitation. I will enjoy seeing everyone else's fall changes and be able to compare them to my own. Thanks, be back soon!

  2. Dear Dave .. I have my fingers crossed I can photograph some spectacular south eastern Ontario COLOUR (yes .. we Canucks spell it that way) for this project .. we are having very warm days with wonderful cool nights so a wee bit is beginning already .. love this project !
    Joy : )

  3. Racquel,

    It has to end sometime! I always look forward to fall, it's the winter I dread.


    We're beginning to see those changes too, it won't be long. All the moisture we've had this season should provide a great display.


    Just be sure to post again here when your peak colors are ready!


    Colour or color it will all look great! Can't wait to see some Canadian Colour! (BTW Spell check told me I misspelled colour ;))

  4. Thank the Lord summer is on the way out. It won't get breathable here until the end of October. Any entry I make will be much later than yours. Most trees here go from green to brown without much pizzaz; but I'll keep my eyes open.

  5. Stunning photos you posted and it sounds like a great project! I look forward to seeing people's updates! BTW, if you are interested, I'm having a giveaway at my blog (a couple of posts back). Have a great Labor Day weekend!

  6. Hiya Dave,

    Doesn't a year just fly by! Scary.
    I still remember some of the striking images people submitted in 2008, and you presented them at their best.
    This year I haven't very high hopes as the weather conditions have been so different. But you never know: in a few more weeks things may change. Holey and red?

  7. I can't wait to participate again this year — the colours were stunning last year. We're seeing a hint of those wonderful hues here in Nova Scotia, but are at least a couple weeks away from peak colour. I hope you have lots of participation again this year! Your grass photos are lovely, Dave.

  8. Hiya Dave,

    The reds exploded in my UK garden all of a sudden. Totally unexpected and very swiftly.
    The 2009 spectacle post is HERE

    Thank you for organizing this again this year. Such fun to see the reds spreading southwards.

  9. Dave,

    I recently found your blog, and have been enjoying your posts. I am a fellow Tennessean, and I am enthused about your Fall Color Project 2009. I plan to take photos of Autumn's peak here, but as of yet…we're still pretty green where I am. I can't wait for the reds, and oranges, and yellows, and golds!

    I have posted your link and encouraged my readers to visit your site to participate in your project. I can't wait to see all the photos of Autumn. Thanks for your inspiring project.

  10. Elizabeth H. said
    Hi Dave,

    I learned of your site through
    and I think your site is really pretty. I enjoy the fall leaves so much.
    And just to think we can look forward to them each season.

    While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
    Genesis 8:22

  11. Elizabeth H. said
    Hi Dave,

    I learned of your site through
    and I think your site is really pretty. I enjoy the fall leaves so much.
    And just to think we can look forward to them each season.

    While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
    Genesis 8:22

  12. Hi Dave, Tina reminded me to join the Fall Color Project. It's up now until Wednesday morning with a link to you. The photos are from my hiking trip in Bethel, Maine over Columbus Day weekend. That's an hour and a half from my home on the coast where the leaves haven't quite peaked yet.

    Here's the link URL:

    and hyperlink:

    Snow Falling on Maples

    You have my permission to copy a photo from the post for yours. Thanks for hosting this again!

  13. Hi Dave — I've finally posted an offering for this year's Fall Colour Project. You can find it here: It's not precisely what I'd thought it would be; I'd hoped to have more photos, but a series of unfortunate events recently (including the theft of my laptop by someone IN our apartment building) had left me with little motivation to capture what little colour there actually is this year. So — I hope you enjoy this ditty just the same. The entries so far have been wonderful — I figured I'd better post *something* or it would be time for the First Snowfall Project to kick in. 🙂 Great job, as usual.

  14. Patsi,

    Your not too late! You can join in the Fall Color Project anytime. Technically it's still fall until Dec. 21 so you have lots of time still!

  15. Hi Dave, I'm working on a post right now. I never did get out with the camera during our best time for color. But I went out today and snapped as many as I could in the neighborhood. I'll be back this weekend to link to you. Thanks! Jan

  16. Hope I'm not too late for the party, Dave. I've posted photos of overhead leaves in my driveway and streets in my beautiful neighborhood (Bloomfield Village MI)in my November Muse Muse Day post. I will include this link also. Happy Golden November 🙂

  17. I didn't know about this meme until just now, but I guess everyone is thinking about autumn color. I've had several postings about autumn color, even beyond our famous New England maples.

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