How about a fall foliage trip to Bethlehem? Bethlehem, PA that is! Yet another example of fine Pennsylvania foliage is on display with photos taken from Penn’s Peak by Marie at
Garden in Bethlehem PA. Oaks, maples, locusts and all kinds of other trees are coating the hills like paint on a canvas.

Kylee of
Our Little Acre has fall colors. In her Ohio garden all sorts of beautiful displays of the season have emerged from maples, crabapples, and dogwoods to one of my favorite plants: viburnums! You also get a look at some pretty cool cats out and about on a fall day. I’ll bet they are thankful they got away from their
close encounter!
Sarah Laurence offers us up a treat of two seasons. I say two seasons since snow in our area is almost exclusively a winter event. Did I say snow? Wow snow! Pictures of frosted red maple leaves and a dusting of snow covering everything are the icing on the fall color cake!
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Dear Dave .. I have perhaps one more chance today to grab some foliage pictures in between the rain we have been cursed with for so long now .. fingers crossed I can join in soon !!
Joy : )
It was such a pleasure visiting those posts! You are right about the snow being the icing on the cake. It did look like that. Thanks for including me and hosting the fall color project again.
Whoa, Dave, for one awful moment I thought you were telling us it snowed in nearby Bethlehem! (Oh NOOOOO!!!!) Whew. Great blogs and great pics as always.