Fall Plant Propagation Updates: How my Summer Cuttings Rooted

In my latest YouTube video I went through and checked on many of the plants I’ve taking cuttings from this summer. There are a variety of plants in the video including rosemary, ninebark, fothergilla, boxwoods, crape myrtle, and cherry laurels. This was actually the first time I’ve tried rooting fothergilla and I had pretty good success taking a few small cuttings.

How to Root These Plants

Fothergilla has some beautiful fall color!

Here is a list of links to the individual rooting methods I used for each of these plants in case you would like to review how I did them and give them a try for yourself!

October Plant Propagation Update Video:

Also if you enjoyed this information on plant propagation please subscribe to Growing The Home Garden on YouTube or share it with your friends.

Boxwood Cuttings

How to Propagate Basil

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Plant Propagation Cloner

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hydrangea propagation through cuttings

Hydrangea Propagation (Hydrangea macrophylla)

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How to Propagate Hardwood Cuttings of Russian Sage

The other day I had an idea.  Instead of taking my pruned Russian sage branches and just dumping them in the compost, I thought what if I tried to make cuttings from them? I’ve propagated Russian sage cuttings very easily in the spring from softwood…

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